- Comment on Anon tries to learn Japanese 5 weeks ago:
Sup brah I’m trying to learn this shit you got a blog or something
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 month ago:
The percentage seems to be padded out by inactive accounts or something, even the worst only fans profiles I’ve seen are showing ‘top 1%’ banners
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 month ago:
I volunteer as tribute
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
Maybe you’re thinking of Empress
- Comment on Resume help 1 month ago:
Yeah the OP is the opposite of my experience with ADHD. I’m fucking terrible at moving from one task to another, that’s literally the hardest part about it. I just studied Japanese for 12 hours straight yesterday instead of working or writing any code, just because I got the sudden urge. I haven’t actively studied Japanese since 2020 so I’m just reviewing shit I already learned years ago. I’ll do this for a couple days until I either burn myself out or find a new thing to fixate on.
If I’m in burnout, I’ll start rapidly changing between tasks, playing 10 minutes of every game I own chasing any shred of dopamine I can find, or scrolling through short form video content for hours until I find something that catches my attention and then I’ll be fixated on that for anywhere between 1 full day, to about a week.
Like I have coping techniques and medication, but they only go so far and sometimes I just can’t seem to reign it in. Sometimes I can fixate on work or study tasks, (e.g. Japanese) but usually it takes a Herculean amount of effort, determination and discipline to actually control my focus to what I need it on. When I manage to direct my focus to the important stuff it feels like a superpower to fixate on it, but those moments are few and far between.
- Comment on SteamOS expands beyond Steam Deck 1 month ago:
I’m not shy about Linux but my eyes glazed over reading that flow chart. Don’t pretend this is okay for typical users switching from Windows
- Comment on Latest photo of assassin suspect released by NYPD 2 months ago:
I don’t think he’s the one having issues
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 3 months ago:
Did you try the new netcode test? Just saw the discord announcement today
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
I also came across the same study while looking to disprove a conspiracy nut. We should really do more research on the effects of fluoride.
- Comment on Air fryers are simpler than you think, but still pretty neat [19:38] 3 months ago:
Watch the video
- Comment on Air fryers are simpler than you think, but still pretty neat [19:38] 3 months ago:
And I watched every second of it
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
Thank you. I’ve seen the old one before and I knew there was an illusion but I obviously couldn’t find it in the OP.
- Comment on Zotac Zone review: Display galore with class-leading inputs 4 months ago:
These reviews never do a great job talking about UI/UX and that’s literally the only thing I care about until they get the steam deck OS or Microsoft actually enters the space with a Windows version.
- Comment on Where does the music go? 4 months ago:
I can’t say this did or didn’t happen, but I absolutely had ‘philosophical’ thoughts like this as a kid.
When I was ~10 I asked my mom how we know other people aren’t ‘aliens or something’. She just dismissed me as being silly, and I didn’t know it at the time but in retrospect I was absolutely experiencing and asking her about solipsism.
I didn’t know it was ‘philosophy’ but I think it’s integral to how we experience the world and sentience in general.
- Comment on Not everything needs to be Art 4 months ago:
So did I, and I didn’t even know I could play until years later when I sat in front of a friend’s kit for a lesson with them. They basically talked me through the setup, gave me a song to play, and I just played the opening without much fuss. They basically told me I could already play and I just needed time on the kit, left the room and let me go ham.
- Comment on He's just lucky I guess 4 months ago:
Yeah it’d almost be like if a person got swallowed by a whale or something. Someone should write a book about it.
- Comment on Steam Now Warns Consumers That They're Buying a License, Not a Game During a Purchase 4 months ago:
It’s data.
It’s never “owning” in the traditional sense, because data is not physical.
When people say they own something, there’s an implication that it’s theirs until they decide to part with it. That is true for games bought without DRM. DRM free the closest you’ll ever get to ‘owning’ data, you possess that on your own local device and it can’t be taken away.
You can lose the ability to download the game, sure. But that is an additional service, not the game itself. You have that data until you delete it. Same with GoG Galaxy. that’s an extra service.
You’re arguing 2 or 3 different things. Ownership as a legal right, ownership as in possession, and a weird third thing where you seem to be confusing meta services with the ownership of the thing itself.
- Comment on Steam Now Warns Consumers That They're Buying a License, Not a Game During a Purchase 4 months ago:
But GoG provides it DRM free, so you can always play what you’ve downloaded til the end of time. It’s as good as piracy in that way.
- Comment on My new company let me join the union on my first day, within their onboarding app 6 months ago:
They let him use the app to do so. This is needlessly pedantic
- Comment on Healthcare 6 months ago:
- Comment on Why do people complain about multiple streaming platforms existing? 6 months ago:
It killed the promise of affordable content we had for a decade. When Netflix was the only game in town, you paid less for it and got more.
- Comment on Louis Rossmann's response to harsh criticism of "Stop Killing Games" from Thor of @PirateSoftware 6 months ago:
I’ve heard reference to that and Thor backpedaling calling it ‘car salesman logic’ or something. Do you know where the clip is?
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
I’ve ranted about this so much to people close to me. Scientific community just needs to adopt a new word like you say, theory is a lost battle
- Comment on Louis Rossmann's response to harsh criticism of "Stop Killing Games" from Thor of @PirateSoftware 6 months ago:
I’ve been a big fan of Thor since his first shorts boom, but this take is a massive fucking L from him that I’m very sad to see.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Nah that trash isn’t touching my phone unless I’m homeless and starving
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Never buy chain pizza at menu price. They all run specials all the time, that are around half off. They keep menu prices high so that they can constantly run buy one get one promos and specials to make you think you’re getting a deal. They also happen to gouge people who won’t bother checking the deals section
- Comment on Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone 1 year ago:
I don’t really agree at all.
The overwhelming majority of people are going to be calling from a cell phone with data access now. It’s time to consider including data access to emergency services w/ emergency roaming functionally just like we do with calls and sms. A system can and should be built out to provide emergency gps, video + information services like we described and live video calls. We have the technology we just have to cut through bureaucracy.
Providing advanced smartphone functionality in emergencies could be hugely beneficial.
- Comment on Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone 1 year ago:
They should also be able to rapidly provide instructional video in the year 2023
- Comment on YouTube does this "suggested video" thing now 1 year ago:
Ok Grandpa it’s time for your nap
- Comment on The Fediverse should do what redditors have always wanted and Reddit Inc. has always refused to do; Distinguish between NSFW and NSFL. 1 year ago:
What if we just had specific tags that we could filter for. everything gets the nsfw tag but we have specific tags for nudity, violence, etc.