- Comment on Cheeky 5 months ago:
Yeah but that can also be because of genetics. I eat bread everyday and still never had a cavity
- Comment on Bees 6 months ago:
Thanks, that is a factor I hadn’t thought of
- Comment on Bees 6 months ago:
I hope somebody can help me with this: could a bee theoretically evolve to have a stronger stinger so that stinging a human’s skin multiple times would be possible?
If bees would evolve like other animals those who survive stinging humans would produce more offspring, but in this case only the queen produces offspring and the queen probably contact with human skin so this trait wouldn’t be favoured by evolution. Or am I looking at this wrong?
- Comment on Priorities 8 months ago:
Sorry, I just flew over the article. Where do they say that it is a pro-terrorist protest?
- Comment on Radioactivity 8 months ago:
You should preface a comment if you used AI to write it
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 8 months ago:
Nothing wrong with wanting more diversity. In fact that’s a good thing
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 9 months ago:
Well queer used to be an insult but the LBGTQ+ community reclaimed it. First though, some time needs to pass and afterwards the community that was targeted needs to decide to want to use the word.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 10 months ago:
If you say “boys and girls” that’s ok imo, but saying “men and girls” is probably condescending again
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Same, I just like how it tastes. I’d rather not eat any meat than not drink milk. I do know that both are bad for the environment and for the cows but quitting is not easy
- Comment on Beautiful 1 year ago:
The sparkle is great but the nose looks dirty and the face flat
- Comment on Beautiful 1 year ago:
It’s not great execution though
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
In your the last sentences of your last paragraph you could exchange the word rape for murder and it would still be true. Similarly for most crimes there is no necessity. So I really don’t understand why you think “rape isn’t like other crimes”.
It seems like you have your own irrational opinion that you don’t want to change so I really don’t see the point in this discussion.
- Comment on A comedic short film we made. Inspired a bit by Monty Python. 1 year ago:
Loved it!
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
Yeah what kind of friends are they even if they’re not giving you an eating disorder?!?