- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
I was speaking anecdotally, but it’s good to back that up with some data.
Page 15, Table 1 shows a clean table, with Denmark in the bottom 10 for large hail size in European countries; relative to places like Germany, large hail (the kinds you’d really want to avoid while on a bike) in Denmark is considerably more rare. That study only has two citations, though, so not the greatest source.
This survey is much better cited and comments on hail throughout Europe and in Denmark, but I can’t access the PDF at the moment:…/S0169809516300291
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
I never said they don’t get hail, I said they don’t get regular hail. In general, hail is uncommon in Denmark, and large hail is even more rare.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Yeah… pretty sure Denmark doesn’t get regular weekly thunderstorms or hail storms.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Taking a vacation road trip from Florida to the Grand Canyon with three kids with only bikes also comes at quite the cost. Bikes are great, but in many practical scenarios they are slow. Not all of us live in Manhattan, or a dense city, or even a well connected and safe to traverse suburb.
The cost is time.
- Comment on Oxygen 6 months ago:
For those who haven’t read it:
Jazz hands, bitches!
That’s all you get.
- Comment on Oxygen 6 months ago:
Everybody in this thread needs to read Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.
- Comment on Butts 6 months ago:
Exactly how would carbon dioxide get exchanged if the lungs are damaged?
- Comment on Slapping Chicken 6 months ago:
It’ll 100% be chickcoal since the hand will be pushing Mach 5. Pretty sure the plasma will give it a nice sear.
- Comment on Predator Vision 7 months ago:
Why stop there, here is a much better picture for primal fear response:
- Comment on Think about it 7 months ago:
I’ll bring hammocks
- Comment on 8 Minutes 7 months ago:
It takes 8 minutes for the light to travel from the sun to Earth. Because light in a vacuum travels faster than anything, including information, we would not and could not know it had disappeared for 8 minutes. This means Earth would continue to follow its orbit around a non-existent sun for 8 minutes because the Sun’s gravity would still be acting on the Earth.
If it was nighttime, you wouldn’t notice the sudden lack of sunlight (other than if it was a full moon) but you’d almost certainly notice the change in gravity.
- Comment on “A simple calculation” 8 months ago:
Reinforcement learning is a machine learning (ML) technique (“AI” in layman terms) for optimizing neural networks and other types of non-linear models.
As far as ML math goes, this is fairly tame. It looks complicated, but is spelled out clearly in the paper. A lot of these kind of theoretical papers — things that would get published in Automatica — are going to lean very heavy on math.
Source: PhD in Computer Science with dissertation using neural networks.
- Comment on Academia to Industry 8 months ago:
It’s a lot of fucking work. If you enjoy hard work, learning about the latest advancements in your field, and can handle disappointment / criticism well, then it’s something to look into.
- Comment on Burrito 9 months ago:
Who’s to say this isn’t for animal health research?
- Comment on Meet my new puppy: Ass! 9 months ago:
- Comment on You can't see him!!!! 10 months ago:
If this is real, anybody got an arxiv link?