So far this new president helped stop the genocide that Biden was supporting.
Yup. I hope the “Biden is committing genocide” and “Dems didn’t solve every problem known to man” are happy with their new president they helped elect. 5 weeks ago 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
First of all, just because he did something good doesn’t make Trump “my hero”. But feel free to say that, that’ll 100% work to convince people. Second of all - all I know is the situation from my friends there. And they are returning to their old workplace. They are talking about rebuilding. Right now they got a reprieve, with a ceasefire agreement from October, that was refused then, with the US government saying “it’s Hamas who refused it” which was obvious bullshit. They are also getting medical devices in. So yeah, I’ll believe the people who are actually there, over a random dude on lemmy, thanks. 4 weeks ago
You’re the random dude on lemmy who claims to “know people” vs the random dude on lemmy who cites his sources.
Israel and Netanyahu preferred Trump by a wide margin over Kalama, so unless you’re a Zionist I wouldn’t recommend celebrating yet. 4 weeks ago
So yeah, I’ll believe the people who are actually there, over a random dude on lemmy, thanks.
You actually think the legal dept. over at NBC and CBS would allow them to publish quotes from the POTUS that weren’t true? Those are actual quotes of what Trump said. But, yeah, believe what you feel like believing. 4 weeks ago
First of all, just because he did something good
He didn’t. You’re just ignorant. 4 weeks ago
Trump also confirmed he had instructed the military to resume shipments of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, which had been paused over concerns about civilian casualties.
Biden sent 14,000 of those bombs as of July last year. Enough to kill roughly a million people in a concentrated enough area. Some critical context you missed in your framing of the situation. 4 weeks ago
Boy are you woefully misrepresenting reality. 4 weeks ago
So it was Biden who got the ceasefire? 4 weeks ago
Ahhh. I get it. You live in a month ago. Here, let me catch you up a bit:
So trump is going to help Israel turn Palestine into a glass crater……
And then there’s this disaster of a plan
And let’s not forget that his take on the subject is to “clean out the whole thing”….
So, I’mna go ahead and let you catch up to currently, and ask that once you arrive at now, you do your best to keep up with the rest of the class. 4 weeks ago
What ceasefire? The one that was violated immediately? 4 weeks ago
So far this new president helped stop the genocide that Biden was supporting.
I’ll take “Utterly Moronic Comments Stated Unironically” for $500, Alex. 4 weeks ago
Kewl funny quirky meme! Shame it lacks any substance and literally contradicts what I’m hearing from my friends. But by all means, close your eyes, stick fingers in your ears and go “lalalalalalala can’t hear you lalalallalala” like the grownup you are. 4 weeks ago
Are you seriously disagreeing with the assessment of Biden committing (or being complicit in, potato potatoh) genocide? Or is it only talking about it that you have a problem with? 4 weeks ago
I’m being an adult that accepts the reality I live in.
In that reality there is basically no scenario where America gives up its most important long-term ally in the Middle East over a never-ending religious conflict they’re having with someone else.
So, being that’s the reality we live in, I can determine that the situation is INFINITELY better off in the hands of one party than the other. So I voted for that party to mitigate the damage that we’re now going to see due to a bunch of idiots that didn’t want to accept the reality they lived in and ended up making the very thing they cared about worse.
I also voted for that party because I’m not a moron single issue voter and I know there’s a lot else at stake right here at home. 4 weeks ago
I asked three questions. Which one are you saying no to? 4 weeks ago
I said “no” because I mean NO to all three. I’m not typing it 3 times for you. You are not important enough to me to say no to each of your questions. You get one no, because I utterly disagree with you, in a sweeping manner.
Sure it is, when the alternative is a WORSE genocide. Are you so simple that you can’t grasp that death and lots more death are different things with different degrees of severity? You keep saying hefty words like “evasion” and “delusional”, but you’re an individual that can’t tell the difference between a person that expresses their disapproval directly to the person committing a horrific act and a person that says “full steam ahead” to that person. So I’m going to use a hefty word on you. Ignorant.
Yes, it actually, literally is.
Yes. The world is black and white. There are no shades of grey. To simpletons.
If war crimes, or what you perceive to be war crimes, remove a candidate from contention for you, then you’d never vote for another president, ever. Very mature stance you’ve taken there.
Or you’re simply an adult trying to make sure the significantly worse option doesn’t become reality.
But you, you are simply someone sitting on the fence, dishing out morality from what you believe is your high horse.
Because your alternative to voting for 2 “genociders” is to either not vote or vote 3rd party, which are unquestionably stupid things to do. Why? Because not voting is profoundly stupid. And voting for a 3rd party that CANNOT win, is also profoundly stupid. The 3rd party candidate with the most votes only got half of a single percentage of the total votes. A 3rd party CAN NOT WIN.
So excuse me if I’m tired of listening to someone pretending they’re a moral authority while contributing absolutely nothing to the situation, at all.