- Comment on Seems legit 9 months ago:
Tired : Cybertruck
Wired: MeatSpaceHatchback
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 10 months ago:
Pluto is the celestial body your Wife tells you not to worry about because “Oh, don’t worry it’s just Pluto coming over when you are out of town, and Pluto isn’t a planet so there is nothing for you to worry about”.
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 10 months ago:
Well we figured out where to look for it, and it is definitely the sky. We tried looking the last place we left it, and then we looked all around the basement from top to bottom. Yup, we can say with confidence folks, Planet X is hiding somewhere above us.
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 10 months ago:
ROCK AND STONE……… and orbits
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress - Adventure Mode Beta Out Now 10 months ago:
Any opinions on how this mode currently stacks up on its own? (Not just a fun distraction from the main game).
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Does giving to a panhandler help them or are you just enabling their lifestyle and making them dependent on that form of income which may prevent them from getting a real job?
Criminalizing homelessness and making it a sign of essentially being a pariah in society does far more to ensure homeless people become dependent on begging for money than giving money to homeless people does.
Most societies in history have had codified ways of beggars receiving food or basic needs from vendors, the current situation in at least the US is horrendously cruel.
If panhandling was 100% illegal with a felony charge for those panhandling and for those giving do you think more people would pull themselves out of being homeless or would they just suffer more?
Homelessness is not caused by laziness as the state of being homeless is exhausting both mentally and physically, thus codifying the act of being homeless and needing money as even more criminal doesn’t do anything to stop people from falling into homelessness and getting stuck there. What causes people to fall into homelessness and extreme poverty and get stuck there is how obscenely cruel our society is structured and how if you fall down everybody around you starts kicking you because that is just what we do when people fall down.
It doesn’t really matter what a homeless person uses the money for that you give them or that the homeless person might think “oh this is a good spot to panhandle” if you give them money in that spot, but make no mistake these are trivial little details of the day, they have nothing to do with what is crushing that human being down (especially when you live in the richest country on earth like I do, and we have plenty enough resources to go around if we cared to tackle wealth inequality).
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
Wow hell yeah thank you so much! I love mods but I really don’t have much fun manually putting modpacks together as I am after a coherent experience that is roughly balanced and fun, so I REALLY appreciate seeing an example of a collected list of mods that someone who plays the game frequently in co-op might use! Thank you. Now I just have to buy the damn game lol
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
Do you specifically not recommend sharing colonists but instead having a two base kind of setup?
What mods do you think make the choices you make in moment to moment gameplay more fun and interesting?
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
Hell yeah
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
Do you have any recommendations for playing as a new player with a friend who is a new player using the co-op mod. I know that isn’t the ideal way to do it, but I don’t mind steep learning curves so much especially when it is for games that are meant to be played for years and years like Rimworld.
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
Going Medieval looks interesting!
I have still never played Rimworld, I keep meaning to buy it and get around to playing it. I feel like playing it co-op would be a blast.
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
It is a bit hard to find info on some of the units and mechanics but the underlying game is just so damn tight and the turn based combat is nail biting, so it is worth pushing through that annoyance.
If you end up liking it but find it confusing feel free to reach out with questions, I have played a good bit of it.
- Comment on Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. 10 months ago:
Hey thank you for your thoughtful response as well, the fediverse is a pretty cool place I think!
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
whispers in your ear
“Eador Genesis New Horizons”
Its like HOM 3 but the campaign focuses on many short games played over a meta campaign where you gain the ability to build new buildings and units based on the “shards” you conquer (each “shard” is its own separate run through of a short HOM3 type game). There are “local lords” that will fight for control of the shard but the real problem is when other gods similar to yourself also try to stake a claim on a shard and you have to battle them.
Eador Genesis is HARD af, but the New Horizons mod has been in development for years and it has grown the game into an extremely tight, challenging experience that you really ought to check out if you like HOM 3. The graphics are also wonderfully old school pixelated and simple like HOM 3’s are.
- Comment on Laysara: Summit Kingdom is a stunning mountainous city builder that’s out now in early access 10 months ago:
I haven’t really messed around with city builders, though I did have a blast playing Zeus and Poseidon.
What are y’all’s favorite city builders?
^ Not in terms of how many mods there are or raw Numbers Of Things in the game but in the actual depth and fun to the decisions you are making in moment to moment gameplay.
