Reddit Refugee that moved to
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 1 day ago:
Fresnel lenses (like the kind you can tear out of old projection tv’s) work great for that, but they’re kind of a pain and bulky, and very impractical. I have one I took out of an old 55" projection tv. I think charcoal firestarters by a tire works better and can be “deployed” in seconds, but concentrated light is still pretty cool.
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 1 day ago:
Good point. I didn’t think to add that because I rarely carry my tracking devices with me.
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 1 day ago:
Filming only helps so much though. Cover your face and anything identifying, wear clothes from a thrift store, put a pebble in your shoe (to force you to walk differently) etc, and it’s pretty hard to link you to anything without some solid evidence.
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 2 days ago:
Accelerants and or/ firestarters placed near the tires. Once you get the rubber burning the rest kind of takes care of itself.
- Comment on (:3) 1 month ago:
Taxpayer funded slave market. The taxpayer feeds them, clothes them, houses them, pays for the guards etc… THEN the elite get to use them for their discount labor.
- Comment on Reuters: New research backs up that video games can be an antidote to stress and anxiety [interactive article] 1 month ago:
I mean, isn’t “winding down” and having fun a main reason a lot of people play video games to start with?
There’s few things more satisfying than a well tossed stick of dynamite landing in a KKK meeting in RDR2, then cleaning up the leftovers with a shotgun.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
Find one or become one are the only options.
- Comment on I'm ready for winter. 2 months ago:
I appreciate the effort made, although convertibles are not very comfy in a snowstorm.
- Comment on Playing Outside Simulator coming 2025 3 months ago:
Ngl, your title had me hyped for a minute there.
- Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 4 months ago:
Does his ass count as a source?
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
They probably won’t get rid of elections… they’ll just have sham elections like Russia has to give the impression of “legitimacy” but I guarantee they’ll be heavily rigged in their favor.
- Comment on "Better with age" has its limits. 4 months ago:
I agree… I have an unopened bottle of beer from 1975, just by looking at it I can tell that its “better with age” window is long gone. (Note the sediment buildup at the bottom) Image
- Comment on Why are laptop adapters so much larger than phone adapters of same power rating? 4 months ago:
My guess is it’s similar to the electric motors they put in cars vs industrial motors… they can both put out X amount of power but the industrial ones (or in this case the laptop power) can do it continuously without overheating while the other can only output “up to” that power rating for a short time without burning up.
- Comment on How do you get better at debate without necessarily doing a debate? 5 months ago:
He is the master debater.
- Comment on Honest Government Ad | TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸 5 months ago:
Yup sounds about right lol
- Comment on Anon makes bad decisions 5 months ago:
In Democratic America school finishes you.
- Comment on i am hella indifferent to humans of any gender taking shits 5 months ago:
Taco Bell is usually involved.
- Comment on Looks like I'm getting into World of Warships 7 months ago:
Well… somethings gonna get wet.
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 7 months ago:
I believe it was Denuvo that was the issue. The cracked version with denuvo stripped from it worked without a hiccup and ran smooth.
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 7 months ago:
That’s far Cry 6 for me. Bought it off the epic site when it first came out and it didn’t work because of the drm. (Needed sse 4.3? which my old assed pc doesn’t have.)
Downloaded a cracked torrent, worked like a charm.
- Comment on Evidence That Our Names Physically Change Our Faces Over Time (Anton Petrov, YouTube) 7 months ago:
at 50, everyone has the face he deserves.
Welp, I’m screwed.
- Comment on Anon gets a hug 7 months ago:
I know a girl that popped out a kid at 13. (pregnant at 12)
I think she’s got like 5 kids now, and she’s not even 30 yet.
- Comment on Anon has a question 7 months ago:
They say around around 10 uses or a max of three months, depending on how often you use it.
For me personally I tend to stretch it a bit further… the main thing is that it isn’t rancid or starting to get too dark.
- Comment on Anon has a question 7 months ago:
For me it’s mostly the deep fryer. When I change the oil it takes about 4 1/2 liters to refill.
- Comment on If you had a drain that you knew was clogged only with hair, could you unclog the drain only using Nair? 8 months ago:
I have a… uh… never mind. I don’t think I want to know.
- Comment on Donald Trump Regular Client of Jeffrey Epstein According to Leaked Memo 8 months ago:
Spray painting and oil changes.
- Comment on Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 8 months ago:
Ya I’ve been setting mine to Brazil for that exact reason. The episodes show up on my freetube when I’m normally in the us/canada but I can’t watch them otherwise without that “unavailable in your region” crap.
Geo-locked content sucks.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
If you click “source” on a deleted comment, you can see what was written before it was deleted.
- Comment on Rules for Life 10 months ago:
Get high and headbutt your cat.
- Comment on How do recommend eating this? 10 months ago:
Reminds me of a joke I heard…
Kid goes to his father, Dad what does a vagina look like?"
Dad: “Before sex or after sex?”
Kid: “uh… before sex.”
Dad: “Like a rose, with all it’s pedals in full bloom”
kid: thinks for a second. “huh ok. What about after sex?”
Dad “Ever see a bulldog eating mayonnaise?”