- Comment on unleash your humanities 4 days ago:
Just gonna chime in to say this was a pleasant exchange to read.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 5 weeks ago:
Lol, was waiting for this comment. DeX gang rise up.
(It is OKish)
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 weeks ago:
You, my friend, need an adventure. Any adventure, even if it sounds small and dumb.
I creeped your post history (sorry) - did you end up taking that bus trip you talked about a few months back? If so, what was that like? If not, any reason why you feel you shouldn’t do it now (or soon)?
I’ve felt like you before, at least the way you’re describing it. My solution was mundane adventure - walk a stupid amount to a place you could easily get to by car. Strike up conversations with strangers by leaving your phone alone re: directions/things of interest/etc. unless absolutely necessary. Set yourself some boon to obtain - a beer at Pub X, a meal at place Y, whatever - and make the journey a little less convenient/a little more scenic than you might do by default.
The above isn’t for everyone, obvs, but take the idea of an adventure or ‘quest’ and see if anything strikes you. It can be as grand or mundane as you want it to be.
Just one option among others.
- Comment on Kevin Smith's Dogma getting a new release of some kind? 1 month ago:
Bro, I still want Hit Somebody even though I know, in my heart of hearts, it’s never coming…
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 1 month ago:
She’s the girlfriend from Canada your friend who came out of the closet in college told you about in high school.
- Comment on Mmm kale 1 month ago:
The downvotes seem a bit much for that opinion, but I am imaging you eating a plain chicken breast and am deeply sad about that image.
- Comment on Mmm kale 1 month ago:
Garlic, motherfucker, do you use it!?
(Love kale and the weird little mutants called kalettes. If you don’t use any aromatics or seasoning though, you’re gonna have a bad time)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I want to stress this - you are not a coward. You have to do what is necessary to survive.
There’s good advice in this thread - do what you can to set up an exit strategy, and exit ASAP once you have arranged safeguards to support your survival. The earlier the better, but if it takes time to do successfully, take that time.
You are not weak. You are not worthless. You are not beholden to this man for your long-term survival, even if it’s necessary for the short-term. If you so choose, when you leave he will never see you again and die alone and forgotten. The only purpose his memory should serve in that case is as an example of what not to do, or how to live your life. Survive and seek out as much joy as this world makes available, so you can dance on his grave and empty your bladder on it before leaving it to decay.
I’m so, so sorry you’re going through this - but it is not permanent. Please remember this.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I’ll take “Things that get your sperm donor’s favourite food items tainted” for $500, Alex.
Fuck this asshole. Bide your time until you can GTFO, then GTFO and don’t look back. Sorry to hear the guy who contributed to your embryonic stage is a pencil dicked twat. “Sir” - fuck you.
Sorry, people like this really rub me the wrong way, all the more so when the target of this crap isn’t someone strong enough to make them lose some teeth (no fault of your own, and it’s a hard thing to punch your biocontributor in the mouth anyway).
- Comment on Anon has casual sex 2 months ago:
For heterosexuals, ranked PnV
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 2 months ago:
There’s anime (“Hellsing is pretty good, Gundam’s pretty cool too”), and anime(“KONICHIWA SENPAII~~❤️UwU NANI!?!?”)
Lots, if not most, people who like anime are in the first camp (sub in anime that people watch these days - I am deeply out of touch and know it shows). Lots, if not most, people think of the second camp when they hear someone say “I like anime”.
Wouldn’t necessarily lead with it as a hobby in a dating scenario unless you’re talking TV and movies in general already. But that’s just me, and I haven’t had to think about dating strategy for a loooong time.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
I also follow the Less than Jake linguistic model.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
What makes this hilarious to me for horny check purposes is the context it was used in.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
A challenge for you (or anyone interested in taking it up): Once a day, while waiting for public transit, pay attention to the people around you. Does anyone have something interesting about them (hair, clothes, jewelery, weird keychain thing on their phone, etc.)? Ask one identified person about it. See someone who looks like their on the verge of tears? Ask them “Hey, is everything ok?”
9/10 times you’ll have a brief Q-A-back off interaction, but sometimes it’ll turn into a longer conversation. Yes, it feels awkward. Yes, in some places you’ll come across as rude (keep your dominant culture in mind - you probably wouldn’t try this in some place like Finland or something). But I’ve had some very interesting experiences doing this in the past (usually with the ones who look upset - if you’re willing to be a sympathetic ear you might just make that person’s day).
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 2 months ago:
I mean, when your major genres are built on a foundation of music made by folks who often didn’t have access to formal musical education, I kinda get it.
As an Elecki enjoyer I do see your point, though.
- Comment on Anon trying understanding women 2 months ago:
I disagree - it’s the difference between a “lol, women only become interested when you’re not available anymore” trope v. “You were a single dude in a sea of single dudes, now you’re attached and in a smaller pool of nonmonogomous dudes. Pool is smaller, so more bites”.
Or this was entirely clear in the other post if reading between the lines, and I’m just very tired.
