I’m jealous. My local IGA is rubbish. Dirty fridges, saggy fruit and veg, no special products. Once I bought milk there and it was off the next day, suspect it wasn’t refrigerated properly. I don’t shop there even though it’s closer than colesworth and I like the idea of supporting independents. But it’s just not an appealing place to buy food from.
Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🏡 Tuesday, 21 January, 2025
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 month ago
My local IGA does pork crackle. Making banh mis is simple as now. They also do fresh sushi rolls and coffee. I want to know what other IGAs do out there.
SituationCake@aussie.zone 1 month ago
dumblederp@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Mine’s 3/4 booze. Surprisingly, it’s competitively priced. They close at 8:30, I’ve seen a few fights between warring groups of locals out the front over the years. Coupla stabbings.
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Ours seems to be a derro stop courtesy of the park bench out the front.
The other day I walked passed and someone (on her Pat Malone) was having a full on convo with her imaginary office co workers. Do not look up CEO. Keep your eyes on the ground.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Ours has a crazy range or Japanese specific foods. Like, half the shop is just Japanese groceries.
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Yes please!!
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Mine sells a bunch of local stuff… fresh pizza, sushi, dumplings / curry from the place next door. Bit steep though being honest.
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Why not just buy the curry next door? Lol.
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Good point!
Alamutjones@aussie.zone 1 month ago
My local is outrageously good at Latin American stuff. Arepas in the freezer section are lit.
I don’t know WHY there’s Latin American stuff all over it, as the owners appear to be from the subcontinent, but it’s pretty good shit
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 month ago
That sounds so good! I like that it’s different to what you’d normally find in IGAs.
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 month ago
The closest IGA is tiny and expensive, has nice fresh bread rolls, nice meat and that’s about it. Better than it used to be though, the guy who used to own it would have a ciggie while filling the milk fridge and when you opened the fridge door you could smell it 😝 The next nearest one was awesome when it opened, they had a little cafe in there and great fruit, veg and meat, but now changed owners and lots of empty shelves and the cafe but gone and bakery section shut. The one nearest my work has a little section where you choose things in their display and they cook it for you, as well as exotic bottled drinks and fresh popcorn, and also really good meat at a great price. I love going there.
TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Piedmonte’s in North Fitzroy does nice fresh home cooked meals packaged for one - ready to heat and eat. I’ve lost count of the number of chicken stroganoffs with rice & veg I’ve bought when I cbf cooking. Their lasagne is meh, but the porchetta with noodles & veg meal is pretty legit too. Also their Italian Rice Salad - which is deeeelicious when heated up a bit in the microwave. They also do a nice roast chook too - bit heavy on the salt for my taste but always well cooked and juicy. They also sell vacuum packs of the ends of the smallgoods rolls all chopped up and ready to go on pizza or whatever. Yummmmm. Very cheap way to enjoy very expensive smallgoods. Like $4 will buy 300g of a variety of amazing sausages like regional calabrese and sopresso and expensive wood smoked hams of various sorts all costing over $30 per kilo and some of them over $70 per kilo. Great way to add amazing flavour to stews and cottage pies and stir fries and things.
Pricing generally is a touch above Colesworth standard but worth it if you cbf cooking. They price their just before due date meat very well, and I’ve had a lot of delicious bargains from them. Particularly the flat iron steak which is a fab fave of mine. I tend not to buy veg/fruit from them as Psarakos Market is better and cheaper, but for ready meals and meat Piedmonte’s is excellent. They also stock 1000 lire pasta as ready meals as well as the usual suspects like Corelogic - these are nice but pricey. Good range of vego and vegan stuff too.
The Miller St IGA has a limited range of fresh stuff, and has a good range of frozen stuff but don’t bother going there for a major shop of ingredients. Good for emergencies when you can’t be arsed going further afield. Their range of speciality chocolate is impressive. Good stock turnover, which makes me think that people are shopping there quite a bit even if I don’t.
I’m missing my local bakery, which is on holiday until late January - their banh mi is superb! Also their tiger rolls. Only 8 days to go until they’re back in business. Can hardly wait.
dumblederp@aussie.zone 1 month ago
I love my variety packs of ‘ends’ from Europa. It’s like a charcuterie pinata.
TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone 1 month ago
Yeah, I love dissecting the package to see just what’s in it.