- Comment on Events are occurring! 1 month ago:
Internet posts are being loaded!
- Comment on The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games 1 month ago:
Never said they conflict. Said they’re not a “basic feature”. Sigleplayer has lived without cloud saves since around 1960.
Heck, most modern consoles have a USB port, I’d consider “offline save” *more" “basic” than “cloud save”. After all we all know by now the corporate internet can’t be trusted.
- Comment on The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games 1 month ago:
Hey! Someone else remembers floppy disks!
- Comment on The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games 1 month ago:
basic platform features
like cloud saves or achievements
cloud saves
considered “basic”
on a single-player offline game
Ooooh boy, the antiintellectual effects of tiktok reach deep.
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 1 month ago:
You just made me snort diet Sprite.
- Comment on Don't worry if you don't get this. It doesn't even matter. 2 months ago:
:.|:; - Comment on Don't worry if you don't get this. It doesn't even matter. 2 months ago:
Just to check, is this loss?
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
Not necessarily. The only people who would need to know are the people who are already researching you to have you killed for a potential leak, and they would operate under the assumption of a DMS in place already.
- Comment on Interesting analogy 3 months ago:
Agreements about historical land ownership only apply to white people!
- Comment on Anon reads the news 3 months ago:
Intense training program, in the blind
They take away all medication, including pain medication
Intentionally and empathetically ignore your symptoms and tell you to just go with it, as if it was how we treat mental patients
Intentionally will not fix the underlying causes
“World class” “doctors” and behavioural theorists
So basically, they torture you until you accept the pain and just take it, rather than seeking out an actual solution?
Wow, that defintively would inspire me to kill a health CEO. Or, in this case, a health theorist.
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
Once again, I don’t condone killing innocent people. I honestly don’t get where are you drawing that impression from, and repeatedly at that.
Are you doing okay?
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
if they need to
Is that part important, for the wording, or just vibes?
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
That’s quite more informative than I expected. Yeah the impression I had seems to match well the “common misconception”.
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
Not an American here so, asking for clarification, but isn’t the 2nd Amendment purely and solely about the right to organize into militias and not about what such militias are for? So, it guarantees you can have your gun but not that you can just up and use it to upend Human Rights because “lol someone wrote it in 1776”?
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
Let’s not offend reptiles like this. Cockroaches, maybe.
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
Neither do I. Hence I celebrate that he was gunned down for good yes reason.
- Comment on what a moment to live 3 months ago:
To celebrate, I went on a (buying) spree on a rented e-bike today!
(Unfortunately it’s a bit costly around here)
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 4 months ago:
We ought to improve as humanity so we can deserve Gabe.
- Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 7 months ago:
True but then again that’s the point: he stole some fame as a scientist. Or at least as an “inventor”.
- Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 8 months ago:
Good scientists copy, great scientists steal.
Just ask
TeslaEdison! - Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 8 months ago:
I mean… yes?
It’s “tubular”!!! It was even in Super Mario World!
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
It’s worth something to this me! Who so far is the Prime Me!
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
Damn rules of thermodynamics!
you can’t win
you can’t tie
you can’t quit the game
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
I mean, that for the most part makes sense. Although in that case, wouldn’t it have been reported that “no one attended the party but the food and the snacks were somehow missing”?
That said. Unsure how exactly it went but I read somewhere that if you had the power of True Invisibility, that is being undetectable at any wavelength of light, then you’d basically be able to simulate negative mass, and from there to “time travel” it’s kind of a straight line.
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
First I ever hear of the Paycheck method honestly, at least under that name. Reminds me of a short story about the government keeping a secret “chronoscope” machine and the efforts of the MC to democratize that knowledge.
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
Correct me if I’m wrong:
I live in a timeline where time travel has not yet been invented. Even if someone invents it in the future and travels to the past to the party, that’d create an alternate timeline where the party is attended and civilization leaps bounds ahead in glorious post-scarcity, magical socialism fashion.
But nooooo since the timeline was forked at that point, no matter how many people do, in fact, attend the party, I’m stuck in the “strand” of the timeline when no one ever did because time travel has not been invented.
- Comment on UK petition of "Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state" just got thrown back to the Government 10 months ago:
It would make sense to require a company to release the code for players to host their own servers, which has been done by many games in the past. Not to continue to run it themselves.
That counts as “working state”, assuming the published code is reasonable to operate (it must be FOSS, or at least permit open modification and distribution; and it must run in a server with specs that’s reasonable to have at the time of game publication)
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
So they apologize for being caught, not for wrecking stuff, as usual.