- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
I’ve had 3 or 4 already of this exact msg.
- Comment on we are stardust 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Elon Musk Calls Social Security 'The Biggest Ponzi Scheme Of All Time' 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Could it be offensive for me to use the word "cracker" in this way? 4 weeks ago:
“What cracker is this same that deafs our ears with this abundance of superfluous breath?”
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 5 weeks ago:
I have an inexpensive desktop plugged into my tv, for watching shows and movies. My laptop is my main computer, plugged in to a monitor and surround speakers. My phone is for laying on the couch scrolling brainrot.
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 1 month ago:
Alot is incorrect and is close to allot. Lot is a pretty confusing word in english, like it’s possible to have a lot of lots, each a particular allotment maybe. A lot is both one and many, one single lot, or many things, a lot of things. Hope that clears it up haha.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 1 month ago:
Takes 2-3 days for all of it to completely wear off. There’s a fairly high number of people arrested for dui who think being passed out for 8 hrs means they are good to.go after, just hungover.
- Comment on How much of my sleep debt do I need to pay off? 1 month ago:
What you need is called restorative sleep.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Maybe Dr Pollock, advertises lots of penis procedures on the radio around here.
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 2 months ago:
You can’t take the sky from me!
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 3 months ago:
In Canada we usually say Tuesday December 11th, like if someone is giving us an appointment date. It’s colloquial, I guess, a little more succinct.
- Comment on How come zombies seem to have sharp teeth while the rest of their body is rotting away? Or is just fiction? 6 months ago:
Although this is correct, it is shocking how fast they can decompose, or rot, once cavities set it. I have a dentist phobia and am losing most of my teeth these days. I wouldnt imagine many zombies have regular dental checkups. Luckily, I can get dentures. Imagine a zombie “Hold still, Im trying to get my dentures in”.
- Comment on What produced the old dead channel tv static audiovisuals on tvs? 11 months ago:
AM car radio can pick up the waves from your cars electrical alternator as well, which can cause the static to rise and fall in pitch as you speed up and slow down.
- Comment on How fast can you theoretically run on the moon? 1 year ago:
Maybe gain a bit of momentum by adding a forwards somersault.
- Comment on When people say that apps are stealing your data, what exactly does that mean? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? 1 year ago:
That’s a lack of knowledge. Narcissists can be just as stupid, even more so as they consider themselves smarter than everyone. Sound familiat?
- Comment on Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? 1 year ago:
I think the terms you’re looking for are narcissism and empathy. Narcissism is the inhumanity, empathy the humanity. Can a narcissist have empathy, and vise versa? I can’t say I’ve ever heard of an empathist, having too much empathy.
- Comment on If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...? 1 year ago:
According to Zager and Evans, the year 9595 will pretty much be it.
- Comment on Alright, where do I begin? 1 year ago:
Just my preference.
- Comment on Alright, where do I begin? 1 year ago:
Voyager, TNG, DS9 Have watched these dozens of times. TOS for the history of it. ST - The Animated Series and Lower Decks.