- Comment on Anon trying understanding women 2 months ago:
It recontextualizes things a bit - this is not purely a function of vetting, but places him in a different (smaller) category than he was in previously on the app.
- Comment on Shit Post 2 months ago:
I’m embarassed about how often I think about this chart.
- Comment on Behold currently! 2 months ago:
Fakeness aside, I like this part and feel like I need it on a poster or something:
Behold now! You are currently a star child!
Begin your power! Go! Laugh! - Comment on american culture 2 months ago:
I feel like there’s a way to do it in a way that doesn’t suck - an examination of the book WRT the hero’s journey, picking out elements borrowed from English literary tradition to see how they’re deployed v. original texts, etc.
Real talk though, I feel it comes from a place of not knowing how to appeal to young people. I ran into the very same thing once when asked about course ideas for first year students coming directly from high school. I had no idea (still don’t) what would appeal to kids, so I thought a course that used Harry Potter as a keystone text (everybody being familiar, using it as a bridge to more traditional lit) could work. But as I said the words I knew 18 year old me would’ve hated that, sooo…
- Comment on So is it "It just works" or "Shit just works"? 2 months ago:
Shit just works - forever and always.
(shh, it just works and shit just works are both valid - the intent was the former IIRC - but the latter is obviously the superior choice. I’m also partial to to refer to users [cheeky, but thought about in the same way as Deadheads for Grateful Dead fans])
- Comment on Literally c/THE_PACK 3 months ago:
- Comment on Literally c/THE_PACK 3 months ago:
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 3 months ago:
So far, it’s mostly been these points:
- Murder is wrong. Thompson should not have been murdered.
- Nevertheless, this was bound to happen eventually, and [people I’ve talked to about it are] not upset that Thompson is dead.
- Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
There’s lots of stuff about what I do that doesn’t make much sense :)
It works in this scenario because the stacks are reliably sorted by date, and each form has a running tally of what cookies are on offer as things get added to the list.
Assume a given customer’s forms are taken out, and you make two stacks of them without shuffling the forms. The very first form on the first stack from 2022-01-01 does not include cookie x. The first form on the second stack, from 2023-02-01, also does not contain cookie x. Based on this information and the conditions above, you can infer that the form you want is in the second stack.
Now, if the forms were not reliably sorted, or did not contain a running record, you’d need to approach this differently. Strategies would probably involve inferences or straight getting the info you need from other sources - custumer correspondence around “We want cookie x, how much?” (if it occurred when you were in a position to get such correspondence); knowledge of big changes to cookie offerings to the client (contract renewals); bugging accounting at a regular, annoying cadence with progressive escalation until they answer/complain about you bugging them, etc.
- Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
It’s a crummy job, but someone’s gotta do it.
- Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
Imagine you work at a company that sells cookies. The company offers a variety of cookies at different price points to different customers. They set up contracts saying they will offer a customer a set variety of cookies at various prices, with a clause stating that if the customer wants a different type of cookie the company makes later on, it will be priced and added to their list. This should be in the form of regular contract amendments/addendums, but it isn’t.
Several years go by, and in the course of that several different varieties of cookies have been added by the customer. The price given to them at the time may not account for the cost of materials and labor today, or how many of those cookies not mentioned in the contract are being ordered v. how many were expected, the fact that you outsourced some of those cookies, or brought some of those cookies in-house, etc. The cookie executive asks you “When did we offer customer x cookie y at price point z?”
Now, the company has a perfectly good database of cookies and price points for customers, but it’s very old tech and requires certain access privileges, which are very hard to give people outside of the accounting department. Accounting is never able to help with this, and the cookie executives try poorly and fail to get people like you access. But you do have years and years of cookie addition request forms, which are kept in chronological order by customer. This is where binary search helps - you can pretty quickly find the one where the cookie y was added even though there are hundreds of these forms.
It’s not a situation that should exist - we have a god damn cookie database where you can just pop in cusomer x and cookie y to get price z, with an effective date - but in my crazy cookie factory it helps a ton.
There’s other examples but they’re all pretty much variants of this thinly veiled analogy.
- Comment on Binary search 3 months ago:
Honestly, this was the comment that exposed me (regular office rube) to binary search as a concept and it is so. fucking. helpful.
- Comment on Remember: 3 months ago:
Because it’s been a while since I’ve seen a reference to the teleportation paradox, obligatory NFB cartoon link:
(Or if you prefer, and are able, to watch on the NFB website directly) - Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
Reading through the comments here, I would say a gift certificate or membership to some activity they’ve expressed interest in. Ideally, something physical, that either involves working/playing/whatever with other people, or which has a social element to it.
My biased selection would be rock climbing if this is of some interest and you have a climbing gym that isn’t a giant pain to access (which you might not). Solo sport, but a) you need a belayer - that was my Dad when I was doing it, and b) the gym rats I’ve come across are often very friendly, open people.
Can be as challenging as you make it, gets you talking with IRL people, opportunity for what sounds like really necessary quality time going up there, if he gets into bouldering or makes a gym buddy and can get there himself he can eventually do it independently, etc.
Might make sense for them, might not - only you would know, really.