- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 1 day ago:
I’m not going to say “Ruined”, but Farscape was significantly degraded by the introduction of Grazer.
Scorpius is one of the greatest antagonists ever written for a TV show. I don’t think what they chose to do with him was a terrible idea, it’s good to shake things up. But as a replacement as the primary antagonist, Grazer absolutely sucks. The fact that they literally gave her mind control sex pheromones that she spreads from her boobs genuinely sounds like the sort of thing that belongs in a bad porn parody. Like, that is “Horny fourteen year old” levels of bad writing.
Thankfully the one season she’s a big deal for is still perfectly enjoyable, and the show sticks the landing pretty decently with Peacekeeper Wars, so don’t let this deter anyone from giving it a look. Like all nineties and noughties TV, it’s got a lot of ups and downs, but all in all its a really fun show.
- Comment on One-handed games? 3 days ago:
For the record, I use a mouse with my non-dominant hand and I can play even fast paced FPS games like Titanfall competently enough. I actually used to dominate on Splitgate for a while. It’s a skill that can be learned. I have the advantage of having done it my whole life and I fully acknowledge that’s hard to replicate, but I think that with some practice anyone should be able to get to the point where they can play slower, primarily mouse driven games like turn based RPGs. Real time with pause might also be doable if you bind the pause button to the mouse (a mouse with some extra bindable keys would really help here). Anyway, just a thought.
If those options don’t work, maybe look into games like Vampire Survivor, or Realm of The Mad God (though I think the latter does need some rapid mouse inputs when looting, so maybe not so good).
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Because being suddenly reminded that it’s there is the point.
It’s the unexpected sensations that are the most powerful.
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, killing Nazis is always good. And very cathartic.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 5 weeks ago:
I definitely want to see this version of self promotion encouraged. I think it’s good and healthy for this community to be a place where creators can discuss cool projects, engage with their fans and solicit feedback, as long as they’re doing so in a way that respects the health of the community. I think the accommodations you’ve chosen to make / demand here are very reasonable.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 5 weeks ago:
Congratulations, I can only imagine how good this feels. Nice to have some payoff for all your hard work.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 5 weeks ago:
And so they bloody well should be! How the fuck else are we going to find out about cool, unique indie projects instead of mass produced corporate slop?
Independent creators should absolutely be encouraged to self promote in communities like this, or else what the fuck are we doing here? Just shilling for Activision?
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 1 month ago:
They won’t, because loot boxes are their main source of income.
And this is exactly why “good companies” like Valve cannot save us. Good companies will never be a substitute for good regulations.
- Comment on this time it'll be different 1 month ago:
There’s low effort, and then there’s “Couldn’t even be bothered to photoshop in a stock image of a crab.”
I’ve put more work into memes for my family group chat.
- Comment on spidey senses 1 month ago:
I think maybe a spider wrote this.
- Comment on Marvel Snap is banned, just like TikTok 2 months ago:
IIRC the reason for this is that China requires that games published there be published by entities that are at least some arbitrary percentage Chinese owned. So basically if you want access to that huge market - that loves video games - you have to cut a deal with Tencent or someone else like them.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Hell Let Loose, Squad, Insurgency, The Finals, Titanfall 2 (yes, it’s back), Space Marine 2 if you can live with third person.
- Comment on Of course Atari’s new handheld includes a trackball, spinner, and numpad 2 months ago:
There’s a bar in my town whose gimmick is all their original arcade and pinball machines. Including Missile Command. God that game is stressful.
- Comment on Feelin' Festive 2 months ago:
Meanwhile in the UK, we figured this silly little guy was a perfect antagonist for a children’s cartoon.
- Comment on Skew-T Log-P (xkcd) 2 months ago:
I mean, it wasn’t deleted before you posted the link, because I clicked the link and saw it, but I do see that it’s been updated now.
- Comment on Skew-T Log-P (xkcd) 2 months ago:
When posting links to helpful websites rather than answering the question yourself, it’s a good idea to actually read the answer on the helpful website first.
You know, in case there’s a big banner across the top saying “This answer is a useless pile of trash generated by an LLM, please ignore it” (mildly paraphrasing).
- Comment on Day 163 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
If you enjoyed Control, I highly recommend Signalis. Similarly creepy, unsettling vibes from everything, lots of exploration and really tense combat, and a story that holds enough back to keep you wondering.
- Comment on Control is free to claim for 24 hours on Epic 2 months ago:
Before. The after version is SCP: 5K, and it’s very, very good.
- Comment on The best game music of 2024, as chosen by composers | VGC 2 months ago:
Nothing released this year will even come close to touching the Warframe 1999 soundtrack. Absolute bangers from start to finish, and in particular Party of Your Lifetime is the most addictive bop you will have heard all year.
Warframe invented a fictional nineties boyband, and accidentally made them unbelievably awesome.
- Comment on Day 154 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
Zomboid is really, really tough.
First off, I want you to know that you can customize the game rules, and I’d honestly suggest doing so. I often describe Zomboid as a toolkit for building your own zombie movie. You can change how long it’s been since the “event”, how the infection spreads, how it works, whether survivors have immunity, how long it is before power and water shut off, the spawn chance of different item categories. It’s extremely flexible. Don’t be afraid to treat it as a toolkit. Make the game that’s fun for you.
In terms of actually playing Zomboid, it’s a stealth game first and foremost. You must evade zombies wherever possible. Stay low, avoid noise, avoid lights. Close curtains to about being seen from outside. If there aren’t curtains, make them from bed sheets. Don’t break windows unless you have to (and if you have to, remember to clear off the shards of glass in the frame or you’ll cut yourself climbing through).
