- Comment on The fact that this is a real image is infuriating 1 day ago:
Finding out that musk is a Nazi is infuriating? Or just nazis in general?
- Comment on Hold on! 1 day ago:
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 4 days ago:
That’s actually not a bad idea!
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
That’s a hard pitch to a platform known to be unflinchingly rigid about their wind tunnels.
- Comment on They fucking geoblocked blahaj.zone 1 week ago:
They must have thought that admin defending a troll was the last straw as well.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. 😀
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
It’s actually: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
But that’s where all the funny shit is. The collective .ml take on most things is comedy gold!
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
Your entire comment history reads like a cautionary tale of what happens when you deny a child the attention they crave.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
I’ve seen people banned with “liberal” being the reason.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
So? It’s the same .ml users complaining.
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 2 weeks ago:
Becau$e rea$ons.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
You’re absolutely right that I ignored it. Because it’s an absurd take and therefore I dismissed it.
I’ve said it already- but I guess it did’t sink in:
Loneliness is a part of being human and exists within ALL cultures, races, governments, wealth brackets, employment statuses, genders, and ages.
End of story.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
And ad hominem is?
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
Not at all! I am just able to recognize a futile argument against ignorance before it happens. And I don’t exercise futility. It comes with age.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2: Electric Boogaloo 2 weeks ago:
You were probably banned from .ml. because speaking against the hive there falls within their vague “everything we don’t like is a rule 1 violation!”
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
Rofl! Yeah… I’m done.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
Capitalism is responsible for pickiness now??
Loneliness is a side effect of being human. You think there aren’t lonely people living under socialism? Under communism? Or any other types of governments and socioeconomic systems?
For fuck’s sake. When people blame everything on capitalism, it dilutes the water of any real argument you may eventually have.
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 2 weeks ago:
Considering that no one has ever factually seen an alien, we’re left with nothing but our ability to imagine them. And in times past, we don’t have big budget imaginations like we have now. So like all things from the past, even our fantasies were basic in comparison.
Ever wonder why no one claims to have seen little grey men anymore? Or for that matter- when was the last claim of alien abduction?
It’s because it’s all bullshit.
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 2 weeks ago:
Lack of creativity from the first people claiming to have seen one. The rest just piled on.
- Comment on This message will not go away unless I agree to their spyware. 3 weeks ago:
Delete the app. Easily fixed.
- Comment on Why is my post hidden from lemmy.world instance? 2 months ago:
Could be an issue with the app I’m using. Thanks for the links.
- Comment on Why is my post hidden from lemmy.world instance? 2 months ago:
Is there some issue where I’m not able to send any messages to admins? I’ve tried all admins on .world and the option to send a PM is not there.
- Comment on Can someone give me an overview on the Jill Stein situation? 2 months ago:
Russian shill trying to siphon votes from Harris so that trump can get an undeserved win.
- Comment on How do you get better at debate without necessarily doing a debate? 2 months ago:
Learn to spot logical fallacies and how to exploit them. And never let them put you on a defensive to the point where you lose focus of your point.
- Comment on Liberals are losing their minds over Elon Musk 2 months ago:
No, we admired some of the things he did- until he showed who he really is. A racist piece of MAGA-loving shit.
- Comment on Liberals are losing their minds over Elon Musk 2 months ago:
Yeah… but they’re not
- Comment on Why am I seeing "plan your voting day strategy" so often? 3 months ago:
If you’re a conservative however, all you need is a drivers license or state ID, and the names of all your dead relatives who are also voting.
- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 3 months ago:
I’d say it is none of my business what they did for employment prior to where they are now and stay out of their life.
- Comment on Phonebooks 3 months ago:
You mean to say you’ve never even seen a move with someone using a rotary phone?