Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks agoOver turning Bush II’s policies were the primary reason I voted for Obama. Since then, I’ve only depressingly voted for democrats on the basis that they would at least slow the rise of fascism.
This isn’t “both sides”, but if we couldn’t get gitmo closed with democrats, how could we do it with bold faced fascists? 4 weeks ago
Oh, so the expecting was always that a authoritarian was going to seize control of the federal government and open a concentration camps there? Funny, cause I never heard that argument but, yeah, sure, completely salient now. 4 weeks ago
Bush II was already fascist and used gitmo for exactly that. It’s specifically outside the US boarder so they can make an argument that American civil rights laws don’t apply there. At the very least, press and public can’t reach it.
People were screaming from the top of their lungs that this exact scenario. Yes, this was expected and we cared too much about the economy to care. 4 weeks ago
Again, this is a false equivalence. Show me where bush II staged a coup. I have no love for the man but it’s entirely irrelevant to what is happening today.…/timeline-20-years-of-guantanamo-b…
Show me on the timeliness where, “people shouted at the top of their lungs” that gizmo would be repurposed to open concentration camps. 4 weeks ago
2000 was a judicial coup dawg 4 weeks ago
Oh so as long as people aren’t open and proud about it, you’re fine with thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis being raped and tortured by Uncle Sam.
Good to know the only real problem here for you is the rhetoric. 4 weeks ago…/index.html
This shit has been a slow boil since Bush II or even Goldwater. 4 weeks ago
You’re talking like it hasn’t always been a concentration camp. If liberals bothered to hold their own people accountable and have an actual red line that couldn’t be crossed, someone like Trump could have never made it into office. 4 weeks ago
The most gitno ever held was maybe 700-800 people. Trumps talking 30000. Just because it’s a building and war crimes are done there doesn’t mean it’s a concentration camp. 4 weeks ago
People are still being held there, with no due process for over 20 years.
1 person being held with no due process is as bad as 30000.
Liberals and their fucking trump derangement syndrome keep fighting the wrong things. 4 weeks ago
Yes, actually. Edward Snowden risked hanging for treason by leaking the NSA mass surveillance program for just this reason. He’s the last true patriot, imo, and I wish he’d stayed and made the government take him to trial over their blatantly illegal program instead of ending up as a trophy on Putin’s shelf. 4 weeks ago
Again, not playing your fuck fuck game.