- Comment on Roll the blooper reel 1 month ago:
When I find myself remembering one awkward thing, I know chances are good I’ll remember the others…
So a trick I’ve found is that when I remember one thing I purposefully recall the others, since it’s not a ‘surprise’ it won’t be so bad. As I remember them, I misremember them intentionally so that they’re less embarrassing. This works for some insane reason.
Don’t know if it’ll work for everyone, but give it ago next time your blooper reel kicks off!
- Comment on Smart methodology 1 month ago:
Another tip for IT folk out there.
When offering a user a laptop bag, don’t ask them if they want a laptop bag. Ask them what color laptop bag they’d like.
When I started doing this acceptance of laptop bags went from 50% to 100%.
You’ll have to stock a variety of colors, but it’s a small price to pay to encourage the use of laptop bags.
- Comment on Don't put it in a crazy 2 months ago:
I’ve done maybe a dozen or so?
It’s just a normal date, but you’re trying to get a feel for the person to see if there is any chemistry for the first time.
I’ve had dates where the next day the lady ghosts me. I’ve had dates where the next day the lady says she wants to have my baby. I’ve had dates where we both kinda mutually thing that a second date isn’t in gonna happen.
- Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 2 months ago:
I recall a website from the web 1.0 days that sold rulers, soda cans, and other common everyday objects that were specially manufactured to be smaller than the actual object. The intent was to show someone your penis pic with an undersized soda can to make it look bigger.
- Comment on Cloud Imperium Games [Star Citizen developer] Undergoes Major Shake-Up to Hit Deadlines 3 months ago:
Oh it’ll release, just not by Chris Roberts.
The last game he was in charge of was Freelancer, a highly ambitious game for the time and he never finished it. His company, Digital Anvil, started to have financial woes due to the long development of Freelancer and was acquired by Microsoft. He left the company and then a couple years later Freelancer was released!
It was very different from what it was supposed to be, but it was still an awesome game, imo.
I think the same thing will happen to Star Citizen. The money will dry up and they’ll be forced to sell. The buyer will kick Chris out and then have the team make a finished product.
- Comment on Captain America (1990) | The alternate cut of the film appears to have been found 3 months ago:
Is this the one where he pretends he is car sick and then steals the car after the guy giving him the ride gets out to check on him?
- Comment on This is what I hired you for! 9 months ago:
I have our bobtail trained to attack on on a very specific whistle command.
Whenever I do the whistle she comes a running doing her little chirps looking for shit to kill. I point and she attacks. She’s pretty terrible at it.
She and her sister from another mister will also corner stink bugs and keep them locked down until my wife or I notice and I dispose of it.
- Comment on DRASTICALLY 9 months ago:
On US nutritional labels fats, carbs, and proteins are listed in grams, but we generally measure everything in pounds.
When calculating your macro nutrition for weight gain the general recommendation comes out to about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This is just a coincidence, but makes finding out how much protein you need to gain muscle mass pretty easy if you know how much you weigh and given that all of our labels have that info in grams.
- Comment on DRASTICALLY 9 months ago:
They might be referencing the rough math for daily protein consumption. It works out to about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for men and half a gram per pound for women.
Or they could be a bat