Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive
- Comment on Steam is recommending homophobic curators. 8 months ago:
Well it’s no longer pride month, so why give a fuck about your customers and fans?
- Comment on Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says 8 months ago:
I’d rather be a nobody who’s right than someone people listen to who’s horribly wrong.
- Comment on Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become 8 months ago:
I was going to quote that but it seemed too obvious when I could try to express my own words.
Not calling you out, I just wanted a way of expressing my frustration.
- Comment on Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become 8 months ago:
"Unlike the Europours, we have so much money! We get paid more!"
- No healthcare if not working
- Rarely paid time off
- Less holidays
- Less workers rights
- Most states don’t allow time off for voting
- Tax dollars go more to bombing people than education of the future workforces
- No major way of sending donations to political groups
- Taxes are done inefficiently on purpose to enable companies to get money from doing your yearly legal requirements as a citizen
- Still tested for drugs on your private time
- Longer commutes other nations
- Commutes are often paid by the worker, not the company
- Commutes are in cars because public infrastructure doesn’t allow most workers to get to work on time or doesn’t have the last mile covered.
- Cars that cost money to just exist, let alone actually use.
- Commutes and needing to eat food take time away from the 16 hours “free” from work, meaning people have to cut on sleep or other important self regulations
I feel so fucking free you guys man we have it good.
- Comment on Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become 8 months ago:
Most Americans don’t see themselves as workers, they see themselves as just some a main character who is only struggling due to a personal fault in a quick time event rather than corporate planed actions that worked with the government to enable that thinking in the first place.
- Comment on Felt cute :3 been feeling dysphoric lately so pls be kind >~> 9 months ago:
Gentoo? Impressive! You can compile your own gender and distro!
Trans rights! 🏳️⚧️ (Seriously, I got Gentoo to compile once on an old T420, and I felt that was good enough, and then went back to Arch. Good work!)
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 10 months ago:
Conservatives, fascists, and Auth-Communists just disagree on what color the flag should be, and the name of the party in charge handing out the police to dispatch onto the people.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 10 months ago:
Yeah Tankies/AuthComs are just such an odd mixture of accelerationists, “own the libs” and just general stupidity of “a strong man makes strong men” bullshit that they support any fascist if it means maybe someday they might not be on the chopping block.
If Tankies were an actual voting bloc they’d be somewhat impactful for the first time since maybe 1949. That would imply going outside however.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 10 months ago:
It’s really funny how no one really likes liberals but liberals.
Conservatives: “They’re too freedom loving for my tastes! Why can’t they just stay and home and be good corporate stooges like us?” Auth-Communists: “They claim to like freedom but still willingly use the capitalist forces to oppress who they like. Liberals are okay with personal freedom until it impacts the white moderates.
That’s our job!” Anarchists: “It’s literally weird to call yourself a liberal when all they do is oppose any movement against the status quo. If they can’t convert them to sell away their soul to the state or capitalism, they’re terrorists. They’re more like conservatives than any actual progressives, and even progressives admit 100% capitalism isn’t great.” Libertarian capitalists: “They claim to be for freedom but constantly require the state to check in on if people are enjoying their freedom like that Nanny’s they never had. I just wanna grill for god’s sake!”Like it’s just funny to me no matter where you are on the political spectrum, you have a somewhat decent reason to hate liberals (except conservatives are too stupid to tell liberals apart from “commies”).
- Comment on The Patriarchy 10 months ago:
God forbid women do anything!
- Comment on trapped! 10 months ago:
Hard sci-fi is when writers take time to understand current science and understanding how things would work, and then apply it to the future. Arthur C. Clarke is the default example of hard sci-fi.
Basically, “hard” sci-fi uses real world science to figure out how something would work in a future setting. And hard sci-fi really tries to figure out if something is practical outside of a set piece. “Soft” sci-fi is more about social problems of the real world and beyond, like Star Trek. But there isn’t an exact formal definition for where hard starts and soft begins, and vice versa.
And I think 95% of scifi fans would agree that neither is better or worse, it just fits the story as its needed. Personally I love hard scifi as a concept, but my favorite scifi stories are all soft, like Star Trek.
- Comment on Political Science 10 months ago:
That’s just homeopathy and corporate funded “studies”.
- Comment on Google fires 28 workers for protesting $1.2 billion Israel contract 11 months ago:
South Park would probably be on the side of Google and other corporations, Matt and Trey are diehard libertarian capitalists.
- Comment on Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue 11 months ago:
And yet they refuse to update the infrastructure it uses, it uses such an old version of Electron that things that Google solved years ago are still issues on Discord, especially for Linux users.
