- Comment on Magic Mineral 5 months ago:
Something something you may be entitled to compensation
- Comment on Anon finds the culprit 5 months ago:
They’re likely citing Wakefield, he’s been having a resurgence in US media
- Comment on Anon finds the culprit 5 months ago:
Gut disorders are correlated with autism
Autism is not correlated with gut disorder
That is both the research and the current scientific consensus
- Comment on Anon finds the culprit 5 months ago:
For the record, the study they’re likely citing was the one that tested less than 15 kids, 3 or more of which did NOT have autism, and the then-doctor permanently crippled one of them in the process of testing for the digestive-neural autism link
(The entire study exists because he wanted to discredit a vaccine to sell his own)
- Comment on YouTube diluting my recommended videos feed with AI-generated “music” that pretends to be made by an actual artist 6 months ago:
I can promise you that the ‘dont recommend’ rarely works, and if used on Youtube Music it will actually show it to you as if you liked the video, even if you disliked it on regular Youtube
- Comment on YouTube diluting my recommended videos feed with AI-generated “music” that pretends to be made by an actual artist 6 months ago:
I liked Putrid Mutant better
If you DO like them though, try 1-800 PAIN
- Comment on giving her 🧀 6 months ago:
If she’s running she doesn’t know what muenster is If she does know what it is and still runs, shes possibly insane and you are both better off
- Comment on Aluminum 7 months ago:
Dragonforce is the hardest metal known to man, it is the metal you use to break diamond
- Comment on Aluminum 7 months ago:
Guy that named it called it Aluminum
Weirdo types that decided they were in charge of naming things decided to name it Aluminium so it “matched” the likes of other metals like titanium, iridium, etc
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
Have you ever been tested for Sensory Processing Disorder
- Comment on yogi knows 10 months ago:
I still think the bear question is completely loaded
I would ALWAYS choose the bear. Everyone I know would ALWAYS choose the bear. If the random man was a person they were close to, most people would STILL choose the bear because bears are rad as hell
- Comment on Anon envies the AVGN's power 10 months ago:
I’m not gonna say that his review was ‘racist’ at all, but saying characters that are Asian in an Asian community ‘limiting the appeal of the movie’ and ‘made for the directors immediate friends and family’ is absolutely bananas
And for a review of a movie he wasn’t interested in, why did he need to double down on his review of it
- Comment on Anon envies the AVGN's power 10 months ago:
The neckbeards said it was bad because it had women as the main cast
The movie was bad because it was made bad, not because of the cast
- Comment on I miss vegetables 11 months ago:
unironically buy bags of frozen veg and throw them into the broth, let it heat back up, then throw noodles in
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
Thats why there’s a thing called the legal system, where they use (mostly) legitimate authority to fairly prosecute people in a way that respects their rights
Some thug walking around attempting to be judge, jury, and jailhouse yard all at once because someone did something they dislike is some Mad Max Spaghetti Western garbage
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
I mean, fully rejecting empathetic governance in favor of pseudodictitorial violent threat by violence doers is one way to look at things. It even lead to the fastest growing (and shortest lived) empires of the 20th century!
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
easy there Frank Castle
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
It would honestly affect them more if they were banned from the park, that is the scariest thing in the world to them
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
‘Consequences of their actions’ would be removal from the park and subsequent ban, not having to go to court to sue the person who assaulted them for injuries and damages
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
Disney has security guards. Disney has security cameras. Disney has jurisdiction to have people removed from the park. Disney has the right to have people charged with crimes they committed (with evidence from previously mentioned guards and cameras). Disney does not need people to do their job for them, they can literally handle it themselves.
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
99% sure that ‘others’ would prefer it be done by somebody that is trained, officiated, and legally responsible for their actions rather than watch some self-proclaimed vigilante justice dealer attack someone else
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
Responding to simple assault that doesn’t involve you with assault and battery IS acting violent
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
That person has (at max) assaulted the child, not the observer
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
Acting violent to those you find mildly annoying is an actual disorder (intermittent anger disorder), I’d get it checked out before you end up doing time my brother
- Comment on New ‘Star Trek’ Movie in the Works at Paramount from ‘Andor’ Director 1 year ago:
Most of Star Trek is [space] politics, and most of the people who own Star Trek don’t care about [space] politics. They want a marketable good to become the DC to Star Wars’ Marvel
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
IT finds a solution and applies it
Tech bro sells a solution and never references it again
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
The literal point of Tyler Durden is he WAS toxic masculinity gone out of control
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Project Mayhem is a populist pseudofacist palingenetic uprising that seeks to replace modern hierarchies with ones exclusively formed around violence
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
not enough tbh