- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Perhaps this is the perspective people need.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I think your mentality is great. I’ve heard people say, “Sure I’ll eat a burger, but what kind of psychopath wants to kill an animal themselves?”
I don’t know, what kind of a psychopath pays an industry to do it for them so they don’t have to feel bad about it? Look, I get it, I don’t hunt. But I respect the people who respectfully end the animal’s life themselves. Only they can really understand the cost. We just throw away some old chicken we forgot to cook while passing judgment on who we paid to get it for us and how they did it.
- Comment on it's just that simple. Don't forget to exercise out of depression... 6 months ago:
Yeah the thing that is so hard is that none of the individual actions feel successful. But overtime they pay off. You have to build a guest house for happiness and keep it clean. So the next time he shows up, maybe he’ll stay awhile.
- Comment on Against all odds, an asteroid mining company [AstroForge] appears to be making headway 7 months ago:
If you engineer for it, you can send up a machine to fabricate the miners with raw resources. Then you just have to send up a couple starter miners and you never have to send another rocket up. Infinite resources down (limited by time). Solar power to drive the machines. Hell the manufacturer can double as basic initial processing plant and drop purified metals.
- Comment on Against all odds, an asteroid mining company [AstroForge] appears to be making headway 7 months ago:
“I wish we could mine without destroying the environment”
“Well what if we mined in space instead?”
“Why don’t you focus on the problems here on Earth buddy. Wow what an idiot. Can you believe that guy?”
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
Or, you know, put regular gas in that DeLorean and go get the food yourself. Acting entitled to food delivery and also hating the food delivery service that’s able to stay in business is kinda silly.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
Don’t… Use them?
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 8 months ago:
Sci-fi is a little more about theorizing science before it gets there. I feel like philosophy is more like: “Why are we looking for the cat?”
It ascribes meaning to the actions that science makes possible. I can find that cat if I use science. But why do I want the cat and what will I do once I have it?
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 8 months ago:
Which is why I think it’s wild people want to throw on the brakes now that we’re affecting the entire earth. I mean I understand that it seems like we’ve ended up in a bad spot ecologically if you only take the last 100 years into account. But why stop right on the most toxic version of humanity? Let’s push forward to our solarpunk future as soon as possible.
- Comment on Police Really Want a Cybertruck, Email Shows 8 months ago:
Why are all these comments making me love this design? 😂
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 8 months ago:
That’s the goal ain’t it? Imma need y’all’s help.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 8 months ago:
They won’t need maintenance if they’re a general purpose intelligence. A technology that has the possibility to free all of humanity from scarcity, has the possibility to finally collapse dominance of aristocracy for good. Sure, they’ll try and put themselves on top somehow. But once the knowledge exists, anyone can create a version for the greater good.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 8 months ago:
That’s the cool part, you won’t. If everything crucial is automated, people can drive things forward for passion rather than for money. Of course, this would effectively collapse capitalism, which won’t happen painlessly.
- Comment on Golden 8 months ago:
- Comment on Physics Girl Long Covid and ME/CFS Livestream [Fundraiser + Interviews] 8 months ago:
Yeah her story is horrifying and tragic. I hope they get the help they need until she’s better. If that day ever comes.
- Comment on Physics Girl Long Covid and ME/CFS Livestream [Fundraiser + Interviews] 8 months ago:
Wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I hope Diana gets better and no one ever has to deal with chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
This is sort of where I get confused about people pissed at Taylor Swift for having a private jet. Like I totally understand that some of the trips have been shown to be unnecessary and I agree. But how many sports teams and equipment do we transport for greater carbon emissions to bring joy to a fraction as many people? Like think about an American football game, world cup game, Olympics, F1 race, Golf tournament… hell even Burning Man? I feel like it’s just low hanging fruit for her critics to stir up shit.
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago:
You think you are the first person to tell them the earth is round? What are you actually attempting to accomplish when you speak to this person?
