All you need to do to stop that is make it possible for private individuals to conduct or verify a background check without involving an FFL dealer.
Sellers have a responsibility to sell only to non-prohibited people. Without a public background check option, that means you can’t sell if you have reason to believe they are prohibited.
As soon as you provide the option, your refusal to conduct a check stops being exculpatory evidence and starts demonstrating malfeasance. 4 weeks ago
North Carolina no longer requires a permit, except for concealed carry. 4 weeks ago
Which is good because it was a racist Jim Crow law and the majority of denials were to black people. 4 weeks ago
I did not know that. I do know you still have to get the federal background check, but that is handled by the gun shops and not the state. 4 weeks ago
Well gun shops and FBI of course, but yeah not the state.