- Comment on Motive Studio To Work On Battlefield As Iron Man Game Hits 'Major Internal Milestone' 10 months ago:
Harsh Doorstop looks like it will be a fun homage to those old modded Counter-Strike 1.6 servers
Yeah except Operation Harsh Doorstop and the underlying Unreal Engine can take mods wayyy farther than modded Counter Strike ever could as it has vehicles and support for large maps :) . Hopefully the impact will be more like how Battlefield 2 mods were pretty much the only place innovation was happening in the multiplayer vehicle shooter genre for years and years.
I did enjoy the weird Counter Strike servers, I got so bored of playing de_dust over and over and over again that I would always seek out the weirdest servers I could find just because it was fun to see new shit lol. I don’t think Operation Harsh Doorstop is going to blow up like Counter Strike did obviously but I do think that small niche communities of players who like certain kinds of vehicle based multiplayer shooters will absolutely form, and it will be those smaller games that rocket the genre forward into a new era.
- Comment on Motive Studio To Work On Battlefield As Iron Man Game Hits 'Major Internal Milestone' 10 months ago:
Yeah I am on a steam deck so Squad is a no (also the community seems really toxic from what I have heard?), Arma 3 only really gives acceptable framerates in singleplayer (though not sure that is really because I have a steam deck…).
Hell Let Loose looks ok, I really don’t like Escape From Tarkov like games though because they invariably become pay to win with players being able to pay real money to have material advantages they bring in to matches, and I could not be less interested in that to be honest even though the overall game type sounds cool.
Triple A studios can no longer sustain the game development model and remain profitable due to b-suite and a-suite management grifting all the profits and paying for CEO golden parachutes while the QA, game devs and art teams can barely afford rent.
The unfortunate thing is that the amount of development work it takes to make and maintain a multiplayer shooter with balanced gunplay and vehicles is immense. I am not convinced an indie studio can really do it and succeed long term, especially if they drag their feet and refuse to add mod support (like the Battlebit devs) so the community can augment the small development team’s work when necessary. Battlebit is certainly not a success story currently on that front, but I am eagerly watching development of Operation Harsh Doorstop as it is a realistic shooter with vehicles and large maps made by developers that understand the importance of opening up their game to modding. Even if Operation Harsh Doorstop doesn’t end up being to my tastes in terms of vanilla gameplay that fact we now have a moddable shooter with decent gunplay, movement and vehicle mechanics means that future projects in the vein of Forgotten Hope and Project Reality will have a natural place to turn that can jumpstart development past the barebones stuff that takes up a huge amount of work.
I honestly think several commercial shooters built on a shared open source shooter engine makes more sense than a bunch of indie studios trying to build shooters from the ground up every single time. The important bits aren’t all the details in getting the engine working in shooter design, the important bits are the details of balance, the subtleties of gun feel and the flow of maps, these are the things indie developers should be worrying about in terms of shooter design, not making basic aspects of a multiplayer shooter function.
- Comment on Motive Studio To Work On Battlefield As Iron Man Game Hits 'Major Internal Milestone' 10 months ago:
I just wish battlebit would add mod support already so I can completely just stop caring about what EA does with the battlefield franchise.
I like battlebit but the game balance is totally skewed towards high mobility players with SMGs and if you try to play any other style you immediately get sniped…. so I really want my battlefield itch scratched and battlebit is just failing terribly at it at the moment.
I am thinking about checking out Forgotten Hope 2 again, that is an old school one lol.
Any battlefield like games I am missing that can run on a steamdeck? There is Renegade X which is a remake of a battlefield-like game set in the Command And Conquer universe. Fun but gameplay is still pretty rough around edges.
- Comment on Thriving 10 months ago:
More honest living to be a wench than a guard.
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
For the vast majority of Americans having a car is a mandatory part of having a job?
I can’t remember the last job I applied to that didn’t ask specifically whether I had a drivers license and car.
Yes, owning a car is mandatory at least in most places in the US. I don’t like it, but to believe otherwise is a strange distortion of the reality for most.
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
A person can actually, literally, control whether their car hits anything. It’s a solvable problem.
That is a really silly way to look at car accidents and the tragedies that come out of them. Just because you could rewind time and change what the drivers were doing to avoid a crash happening doesn’t really mean anything about the inherent risk factors to driving. Accidents are going to happen, we live in the real world not the one in which people behave consistently and perfectly and freak unexpected situations never happen.
I disagree. It’s like a gun. There’s negligence, but “true accidents” I’m not sure if I buy it.
