Gating UBI only would make the well off bitter and turn them against it. Besides that, it would disincentivize work. UBI is not supposed to entirely replace all work in a society, even if it might result in some individuals not working. 10 months ago
I’d stay home that way I’m not adding to societal problems.
Seriously though, the ONLY stipulations that should be put on UBI are:
1.) do you make over $100,000/year? This info is easily obtained from your W-2 that you are given every year for taxes.
2.) do you own a business? Once again easily obtained via public record and filing of your taxes via 1099 forms.
3.) are you over the age of 18? Once again easily verified through birth certificate dates via public record based on your social security number/resident green card (after 5 years of documented residency in the country. )
All this info is in government databases so there would be no concern of undocumented immigrants able to receive said funds or people getting more money because of having minors in there home.
You shouldn’t have to apply for it, hence the term universal. 10 months ago 10 months ago
UBI is based on having zero stipulations. The idea is that it benefits the less well of more by giving them a stable income, and it is cheaper to give it to everyone than spending any time and effort figuring out who the ‘right’ people are.
Everyone gets it is what makes it universal. There could atill be a process like voter registration so they know where to send the money, but citizens would never be denied.