Yes, i guess the same applies for other fields where abstract thought is involved a lot.
In medieval europe, theology used to fulfill a simar purpose, nowadays maybe (abstract) maths would hit a similar spot. bonus points for being a bit more practical. 3 weeks ago
All PhDs are doctors of philosophy. That’s what the Ph stands for. Doesn’t mean they majored in philosophy. So you can have a doctorate of philosophy in engineering or English or even medicine and be one of those crazy MF-PhDs. 3 weeks ago
I thought it stood for Phteven. 3 weeks ago
Completely correct. There is also a (much rather in the US) ScD degree - Doctor of science.
In the US, it is often identical to a PhD. If your institution offers it, you just check a box at the end of your program on whether you want a PhD or ScD. In Europe, an ScD is a higher degree than a PhD and requires some extra work to obtain.