I understand we’re about 4% of the user market, but why do Linux users not get to have audio with screensharing? macOS isn’t gaming focused at all, but has support for it. You have to essentially trick discord to get support for it on Linux.
- Comment on Stop this? 1 year ago:
King Solomon says no.
- Comment on What is wage theft exactly? 1 year ago:
I think the idea is that “theft is not political”. Labor itself is not inherently political, but the fact that labor often not in a society that itself has unjust hierarchies is now political. The concept of “working at a task” is not political, but it can be.
That said, there’s one major group that cares about labor, cares about getting paid well, and doesn’t like people that steal money. And it’s sure as shit not the right wing.
- Comment on Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2" 1 year ago:
I just wish Valve wasn’t pulling a Nintendo and not aiding the fans of a game they care about, instead of just sitting on it and claiming they are doing all they can for it.
How long has it been since we were promised a major update after Jungle Inferno? How long since Valve promised community fixes? How long since Valve delayed it with “we’re working hard on making it next update”? How long did Valve say they heard the community loud and clear about the bot crisis?
TF2 is my all time favorite game, but it’s no longer really playable in 2024. Casual servers are infested with bots, and there’s been no major changes to the game since 2017. I wish Valve cared about the game as much as the community still does dozens of years later.
- Comment on Do Huawei phones have a secret backdoor that the Chinese government can access? 1 year ago:
John Cena is not a random American. You and I are closer to random than John Cena, a man who is internationally famous and a professional actor. That’s like saying Tom Cruise is a random American, when you know exactly who I’m talking about without googling.
That said, yes, China censors American media and actors, and it’s horrid. The fact that films get made in America and edited for China and America, is a crime to any artful visions the writers, actors, directors, editors and more may have had. But China itself doesn’t have the time and energy to stop you or I online all the time, it barely can do it within the Great Firewall, due to the sheer scope of the population and area the country covers.
- Comment on Do Huawei phones have a secret backdoor that the Chinese government can access? 1 year ago:
Probably, but iPhones and Android have them for the Five Eyes and anyone else who is willing to pay/push for laws to make it happen. All you do with a phone is pick your poison, do you want China to spy on you, or America, the UK, or some other government or company who then sells it to the highest bidder.
Any cell phone, dumb or smart, is a tracking device. The smarter it is, the better it is as snooping on you. Doesn’t matter how or where the phone’s hardware is made, it’s going to track you without consent. You just need to ask “Am I worried about China or am I worried about another government?” to even “If the backdoor is big enough, can third parties get me too as I walk by on the street?”
- Comment on Plummeting interest rate 1 year ago:
Doctor Who
- Comment on Plummeting interest rate 1 year ago:
Man, I’ve met partners I dated for years because of random shit. Reddit, random interactions on discord, and a few more. My parents met because of a convention my dad organized for a show that was off the air for a few years at that point.
Humans are social creatures and they do be socializing.
- Comment on Plummeting interest rate 1 year ago:
- Mutual interest
- Games often require talking and supporting each other well to beat the task at hand
- Probably into more games and hobbies together
Indeed, it’s a win/win
- Comment on Stalin the Tank Engine 1 year ago:
We had to take that coal from our Ukrainian steamers to help others! You can’t make some railroads without cracking a few engines.
- Comment on Voyager 1's Golden Record 1 year ago:
Yes, I want more from there. More stuff is what I wrote.
- Comment on Voyager 1's Golden Record 1 year ago:
3 Bach and 2 Beethoven, make it one each and now there’s 3 spots for Asia, Africa, and Native populations.
I know it has more, but it has a bias to who made the golden record. Trust me, I’ve been a space/Star Trek nerd since my youth. I know what’s on there. I even have a replica of what’s on it on a vinyl record.
- Comment on Voyager 1's Golden Record 1 year ago:
“Hello from Earth! Now music from about 25% of the population and landmass.”
I get that Americans, myself included, Beethoven and Bach are important and influence, but if it’s trying to explain all of humanity, include more stuff from the nations of Africa, Asia, South America, and some stuff from the native people of Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the Americas.
It feels at best stupid to say “this details the best of humanity in a small package” and the best is mostly western.
I do love the “Hello from Earth” in several languages.
- Comment on A photo of two guys who ran for political office. Al Lewis (Grandpa Munster) ran for the Green Party. Scary resemblance. 1 year ago:
Al Lewis was an awesome motherfucker, Ted Cruz pees his pants because he likes the wet warm feeling down his legs. Allegedly.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
god thats fresh comedy, you should go do stand up and put that in your tight five, well meme’d!
- Comment on It's what they're there for 1 year ago:
When you take gym rat and gym bunny too seriously.