- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 14 hours ago:
You’re probably right, as I’m not an expert, so thanks for your input. I am still worried of how the stock market will change with the upcoming trainwreck
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 1 day ago:
I just put extra money in a 5% high yield savings account. It’s not exciting, but there’s no risk and it will pay off over time
- Comment on Little Rocket Lab is a Factorio and Stardew Valley mashup about building a rocketship in a cute town 1 week ago:
The concept and development look great but I wish there was some multiplayer similar to stardew
- Comment on Why virtual desktops always have same background? 1 week ago:
Just seems like something most users don’t care about much, virtual environments are mostly utilitarian
- Comment on Drake escalates Kendrick beef and accuses record label of firing allies while boosting his rival 3 weeks ago:
"No amount of contrived and absurd legal arguments in this pre-action submission can mask the fact that fans choose the music they want to hear.”
- “nah man, you just lost lol”
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 4 weeks ago:
I tried this on vodka and it blew up.
- Comment on Let's reclaim Doge! 5 weeks ago:
There was a surge of qnon junkies using pepe but idk if that kept going or not
- Comment on Anon meets up with a girl 5 weeks ago:
You do realize that the vast majority of “actually normal people” from your comment are or have been in relationships? Like what is your definition of that, I don’t think it’s what most would think.
- Comment on Dwyane Wade Hypes Heat Statue as 'Beautiful' and Among 'the Best That's Been Created' 1 month ago:
When did Asian Morpheus play for the Heat?
- Comment on Brazilian Wandering Spider 1 month ago:
Depends on when rigor mortis sets in …
- Comment on Tough Shit 2 months ago:
Other way around bud, most of us aren’t here shitting our pants just because a bathroom isn’t around.
- Comment on why does every single flashlight have multiple settings that you have to scroll through? 2 months ago:
The vast majority of flashlights just go to your last setting with one click, what flashlights are you using that this is an issue?
- Comment on How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow. 2 months ago:
Dude it’s your first offense. Just go in there dressed nice, when asked, plead guilty with a request for leniency while being completely honest. They will most likely give you a slap on the wrist and make you pay for the court fees. That’s it.
- Comment on Why do I throw up after smoking weed? 2 months ago:
100% this. OP try to tense your stomach while you inhale to force air into your chest instead. I had the same issue when I stopped smoking for a while.
- Comment on Intergalactic Planatary 2 months ago:
- Comment on Smart 2 months ago:
Damn I didn’t know mathematicians go this hard.
- Comment on I think Sims is a dead franchise now 2 months ago:
Do people really feel this strongly about the Sims? I thought it’s been irrelevant for like a decade
- Comment on Stay frosty 2 months ago:
Ok you are batshit crazy because fan noise is like the best way to get to sleep ever
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 2 months ago:
Literally named LinuxRuleZ on the torrminatorr forum. Welcome to the club
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 2 months ago:
There’s actually a repacker that happens to think that LinuxRuleZ and those work out the box for Linux. And this game is already there
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 2 months ago:
People will buy it, review, and then get a refund within the return window.
- Comment on how is final fantasy XVI 2 months ago:
I think this is where most of the divisive opinions come from. It’s a great game, but it’s really not a final fantasy RPG, so many people aren’t getting what they expected. Personally, I found it to be a enjoyable surprise.
- Comment on Deficiencies 3 months ago:
I know you’re joking but I only figured out I have anemia because iron supplements suddenly gave me energy to live
- Comment on Small Talk 3 months ago:
He will skin you alive
- Comment on Use Zotero 3 months ago:
Lol this. Back in college, I would just write the paper and then grab some sources from the bottom of some corresponding Wikipedia pages
- Comment on It all floats.. 3 months ago:
Do… do I need to see a doctor? It floats?
- Comment on We saw The Terminator 4K restoration; how did it look? 4 months ago:
This is the dumbest controversy.
- Comment on Deadrop developer Midnight Society cuts ties with Dr Disrespect following new Twitch ban allegations 5 months ago:
This is literally “I was inappropriately talking to a minor, nothing more” like wtf lol
- Comment on Pickle Beer! 6 months ago:
Pickle juice is an amazing chaser, and its good for an upset stomach
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Try your shot at equally as ugly other people, it’s a numbers game