- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
I’d stay home that way I’m not adding to societal problems.
Seriously though, the ONLY stipulations that should be put on UBI are:
1.) do you make over $100,000/year? This info is easily obtained from your W-2 that you are given every year for taxes.
2.) do you own a business? Once again easily obtained via public record and filing of your taxes via 1099 forms.
3.) are you over the age of 18? Once again easily verified through birth certificate dates via public record based on your social security number/resident green card (after 5 years of documented residency in the country. )
All this info is in government databases so there would be no concern of undocumented immigrants able to receive said funds or people getting more money because of having minors in there home.
You shouldn’t have to apply for it, hence the term universal.
- Comment on How Long It Takes the Largest Companies in America to Make One Employee's Average Annual Salary 1 year ago:
No, salaries are based a pre-tax basis. In other words you’re told you’ll make $120,000 per year, that amount is before taxes.
- Comment on Threads Software Limited gives Meta 30 days to stop using the name Threads 1 year ago:
Just goes to show that fuckerburg only cares about himself.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
Because they all seem to think their beliefs are the true beliefs of what the Bible teaches. They will always be at war with one another.
The “teachings” of the Bible are all based on how one person interprets it compared to another, the individual churches all believe the same version as they were taught by their religious leaders, who in turn believe their ultimate religious leader, for example the Catholic Church (all variations) follow the pope and his interpretation.
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
Because they use personally identifying I for other than what you saw. In your comment does that mean you have a right to follow their personal life and invade it then sell it to others? No!
Your problem is you like being a commodity rather than just a consumer. You don’t mind your life being intruded on which could include cc numbers or bank account info. You want to lose your money like that that’s fine. Me personally, they can get out of my life and quit following what I want to do just to make a quick buck. Fuck that, me and my personal information is not for sale! And if anyone seems to think it is, I will stop them as that is my right.
Personally I think all tracking cookies should be banned on the internet worldwide! I am not a commodity.
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
This is true. However, they need to inform you that they are collecting this data, what data they are collecting, and why, and give you the option to opt out of that data collection.
Just because they can doesn’t give them the right to do so without your explicit permission.
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
Because they listen to people rather than ignore them and then make policy based on how much money they can make from the deal.
This shows me the EU is actually more democratic then the US is.
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
Wish it was that simple. The problem with the internet, as a whole, is someone figured out they can collect just about everything from your data, with or without cookies, and sell it to big companies.
Everything is about that almighty dollar. We are now the product under the guise of being a customer.
You want to complain about access being blocked because of where you live, fine just makes you an easy commodity to sell to someone else.
Tbf, you want complete anonymity, stay off the web, don’t use bank accounts or credit cards, not even those like cash app, become a hermit and tell everyone to fuck off as you are not for sale.
In reality, it’s policies, like the GDPR, that are actually looking out for your best interest. Here in America the arguement would be “they’re taking away my freedom” or “the government is overreaching” instead of “Hey, someone actually cares about my privacy in the government!”
Like I have said in another group, people complain about their privacy online and then use the likes of chrome for their browser. We say we care about our privacy, but in the end we are a tool that doesn’t do the job we need done.
- Comment on Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need (2020) 1 year ago:
If it wasn’t for greed in the US, this is a viable plane we can use here. But people will think it’s socialist, because we would be helping people that need help getting back on their feet. God forbid Americans help one another, we are way too busy being selfish.
- Comment on We're monsters 1 year ago:
Lol, I can see it now.
“Im going to sit here for 8-12 hours and watch where this snail goes today.”
Sorry couldn’t resist.
- Comment on We're monsters 1 year ago:
My question is, how do they know what a snail is thinking or remembers? Last I knew snails didn’t talk.