- Comment on god entered my body 5 months ago:
Yes, happy to clear this up. Hoping not to fuck it up again, but it will probably happen.
- Comment on god entered my body 5 months ago:
*it, well now I know why nobody understood my comment.
- Comment on The best part is the name 6 months ago:
BTW, this
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 6 months ago:
Hey, it’s legal, I’m 17… For now
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 6 months ago:
“Teenagers” in my ass
- Comment on I'm so sorry 6 months ago:
Is that even Kamala Harris?
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
Yep, I replaced the fan after 1,5 (or 1.5) years with a cheap aliexpress one and this one works way better than the original, but it’s still very loud and could be actually used as a heater. Plus I forgot, the DVD drive died last year.
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
Well my HP 250 G5 still somewhat works. The touchpad has serious ghost-touch problems and the housing is falling apart from just 2 disassemblies.
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
Use pliers and try not to break anything.
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 7 months ago:
Thankfully I don’t drink cofee or alcohol, but have tried nicotine. People should live at least as healthy as me (and I’ll probably die at 60).
- Comment on CAMPEÃO DO MUNDO 7 months ago:
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 7 months ago:
If I’m not mistaken, vlc supports MKV, you just have to back it up.
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 7 months ago:
Some people probably sell torrents of their movies, but I haven’t seen it yet
- Comment on Ah sweet! 7 months ago:
Eat the rich (onlyfans celebrities).
- Comment on Break science with this one weird trick 7 months ago:
Well it can be a bomb or a fire hazard. Oh well.
- Comment on Break science with this one weird trick 7 months ago:
They are cheap and if you don’t need an expensive product, they are mostly fine, but I got a free powerbang with some crappy teen magazine (when in still ocasionaly read those ad filled pieces of shit) and it died on the second charge.
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 7 months ago:
Some indie mobile games are great (Nameless cat, Zombie catchers (before being aquired by DECA), Simon Tatham’s puzzles, foss fdroid games (Simple Solitare), Cookie clicker, etc.
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 7 months ago:
Hey, I like that game.
- Comment on obesity 7 months ago:
And now apparently autism. Why us? Autism doesn’t cause you to be useless or stupid, most of us aren’t recognised in public and a high percentage isn’t even diagnosed.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
- Comment on Fisiks 7 months ago:
Crackheads usually meet lots of other crackheads (who usually enjoy sex) and manipulativeness is sadly a huge aspect of getting into relationships, bu how should I know, I’ve never been in a relationship.
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 7 months ago:
Well if there wasn’t an organism, there would be no autism. I still don’t get why people bully us, while their image of autism is heavily influenced by stereotypes and old research.
- Comment on Hose 7 months ago:
Didn’t everyone, who lived in a countryside drink from the garden hose at least once? I still do occasionally.
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 8 months ago:
I sometimes scratch my ears like this, despite of it being very dangerous.
- Comment on god entered my body 8 months ago:
Ok, I haven’t looked into it, but apparently I’m at least partially wrong.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 8 months ago:
Except the rich 1%, who will be bathing in money. Great!
- Comment on god entered my body 8 months ago:
Stop bullying him. I was just a dumb, kinda bad joke.
- Comment on Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc? 8 months ago:
In slovenia, we have (I know this isn’t the exact same thing)
- Informal:
- LP - lep pozdrav (something like best regards)
- Formal
- itd - in tako dalje (something like etc.)
- Comment on gotdamn 8 months ago:
Well, both were wrong about one thing.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
Probably Scalak, a 3D puzzle game.