- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 9 months ago:
You need to do whats best for yourself, but it sounds like Israel would be a better place with your voice in it.
- Comment on Anon has an identity crisis 9 months ago:
No? Look there are weird racists for everything, but generally Italian and Irish racism is like 100 years out of fashion.
- Comment on Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail? 9 months ago:
I suspect you are just a troll as others have said, but in the case you aren't;
It's been shown for all crimes, that degree of punishment doesn't really have much effect on deterrence. People tend to not know what the punishment for any given crime is, they tend to underestimate how likely they are to get caught, and when worrying about consequences they tend to worry about consequences they understand, like how their family or friends will react, not what living in prison for years will be like.
The justice system everywhere is fallible, protections for those in jail aren't only for the absolutely guilty, they are for the innocent who are incorrectly incarcerated.
Killing someone wont undue what they've done. As horrific as it is, the trauma inflicted on someone can't be undone. You are only putting more suffering into the world when you punish someone without tangible goals.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Here is a very recent example.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
As a Canadian, I do see reports of police violence in Canada, and I imagine I'm largely seeing the same stuff you are, so you've also likely seen some. With that said, police violence per interaction is a pretty low % everywhere (to be clear, it should be 0), but its like 10x higher in the US than other comparable countries, and the US has a huge population. Because of a combination of those factors I wouldn't be shocked if like 90-95% of police violence happening in English speaking countries is happening in the US.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.
- Comment on Hades II is now available in Steam Early Access! 9 months ago:
Not OP, but I have over 500 hours in a couple roguelikes and over a thousand in Slay The Spire. Depends on how good the game is at providing different experiences.
- Comment on Anon envies the AVGN's power 9 months ago:
This is a bit inaccurate. Some of his videos contained plagiarism, but they weren't written by James and were taken down as soon as it was pointed out. The source of the plagiarism was also not other youtubers, it was written movie articles. The writer in question no longer works for him. This was all made clear in the Hbomberguy video.
- Comment on Anon envies the AVGN's power 10 months ago:
old school youtuber, one of the early big names. Got famous trashing on shitty old video games, but also occasionally did movie reviews, especially Monster Madness, in October where he'd review a bunch of horror movies. This is referencing how he said he wouldn't be reviewing the 2016 ghostbusters movie when it was announced. The media didn't really go nuts over him not reviewing it though.
- Comment on Technology Connections - The simple, clever sensor behind automatic windshield wipers 10 months ago:
Yes? C is constant and light travels at C in a vacuum, but lights speed is different in other media.
- Comment on This manhole placement is more than mildly infuriating 10 months ago:
Yes it is.
- Comment on why did the eclipse not darken proportionally? 10 months ago:
Our eyes are evolved to detect a high range of brightness's so we experience brightness on a logarithmic scale not a linear one.
- Comment on Legend of Zelda 10 months ago:
My favourite is Link's awakening, but there are a lot of great games in the franchise.
- Comment on Why don't passanger airplanes come with parachutes for people? 10 months ago:
I have no idea what a livable height is, but it take about 3 minutes to hit the ground falling from that height (obviously there is a lot of error here depending on the exact person).
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
volunteer mods allow things like The Donald to exist.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Its basically also the past right? RSS feeds.
- Comment on The duality of particles 11 months ago:
Depends on what you mean by unknown. The meme (and a lot of common understanding) doesn't know what it means to be observed. There is a leading theory, the Copenhagen interpretation. The biggest theory in opposition would be multi-world.
- Comment on STEM 11 months ago:
People in every field tend to massively over estimate how easy it would be for other people.
- Comment on Why did we give up on insulation? 1 year ago:
People build housing to the specs their environment requires. The UK has extremely stable moderate temperatures so doesn't put the extra cost into insulation or central cooling.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 Release Date May Have Just Accidentally Been Revealed by...Gameshark 1 year ago:
This assumes they have inside knowledge (which maybe they do), but they could also just be guessing, I think everyone thinks its going to release in sept-nov this year.
- Comment on What could be wrong with me? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
You are falling for a common pitfall, assuming that intelligence is the dominant factor in success. There is enough evidence to suggest intelligence is a thing and that it does help general ability broadly, but it is basically always dominated by other factors, be it affluence or experience. It's entirely possible for an expert in 1 field to end up being completely clueless and seeming like a dumbass when talking about anything else. There is even research to suggest people that are experts in one domain can be easier to fool into thinking they are more competent in all domains, actually making them less likely to seek external opinions and ending up worse off.
- Comment on Why do new sites embed tweets? 1 year ago:
Although this provides the best experience (very broadly speaking) for new users. It only takes looking at websites from 20 years ago to realize that it ages very poorly and no one maintains the links/external media once they break.
- Comment on Adam Driver Says Kylo Ren’s Original ‘Star Wars’ Arc Got Overhauled: He Was Supposed to Be the ‘Most Committed to the Dark Side’ by the End 1 year ago:
In general I think there are 4 approximate groups of people when it comes to The Last Jedi. The group that really likes it (i'm in this bucket). The group that thinks its a fun action movie but doesn't push any of its interesting choices enough(you seem to be in this bucket). A group of irate star wars fans who hate it and review bombed the shit out of it. and people that dislike it because its a somewhat basic blockbuster with bad pacing. I think the existence of that third group, and at least in online spaces it isn't remotely small, shows the movie was pushed about as far as it could be for the 8th entry in a big bucket movie franchise.
- Comment on YouTuber Jirard (a.k.a. The Completionist) has been accused of keeping and hoarding charity donations 1 year ago:
I think I've watched maybe 2 The Completionist videos ever. I'm not in denial about anything here. I am waiting for the other side to respond, and possibly for the IRS to get involved before any final judgement. I just know his brothers statement sounded incredibly sketchy. Like I wouldn't be surprised if he was embezzling money from the charity sketchy, while Jirard seemed genuine. Maybe Jirard is just a better actor/more charismatic, it is his job after all. Time will tell.
- Comment on YouTuber Jirard (a.k.a. The Completionist) has been accused of keeping and hoarding charity donations 1 year ago:
It seems like his brother was running things at the charity. Its plausible he just asked his brother where the money was going and trusted him.
- Comment on If civilization continues to the year 9999, is the idea to go to year 10.000, or...? 1 year ago:
The integer is signed, when it overflows it doesn't go to 0, it goes from Max Positive Value to Max Minimum Value, which will be a very 'large' negative number (-2147483648 to be exact).
- Comment on Would nuclear reactors be feasible everywhere? 1 year ago:
How much do you know about Three Mile Island? Fukushima was built in a stupid location, so lets not do that again. But Three Mile Island is often way over blown.
- Comment on This Metacritic redesign is s... 1 year ago:
It looks fine at smaller resolutons. Whoever setup the largest resolution just fucked up.
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
Normally just say American, but if it matters I'll say USAan