No, you can walk around with a gun, even with it cocked and so long as you keep your finger off the trigger the likelihood of an unavoidable or unforeseen accident is still fairly low. A gun is an inert object that must be compelled to become lethal by the pressing of a trigger. A 5000 pound SUV on the other hand, by simply moving at normal driving speeds in close proximity to other people, consistently presents lethal opportunities that the driver must actively take steps to prevent from becoming realities. A gun and a car are almost precise opposites in that respect.
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
If you don’t start yelling at somebody or something within 10 minutes of getting in the driver seat you are in the vanishing minority of drivers. Are you some kind of monk?
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
It’s far easier to get to the grocery store without hitting anything with the car than it is to, say, pass the first level of Super Mario Bros.
Then why don’t we let kids who can beat Super Mario Bros in their sleep (and thus from your perspective have demonstrated the skill required to learn how to drive) drive cars?
Again just because it is easy to aim the steering wheel and press the gas peddle doesn’t mean that every time you so much as drive to the grocery store and back in your car you are literally doing the most dangerous (mandatory) activity in most adult’s lives.
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
I’m sorry not hitting another flying object in an absolutely MASSIVE three dimensional space is a trivial task next to driving through a busy city in essentially a two dimensional space (you can’t go above or below to avoid hazards) with high speed traffic going the other direction only inches away, abrupt requirements to stop when something pulls in front of you, a dizzying variety of cars, pedestrians, bicyclists and other hazards to keep track of and the constant pressing need to ALWAYS be ready to brake or steer violently in order to avoid crashing.
Let me put it this way, with an airplane cruising on a level flight path, how long could the pilot let go of the controls and ignore the environment around them before they hit something? That is a difficult question to answer, it could be 10 minutes… it could be more (assuming the aircraft can maintain a cruise speed and level fligjht). With a car, the answer is simple, it takes no more than 3-5 seconds of ignoring the environment around you and letting go of the controls to hit something. At highway speeds the difference of a second or two can determine if you collide head on with another vehicle at a combined velocity of 120+ mph.
An airplane pilot rarely is put in a position as risky as driving a car unless they are acting extremely irresponsibly. The rules of flying set out to make it so the pilot ideally never needs the kind of split second reactions that driving requires on a day to day basis.
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
Driving is easy in a way that it’s schematic and there are not many rules compared to say aviation
I just don’t agree with this, flying an airplane has got to be harder in a lot of ways but one way in which driving is more difficult is the the amount of things you can hit while driving and how easy it is to hit those things.
The entire point of an airplane is to get up into the sky so it doesn’t have to worry about hitting other things when it goes fast…
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
being able to get in a car and sit in traffic anywhere is pretty freeing
Fixed that for youuu
- Comment on car insurance 10 months ago:
It’s actually ridiculously simple to not break the law or get in an accident.
Driving a car is absurdly difficult, incredibly dangerous, takes only a second of distraction to kill yourself and others and in general is such a nightmare that it is contrary to what you say a miracle that people aren’t crashing into each other all the damn time.
Like, everybody I have gotten in a car with for the past 10 years invariably will get stressed out significantly by the unavoidable chaos of driving enough to visibly become emotional about it even during a short drive. Driving is miserable.
- Comment on [PyottDesign] Ultimate FPS Controller Design and Build 10 months ago:
I mean I get it, auto-aim can be frustrating, especially if you can’t find a game you like that doesn’t have it, but on the other hand a bit of good auto-aim de-emphasizes just being extremely good at aiming which makes every other aspect of the game more important and satisfying to master, which I think you can make a good argument for being a good thing when it is done right.
- Comment on Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. 11 months ago:
Who put those contaminants there though?
Swamp creatures didn’t, the swamp didn’t, we did.
- Comment on Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. 11 months ago:
True I don’t mean to insinuate there aren’t dangerous creatures in swamps, they are the cities of nature, you find everything there.
Like real cities though, there is a safety in the crowd, in the wild variety of different forms and tendencies. It means that no particular process or force is likely to swing wildly out of control, no animal is going to overrun the swamp. If the swamp becomes full of some icky animal, let’s say cockroaches, then the swamp will soon become full of bullfrogs and other predators. Things are smoothed out in a very complex way that makes swamps a much “safer” environment than you might expect because the constant ecological conversation between everything in the swamp keeps things in check.
What happens when that system breaks down is like what you see with ticks in the eastern US. The general hardwood landscapes of the east have had their ecological engine thrown so far out of whack that tick populations are skyrocketing along with tick borne diseases. The forests are not functioning like a swamp where when one element goes way out of whack it is mediated by another.
It is no coincidence that freshwater wetlands have been erased wholesale from the landscape of America, filled in, polluted beyond function or destroyed.