- Comment on Current chain of command 5 weeks ago:
According to…that woman with a book about his wealth? Article says 70 to 200 btw, not 200.
- Comment on Current chain of command 5 weeks ago:
Yes, Putin’s in charge, with his one hundred million dollars and zero sway over the entire Western economic establishment.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 1 month ago:
History will look back at the American empire and judge all its complicit civilians equally. It’s Democrat vanity that makes them think they’re not in the same genocidal boat as Republicans.
- Comment on Uniquely American 1 month ago:
Not blaming anyone for not being able to do it, but rather just practically speaking - only thing you can really do in this economy is manage to squeeze enough money out of wage labor to get into trading. A lot easier said than done. The game people try to play of climbing up the corporate ladder is a dead end.
- Comment on I'll show them 1 month ago:
Yes, this was in 1984, the TVs that watch you back.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 1 month ago:
I’m not having fun.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 1 month ago:
Am I supposed to read more than a sentence of this
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 1 month ago:
I don’t think that’s a sane way to respond to the comment he posted
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 1 month ago:
The redditization of lemmy.world is finally complete. Congratulations.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Just more black-hearted defense of genocidal politicians. Shame on you.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Huge red flag, using “centrist” to apply to anyone who criticizes both political parties. Lot of those people identify as “leftists” with Democrats to their “right”. It’s an really grotesque America-centric framing that makes it sound like any position outside of the genocidal American mainstream is automatically wrong, and any bipartisan critique is just lazy indecisiveness. As if every systemic critique of this country is wrong. As if you ever even bothered to think critically about the entire system yourself, or what better possibilities are out there.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Trump also confirmed he had instructed the military to resume shipments of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, which had been paused over concerns about civilian casualties.
Biden sent 14,000 of those bombs as of July last year. Enough to kill roughly a million people in a concentrated enough area. Some critical context you missed in your framing of the situation.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
I asked three questions. Which one are you saying no to?
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
This is exactly why I don’t respect you - you’re talking about everything but the GENOCIDE.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
I wish this site had a working block feature like reddit. Some of these people just need to be cut out of responding.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
What point? A personal attack and a nitpick about hyphenation? Is that the substance of your argument in defense of people who voted for mass murderers? This is what we’re talking about when we say Democrats are obsessed with “respectability politics” and don’t give a fuck about morality.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Oh look, it’s Lemmy’s resident “fuck third parties” guy posting again.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Are you seriously disagreeing with the assessment of Biden committing (or being complicit in, potato potatoh) genocide? Or is it only talking about it that you have a problem with?
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
I am getting pretty sweary these days, getting really tired of pseudointellectual Americans whitewashing their genocidal government. Educated people can make their own judgment without you coloring in their reality for them, thanks.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
Vote anyone else in an election like this one, you’re an idiot. The 3rd party candidate with the most votes only got half of a single percent of the total votes. In other words, no 3rd party candidate had even the whisper of a chance of winning.
We had this thread last week. The people on your side were wrong.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
It is what it is. Let the evidence speak for itself.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
If it makes you feel any better, the reality of Biden and Harris being equally complicit in genocide as Trump reveals that the same people were in charge under the last Democrat administrations as well.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
The popularity of both of the imperial genocidal candidates is the result of centuries of conditioning and the collapse of the education system and free press. It’s a cyclical problem. We vote them in, they keep us stupid, we vote them in again.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
The popularity of both of the imperial genocidal candidates is the result of centuries of conditioning and the collapse of the education system and free press. It’s a cyclical problem. We vote them in, they keep us stupid, we vote them in again.
- Comment on The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it's gonna be handled are already in the works 2 months ago:
House resolutions aren’t binding law. They may want to ban abortion, they may try in the next 4 years, but this is not what that is.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
Honestly, no amount of careful planning and design will restrain a society where enough people have gone completely insane. Look at “Israel”.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
I used to land at basically this analysis myself, but there are definitely some assumptions that need to be addressed. We can probably agree that to a significant degree “money is power”, or at least, money can elicit power, especially in terms of directing the actions of the desperate. We witness in our society - which is not pure “free market capitalism” - that inequality is rampant. There are theoretical explanations for this blaming both government intervention and just simply the behavior of individuals within the market that centralize wealth. And, conversely, there are theoretical explanations for how government can decentralize wealth, or how market participants can decentralize wealth (including boycotts, unions, etc.). The biggest challenge with this age-old “communism vs. capitalism” debate is that establishing overall tendencies for state vs. private actors requires exhaustive historical analysis, and is not even inherent to the nature of either actor, i.e., someone as a private actor, or state actor, can act in a way that either centralizes or decentralizes wealth. The only overarching principle you can even safely state is that the actions of a state are distinct from those as a private actor because of the “monopoly on violence” factor, i.e., the ability to enforce unfair demands that people can’t escape in practice (a behavior that leftie types usually accuse capitalism of, inversely, by pointing to corporate monopoly power - which of course, depends on the dictates of a state or equivalent body to enforce).
The only way I was able to resolve the problems with this whole analytical framework - communism, capitalism, state, private - was to reject this terminology entirely and perform the analysis in terms of individual behavior, actions, inanimate vs. animate, and the ethical properties deriving from those. A “state” is a useful abstraction at times and a confusing complication at other times. “Capitalism” and “communism” as terms have no universally agreed upon definition, resulting in unproductive, endless, circular debates. What we’re really trying to do is design a social system that maximizes outcomes for every criteria we like - equality, prosperity, individual wellbeing, health, lack of environmental externalities, etc.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
That gets to the root of the problem. We have “checks and balances” designed around the idea that separate institutions would check the excesses of each other. Even if you don’t accept the “Republicans and Democrats work for the same people” theory, well, now all three branches of government are majority Republican, and not even in a way where there’s significant internal division or strife, so it’s just a bulldozer. The stupidity of not including popular recall votes in the Constitution - or really, just not having a mechanism for popular referendums, vetoes, etc. - is I think its biggest fault. The “representative democracy” model is inherently flawed because you can corrupt representatives, while corrupting an entire population, while not impossible, is a hell of a lot harder.
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 2 months ago:
I looked that car up a few days ago - know why? It was Jesse’s car in Breaking Bad.
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 2 months ago:
If you’re into cars for curiosity’s sake, it’s a fun deep dive to look into the cars used in Russia, including the USSR-era ones. Harsh winter conditions, huge backcountry. Some of the government issue ones, uh, GAZ-69, UAZ-469, GAZ-66. One of the crazier things is in the colder regions (e.g. Yakutia) engine cooling isn’t an issue, rather they have to insulate the engine so that it’ll be warm enough to start.