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago:
Right and that should be the target of our efforts. Not fighting over scientific research they’ve already decided to reject. Encourage them to think more critically. You can only encourage someone when you have their ear. You only have someone’s ear when they’re comfortable around you. Demeaning someone’s intelligence and telling them their world view is a toxic lie, is a quick way to convince them they’ll only ever be at odds with you.
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago:
It’s often that they think those people know but aren’t telling the truth. Then more and more people start agreeing. So they’re not the one person who figured it out, it’s a revolution!
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago:
Just because they set the bar low, doesn’t mean it’s not still intellectual superiority to step over it. The fact of the matter, as you pointed out, is that they were taught everything you’re about to say in elementary school. The fact that they didn’t learn the earth is round implies there’s more going on in their head than a lack of information.
I’m inferring from your tone that you’re not planning to compassionately listen to their perspective and provide constructive criticism. So yeah, it sounds like you’re going to spend a few minutes calling them stupid. Which has no benefit other than stroking the intellectual part of your ego. It actually will likely make the world a worse place, because you’ll present yourself to them as someone they don’t want to be like. Further entrenching them in their views.
- Comment on Measurements 8 months ago:
I’ve used Blender for years. Recently I was looking for a video editor. Somebody suggested use Blender. I thought, okay this will be funny, let’s try it. Don’t get me wrong Premier (best IMO) is better if you can get it for free. But damn… it was actually comparable!!
- Comment on 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement 9 months ago:
Yeah and what is the first thing they teach you in art school? History. From day one you’re studying the works of other artists and its implications. How they managed to make an impact on the viewers and how it inspires you. Then we produce output that’s judged by our teachers on a scale and we use that as weighted training data.
- Comment on 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement 9 months ago:
Maybe other artists should do that too. Art isn’t built from nothing but the sheer magical creativity of the artist. If that were true we’d have Sistine cave paintings instead of the finger painting we currently have in prehistoric caves. Inspiration, is in fact, a thing.
- Comment on 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement 9 months ago:
They should go ahead and be against Photoshop and, well, computers all together while they’re at it. In fact spray paint is cheating too. You know how long it takes to make a proper brush stroke? No skill numpties; they don’t know what real art is!
- Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 9 months ago:
Most social spaces on the Internet pull people’s focus to issues they have very little control over. This has been shown to cause a degradation in mental health. Since these places have become a mainstay in society, we’ve seen a plummet in mental health. Things can’t get better if everyone is suffering from depression and anxiety.
Being informed enough to support a few (2-3) issues with real intention, can be helpful. But letting corporations and politicians leverage the idea that being informed about everything is good, just leads to them pointing to everything that can be spun as a problem. Then nobody does anything meaningful to affect change. They just feel defeated.
- Comment on viruses 9 months ago:
Worth mentioning: life is a construct created by humans. We decide if it’s alive, just like we decided if anything else was alive. There’s no definite answer that science can provide on this topic. It can only provide humanity with more facts with which we can contrive a distinction.
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 9 months ago:
Yeah, they’re both pretty wildly off base. Publishing papers that are vetted and used as a foundation for other work is science. Also, sorry, but developing advancements behind closed doors is still science. Oppenheimer’s secret research for the government is pretty fucking foundational. Thomas Edison wasn’t interested in sharing his ideas, but rather in selling them. Everyone remembers him.
This argument reads like two people having an ego trip past each other.
- Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 10 months ago:
Lions, Tigers, and Bears, no man!
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 10 months ago:
What I think is astonishing to some people lately about Cyberpunk, is that they got most of their information from the popular channels on the internet. Despite its name, these channels (reddit r/all, Twitter, etc) are a (loud) minority of the actual opinions.
Pretty much every one I talked to IRL about Cyberpunk was aware of the controversy, but had a much more nuanced opinion than I was seeing online. Many of them enjoyed it and weren’t really experiencing that many bugs (myself included). But this wasn’t an “allowed” opinion online. Anyone who said the game was enjoyable or they didn’t personally experience many bugs were attacked for being a CDPR fanboy (myself included) and down voted.