- Comment on Problem? 4 months ago:
Probably not a good idea to phrase it as “earned” retractions.
It shouldn’t be a competition to see who is the worst.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
Nope, reminding a person that nurses can be any gender other than “Woman” seems like a pretty cool and good thing to do.
Don’t even need slurs to do it.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
Needlessly “shitty” response.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
“Bill Nye, the Endoscopy Guy”
- Comment on Publishing Revenue 6 months ago:
Before Roblox there was this…
- Comment on Caption this. 6 months ago:
“Boning”, black and white print 1996
- Comment on The Crow Review 6 months ago:
I mean, I’ll eventually watch this because I’m a little piggy that loves their slop but at no point in the last 24 years have I thought to myself, “I need to see another goth revenge fantasy version of the previous four goth revenge fantasy movies.”
I’m sure the cinematography is on point and the actors did their job of being actors, the bare minimum. It’s just… where can you go with this franchise? First movie was good, the next three were the same story with a different color pallet.
Not sure who was excited about either a retread of the original or a fifth movie.
Shit… I talked myself into wanting to watch this. Did this get made for zoomers? Will this be a zoomer Rosetta Stone for us aging millenials?
- Comment on The Crow reboot producer is surprised the original filmmakers aren't more accepting of the new movie 6 months ago:
brand-new reboot
Wait… was there a previous reboot? Outside of the “The Crow: The TV Series” that I stopped watching after a few episodes… I thought I had seen all the movies. Was there a previous reboot that I missed?
seek merciless revenge… to put the wrong things right
You get one or the other, you don’t get both in a, The Crow, movie.
A suggested article linked on the page that the OP links to…
Bill Skarsgård not happy with The Crow’s ending
Bill Skarsgård has expressed unhappiness with how The Crow ends, suggesting it may be leaving the opportunity for a sequel.
There we go…
- Comment on They encouraged us to insulate our home. Now it’s unmortgageable 6 months ago:
Spray foam is still legal, so there is no way to gain compensation, and the industry is not regulated – neither the installation nor the removal – so choices are open to abuse by companies supplying these services.”
Homeowners say they were misled by the government, which exempted the insulation from VAT to promote uptake, as well as issuing grants worth up to two thirds of the installation costs. They feel this suggested the insulation was being endorsed.
Sounds like a “well there’s your problem” situation.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 6 months ago:
- Comment on Booper 2 Pooper 6 months ago:
You’re welcome.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 6 months ago:
Much easier to assume the training data isn’t garbage when the AI expert system only has a narrow scope, right?
- Comment on Breast Cancer 6 months ago:
Doctor: There seems to be something wrong with the image.
Technician: What’s the problem?
Doctor: The patient only has two breasts, but the image that came back from the AI machine shows them having six breasts and much MUCH larger breasts than the patient actually has.
Technician: sighs
- Comment on 'Masters of the Universe' Blu-ray Review - Time Has Been Kind to This 1980s Gem 6 months ago:
The accidental horror this children’s movie caused will never be fully calculated.
- Comment on Before times. 6 months ago:
Hey, stop looking at me.
I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying!
- Comment on teen angst 7 months ago:
- Comment on GLAMour 7 months ago:
Cross disciplinary skills for the win yo!
- Comment on Hundreds Of Beavers Is A Wild Indie Comedy That’s ‘The Revenant But Funny’ 7 months ago:
This was wild to watch.
- Comment on This Classic John Carpenter Picture Is The Greatest B-Movie Ever Made [Big Trouble in Little China] 7 months ago:
I haven’t seen this movie in so long that I need to watch it again.
- Comment on Sweet vibrations 8 months ago:
Sounds a lot like a boomerang being swung around by a rope or is that just me?
- Comment on Plugs 8 months ago:
That Feeling When: You talk about butt plugs to a naked mole rat and it looks at you in total confusion.
- Comment on They're everywhere!!! 8 months ago:
Imagine this guy trying to explain this discovery to people who spend days reading and responding to articles trying to calculate how many angles can fit on the head of a pin.
- Comment on Danger Noodle 8 months ago:
Black Momba: Neurotoxic venom
Spitting Cobra: Cytotoxic, neurotoxic, cardiotoxic venom
Coral Snake: Causes death by laughter
- Comment on The Pack 8 months ago:
Family groups. Kids old enough to hunt but not old enough to strike off on their own.
A single wolf may be able to kill a moose but a pack can definitely kill a moose. A single wolf might have to limit themselves to smaller moose while a pack can successfully take on a larger moose. A pack might have an easier time separating a single moose from the rest of the …
mooses?…meece?…moose herd. - Comment on The Pack 8 months ago:
Im glad somebody was thinking of the unkillable moose in that thread.
- Comment on Anthropomorphic 8 months ago:
- Comment on Hedgehogs 8 months ago:
The more I see this image the louder this thought becomes in my head, “Whoever unearthed this artifact had to fight every human impulse to just slip this into a pocket and take it home as the absolute coolest knickknack to sit on their curio shelf.”
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
Meritocracy? In my academics?
No thank you!
I’m all about the bureaucratic fiefdoms and intrapersonal drama politicking!
- Comment on 2 Many Butts 8 months ago:
Gotta have a bidet cause the toilet paper bill would be astronomical.
- Comment on Caption this. 9 months ago:
Unused Animorphs book cover art.