If you have to fight, keep moving. You want to string the zombies out then hit a few, then string them out again. But extended fights will kill you as fatigue and panic set in. Remember that if you play by the default rules any scratch from a zombie has a 25% chance to zombify you, any bite is 100%. Zombie virus under default rules is a death sentence. Personally, I turned that off, went with the “Any survivor by now is probably immune” logic.
Your immediate goals are always a good backpack (backpacks reduce the weight of their contents, but that reduction depends on their quality), a good melee weapon, food and bandages. You can make bandages from torn up clothing, and with a pot of water you can boil them to sterilize them. This helps avoid infection.
Longer term, a big goal is to get your skills up. You want books for the big multipliers they give, and watching the right TV shows will give certain skills a huge boost. There are also certain things that you simply cannot do if you haven’t either read about them or started with the right character, like maintaining cars or hooking up generators.
The golden rule of Zomboid is that whenever you find yourself thinking “Surely they didn’t bother putting that in the game,” well, they did. You have to really start thinking about what you would actually do in these situations if it was real life. If you could do something in real life, you can probably do it in the game. If something would be dangerous in real life, it’s probably dangerous in the game. Don’t drink stagnant water without boiling it. Don’t eat food without cooking it. Etc, etc. (Yes, that includes the time my wife tried to make a can of WD40 and a lighter into a flamethrower and immediately exploded). It’s less of a zombie game and more of a survival sim with zombies (seriously, once you get the hang of this game you will spend way too much time thinking about the value of potatoes).
- Comment on Onimusha Way of the Sword - Announcement Trailer 3 months ago:
Fucking shot out of my chair when I saw this. A series that truly deserves to be brought back.
- Comment on Employees at FromSoftware owner Kadokawa reportedly "thrilled" about possible Sony takeover 3 months ago:
Oh, yeah, it’s use in the crypto space is absolutely part of cult conditioning. Any reality check, any sensible question, any appeal to reason, it’s all FUD. Only blind unquestioning faith in the rapture… I mean TO THE MOON… is acceptable.
- Comment on Employees at FromSoftware owner Kadokawa reportedly "thrilled" about possible Sony takeover 3 months ago:
FUD means “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.” I’m not following how you think that’s what’s happening here? I mean, I think you’re accusing the Kodokawa execs of bullshitting, but what they’re expressing is the opposite of FUD.
- Comment on TRIBES: The Most Influential FPS You (Probably) Never Played [video essay 52:59] 3 months ago:
Tribes was an incredible series. I’ve played every game in the series, but I think it really peaked with Tribes 2. That game was basically perfect. The movement, the gunplay, the vehicles, the maps, all of it was spot on.
- Comment on Making peace with liking very few games? 3 months ago:
This just means you’re figuring out what you like, and refusing to force yourself to enjoy trash.
Remember, 90% of anything is shit, and of that 10%, not all of it is going to appeal to your tastes.
On top of that, AAA gaming is a fucking wasteland right now. Publishers have squeezed all the life out of the medium in search of ongoing profit bonanzas. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a AAA game, unless we count Cyberpunk which had the benefit of being self published, so I don’t really think that counts.
Oh, my bad, Elden Ring would definitely count as AAA. That was awesome (still need to finish it, and the DLC). But let’s be real, Elden Ring is great because it’s so different from the vast majority of the open world games out there.
Anyway, I mostly spend my time on mid-shelf, indie and self-published stuff, and even then the number of games I like is pretty small. My main go tos are Darktide, Warframe, Insurgency, Chivalry 2, The Finals (I guess that’s kind of mainstream?), Stellaris, and Total War Warhammer. I’ve also recently enjoyed VA-11-Hall-A, Slay The Princess, Shadows of Doubt, and Space Marine 2. Those were all pretty great.
I like that a lot of games get more long term support now. That’s really cool. It’s fun to be able to keep coming back to a game I like and finding new stuff.
But yeah, you don’t owe it to anyone to enjoy everything, and you owe it to yourself to not waste your time on things you don’t enjoy.
- Comment on Making peace with liking very few games? 3 months ago:
God, Outer Wilds is one of the most incredible gaming experiences I have ever had.
- Comment on Critical Role's plans to make a videogame have become an 'active pursuit', says CEO Travis Willingham, after almost 10 years of growing a D&D campaign into a full-on franchise 3 months ago:
Hey, if they’re actually securing funding for this instead of pushing the cost off onto eager fans, good for them. At least they’re doing one thing right. Unfortunately that only increases the potential for this to turn into a trash fire that sinks their whole company.
Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.
- Comment on Critical Role's plans to make a videogame have become an 'active pursuit', says CEO Travis Willingham, after almost 10 years of growing a D&D campaign into a full-on franchise 3 months ago:
It feels like this has disaster written all over it.
Sorry if I’m harshing anyone’s vibe, but I can’t escape the feeling that a group of people whose main involvement in the games industry is as voice talent are basically saying “How hard could it be?” and not understanding that the answer is “Very.”
Ideally they would team up with an experienced studio to build something off of their creative ideas. But if they try to do this whole thing themselves, it has the makings of a Wha Happen? episode all over it.
Maybe it’ll work. They pulled off Vox Machina, so who knows. I’d certainly like to be wrong. But I can’t help but feel like we’ll all be talking about the fallout from this in five years, when eager backers are still waiting for the game they were promised.
- Comment on alpha 3 months ago:
OP is correct
- Comment on alpha 3 months ago:
To be more precise, Shenkel’s work was discredited by the collective efforts of numerous scientists studying wolf behaviour. Probably the most notable of these was David Mech. His book “The Wolf” was based on Shenkel’s work, and his own research on wolves in captivity, and was really the work that popularized the “alpha” nonsense in the public mind.
After numerous studies of wolves in the wild failed to bear out these conclusions, Mech later concluded that his work was wrong, and got The Wolf removed from publication.