The real deal y0
- Comment on Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water? 3 days ago:
Good to know, thanks for posting the results!
- Comment on Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water? 3 days ago:
See comment above. R7 7700, rx 6750 xt, 1080p
- Comment on Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water? 3 days ago:
Is this from beta or benchmark tool? Big difference. I have framegen off because eeuw and play on 1080p
- Comment on Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water? 3 days ago:
Wdym runs like shit. Been playing all day just fine…
… And on linux too…
- Comment on Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water? 3 days ago:
Beta wasnt optimised at all and frame gen was broken in them which was funny. Full game is better optimised but still has some hickups. Id suggest to run the benchmark, which is free and is a lot more updated than the betas ( and runs better )
- Comment on Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water? 3 days ago:
Playing on ultra on r7 7700 and 6750 ( 12GB ) and its running 43-60fps. They also released a high res texture pack but its recommended to only use with min 16GB of vram ( free dlc ) which i havent tested yet.
So try the benchmark and see. I think the medium settings should be fine
- Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 1 week ago:
Huh, i thought ps5 (pro) was 4k native, but looks like its via some hardware upscaler. Good to know hehe. That changes some things, but lets see. The ps5 pro gpu is equivalent to a rx 7700 xt, which is a 400 msrp card. In reality its way more, but lets work with msrp prices to give this the best chance of success.
Ps5 pro is 700$ msrp, so thats 300$ you have left for cpu, ram, ssd, case, and psu. I dont think you can do that, but lets look at the next part: cpu
Cpu is equivalent to a ryzen 7 3700x, which is an old cpu so is cheap atm, 120$.
Ok, 180$ left in the budget, next: motherboard.
I found a board on amazon for 65$, which was the ASRock A520M-HDV. 120$ left.
Ok so, ssd. Ps5 pro comes with a 2TB ssd. I found some sketchy, offbrand, m.2 ssd’s from brands i never even heard off for 94$. There is probably cheaper, but amazon’s website was being an arse and lets face it, how trustworthy or slow are those. 36$ left in budget.Thats 36 for ram, case and psu… As much as i hate to admit it, as a pc person, you cant make a pc with equal strength as ps5 pro and it sucks arse
- Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 1 week ago:
Not really. To have games in 4k and 30fps you need a gpu that is more than half the budget. And you dont even have a cpu, ram, mobo or even case.
Dont get me wrong btw, i will always pick pc because i do way way more than just gaming, but recommending pc for gaming is becoming really hard - Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 1 week ago:
Normally, id agree. But with pc parts prices being what they are… Its still a “bargin”. I hate to use the word bargin here, because the pricing of both pc and consoles is insane
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
I think i see the change. They are mentioning the ssn is 9 numbers long, which is 1 longer than the 3-3-2 format wikipedia mentions. That does mean its around 999mil numbers, which ye allows for a few generations ( like, 1 or 2 lol )
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Oh ye, our system wouldnt fit india as its limited to 500 births a day ( sequence is 3, digits and depending if its even or uneven describes your gender ). Your system seems fine and beats the us system hands down haha
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
As read on wikipedia ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_number ) the format only allows +/- 100k numbers per area code ( which is also limited to 999 codes? ), so over time you are forced to reuse some codes. In total the format allows 99m codes, and the us currently has 334mil people sooooo :')
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Ssn being unique isnt a dump idea, its a very smart idea, but due to the us ssn format its impossible to do. Hence to implement the idea you need to change the ssn format so it is unique before then.
Also, elons remark is stupid as is. Im sure the row has a unique id, even if its just a rowid column.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Just read the format of the us ssn in that wikipedia. That wasnt a smart format to use lol. Only supports 99*999 ( +/- 100k ) people per area code. No wonder numbers are reused.
In some countries its birthday+sequence number encoded with gender+checksum and that has been working since the 80’s.
Before that was a different number, but it wasnt future proof like the us ssn so we migrated away in the 80’s :') - Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
Dan moejer wa westvlaams bij smijte. Elemaal niemeer leesbaar dan :p
Muhheheheuhe xD - Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
Thats just belgians in a nutshell. They tend to be very closed off, they will never say what they think to peoples face
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
I disagree, hard. Wallonia has the ardennes with is more than a camping spot. A family trip there for a week is sweet. Waking up in the hills, only seeing trees and hear water and birds is heaven. Sit by the pool if its hot 👌
Then there is night sky photography, hiking paths, monuments, caves, … - Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
Jokes on you, its both!
