Much of the Special Relativity value was on Lorenz mechanics anyway.
And General Relativity, the Photoelectric Effect explanation, and his explanation for the Brownian movement all needed a great deal of anti-establishment thinking… honestly, I have no idea how much Newton had of that. 5 weeks ago
Possible. But then we'd need somebody else to develop calculus and write a Principia Mathematica and lay the groundworks for the age of enlightenment. 5 weeks ago
Poor, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz… 5 weeks ago
Heheh, valid objection. Guess Newton wasn't the only smart person in history 😆 And drama has always been part of human history... But we still hear those names over 300 years later. Along with a lot of other names of people whose results are taught in university today. But yeah, that hypothetical situation (Newton's achievements in mathematics being replaced by Leibnitz) would make a good Dr. Who episode. 5 weeks ago
A lot of what Newton used in Principia was already more or less in the air, it was just a matter of someone picking up the pieces and seeing the big pictures. It couldn’t have been more than a few decades at most until someone found out if it hadn’t been Newton. 5 weeks ago
Same could be said about Einstein 5 weeks ago