- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 4 hours ago:
Bingo. I’m surprised more people aren’t calling this out. Musk is taking a unhealthy amounts of “youth drugs” and not actually working out. Dude is so obsessed with his image. Just like Trump who’s ties and suits don’t fit because he forces his tailor to fit to his ego and not his reality.
- Comment on fingerme 12 hours ago:
- Comment on [Discussion] Whats a movie you thought would be terrible but you ended up liking? 4 days ago:
Space Truckers
- Comment on i wish it was a cheesesteak 3 weeks ago:
I mean. It technically can still become one
- Comment on Might be time to move 1 month ago:
A little humor goes a long way. And we hate them for their actions and their outright contempt for our well-being; they hate us for existing. These two be are not the same.
- Comment on Might be time to move 1 month ago:
This meme is so old, that cockroach has been reincarnated and is to be sworn into the US presidency in a few days.
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 1 month ago:
It’s the gamification of everything. I work in education; and because the teacher shortage is so “emergency hires” are trained on child care through one hour online lessons that have game like elements to keep them engaged. I’m happy to have anyone helping in the schools at this point but it takes years of higher education to really be effective in education. (not saying everyone) But the online trainings are just their so the schools can shift liability. A one hour gaming session on recognizing self harm in children isn’t enough! But this is what our culture has come down to. Rewards programs, swipe dating, and gig work. It’s all mini games but the prize is a big middle finger.
- Comment on Insomnia 2 months ago:
- Comment on Insomnia 2 months ago:
Is your life support they’d be unplugging?
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
First part of finding a solution is admitting to the problem. For the change we need, the wealthy and powerful need to be removed.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
No shit. But this is America… You already know that proposition is dead on arrival.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
And the really big corporations own their buildings. You think the company locked into leases are mad? The companies who own the building are pissed! Some have a multi million dollar building that’s losing value faster than the speed of light.
- Comment on And black gloves of course 2 months ago:
- Comment on Luke Wilson Is 'Always Pitching' an Idiocracy Sequel to Mike Judge 2 months ago:
Why when I can just turn on fox news?
- Comment on And black gloves of course 2 months ago:
Both at the same time. Can’t be too safe
- Comment on This store owner will be glad to touch it for you 2 months ago:
Ya but you have to pay extra for eye contact
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 25 comments
- Comment on Brian Thompson defenders when people start asking how much he profited off of killing people [Day 13] 2 months ago:
Yup. They also have a pharmacy department and drug development department. They control the whole chain of they are your insurance.
- Comment on Brian Thompson defenders when people start asking how much he profited off of killing people [Day 13] 2 months ago:
That’s mainly because he was just the CEO of their insurance wing/department. United Healthcare also has several CEOs but the main one is the big bad.
People don’t realize how evil United Healthcare Group is. UHG buys up struggling hospitals and private practices and forces them to also deny care at the source. Why are hospitals and private practices struggling? Because UHG refuses to pay them for services already provided. So even if your claim is successful. There’s no guarantee that money will reach your doctors office. Most smaller hospitals and practices don’t have the lawyers and funds to sue them for nonpayment so the UHG comes to them with a sweet heart deal. Sale their hospital or practice to them, then they jack up prices at their new hospital or practice, or they stop offering non-profitable treatments making patients go out of network to get medical care.
- Comment on Most Americans Feel Good About Their Job Security but Not Their Pay 2 months ago:
Any non profit working in humanitarian aid has already been target for being heavily fined or forced to sale assets to a for profit company; simply for boycotting Isreal. Definitely will be used for non profits that are critical of Trump or those that women get medical care.
- Comment on Anon reads the news 2 months ago:
Oh sweet summer child.
- Comment on Most Americans Feel Good About Their Job Security but Not Their Pay 2 months ago:
All non profit jobs are on the cutting block. All Government jobs are as well. That’s ~40% of the labor force.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Even if he’s caught. Dudes going to get off if he demands a Jury trial. Not a single middle class or poor individual in America has a positive relationship with health insurance. Hell how does a prosecutor even screen jurors for this type of trial?
- Comment on Shape of the Heart 2 months ago:
No. This diagram doesn’t show how they got the heart to unravel like that. There’s a layer or wrapping around the heart and internal connective tissues that holds the heart in its traditional state. I’d imagine if the got the muscles of a unrolled heart to contract it would just fold or bind at points. But definitely wouldn’t pump anything.
- Comment on Shape of the Heart 2 months ago:
No. It needs to squeeze against itself to move blood to and from chambers.
- Comment on seriousposting 2 months ago:
Probably right into you purse you fairy. Next you are going to tell me you like seeing your partner get off during sex… Damn libs taking away my toxic masculinity.
- Comment on If trump appointments someone that doesn't last as long as Anthony Scaramucci do we measure that in fractional moochies or do we abandon the mooch system because it failed us? 3 months ago:
Not going to lie, but have you seen Trump. Dude looks like he’s going to killover at any moment. Trump is more likely to be the first person to leave the administration.
- Comment on Boeing issues layoff notices to 400-plus workers as it begins drastic cuts 3 months ago:
We should nationalize Boeing
- Comment on Boeing issues layoff notices to 400-plus workers as it begins drastic cuts 3 months ago:
Don’t worry. After this move or CEO and share holders will be happy, and that’ll make our planes safer!
- Comment on He may be a cat, but he's also a dawg 3 months ago:
I don’t think that’s the part they remove