…with germany jr also there - Comment on Epic Store's Unreal Tournament page now has free download links to Unreal, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament '99 2 months ago:
You know damn well they wont :p
Imo the oldunreal people should have gotten access to post the original games on the store for publishing. The games still get small updates from the community from what i noticed when i got the linux versions going - Comment on The Witcher 4 has entered full-scale production, CD Projekt has confirmed 2 months ago:
Yes but also no. Played base game recently, and i had a lot of bugs and frustrations. Some of them because i ran it from hdd, which is not their recommended way of media to install on, but some were clearly design failures and bugs…
- Comment on Epic Games is officially cool with the Internet Archive preserving early Unreal games 3 months ago:
Eh, i wouldnt say they are better. They explicitly pulled all unreal games off all stores ( steam, epic store, gog, … ), killed all servers and when asked acted like unreal never existed. They are pieces of shit for doing it and they had no real reason in doing so imo…
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 3 months ago:
Vlc is basically what it is because of ffmpeg and the likes, which are… Corporate supported :p
That said ffmpeg didnt start that way, but at one point it was and vlc quickly jumped into popularity because of it and it quickly supporting new formats ( like mkv back in 2003/2004 ).
Youre not wrong, but its more complex than that xD - Comment on Guy Who Taunted Nintendo About Streaming Pirated Switch Games Before Release Now Faces $7.5 Million Lawsuit 3 months ago:
Kinda the reason i dont like kotaku tbh. They do such things very often and it always feel like they are taunting or flexing and it comes over as really douchy to me
- Comment on 10001 4 months ago:
A 5 bit long signed integer? What kind of weird system you using ? :p
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 4 months ago:
As a software developer i know what iterative development means, its in our blood and brains ( or at least it should be ). Simulations can indeed only get you so far, and i agree sometimes you have to make things and take a plunge. However, and i would like to be really wrong here so correct me if im wrong, but other companies like nasa, do not just shoot shit up in space and hope for the best. They arent allowed to do so for a reason. They test and calculate everything very rigoursly to make sure itll hold up as expected. From thruster power, resistance to continues extreme heat from reentry, …
All of that they do here, on earth, before shooting anything up into space. Otherwise things like the rover on mars would have needed like 20 tries instead of 2.These are things that looks like spacex is just throwing out the window.
To take it back to software development, they are doing an iterative development ( which is very good for what they are doing! ) but their testing before production/release of software is so basic theyll just see how it responds out there. Thats a huge nono to me if youre going to end up crashing all those rockets in the sea killing a shit ton of nature in the process. Sometimes the means dont justify the costs to me, and this is one of them. Yes, the booster catching was nice to see ( eventhough it nearly ended badly ) and its idea is very good and needed, but the way to get there is…messy. - Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
Ye, they are apparently a different race of badgers!
Source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badger - Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
I love this meme, and nearly commented it myself to the top comment, but i learned an american badger != a honey badger :(
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 4 months ago:
Specially this. How space x handles failures is a very hard nono in my book. “But we test in the field” is what space x says, and as a software developer its like saying “we test in production”.
Yes youll get something use able faster, but its way way more costly in the long run and is nasty in between.
My arse they cant test this stuff on earth. We have simulations, models, calculations, test, everything. Yes, things can and will sometimes still fail when going in production ( in flight ) but you want to lower the risk of it failing cause its costly as fuck.They dont seem to care though
- Comment on The official Nintendo Museum appears to be emulating SNES games on a Windows PC, which is slightly embarrassing 4 months ago:
Maybe they wrote their own emulator
- Comment on Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now? 5 months ago:
Oh sweet summer child. Capcom is on a very sharp edge imo.
Their games are solid, but everything around it is utter god damn dogshit.
Sf6? Very very solid base game, but to get all content since last year + the game you have to pay +200 euros.
Re4? Very solid remake, but prepare to loose performance on pc due to dunovo despite it being a single player game.
Re: the village? Very solid game, but better pay shit up and also loose performance despite ALSO being a single player game.
Megaman: mega who?
Monster hunter : safe, for now. Monster hunter wilds looks amazing and loads of fun, but watch them fuck it up somehow…