- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 6 days ago:
The Jira thing has nothing to do with arrogance. That’s just a side note about how much I like working with Germans. 😅
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 1 week ago:
I genuinely can’t tell if they’re arrogant or if they’re knowledgeable and don’t bother to hide their expertise behind false modesty. But damn do German engineers write the best Jira tickets. So much detail, precise test steps, clarity about what changes they want made. Most engineers I get frustrated with because they don’t give us enough to work with, but German engineers almost give us too much.
- Comment on NZ Birbs 2 weeks ago:
Where Pūteketeke?
- Gives piggyback rides
- Good co-parent
- Bulemia
- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 2 weeks ago:
The right person for me deserves better.
I’m sure you’re joking, at least at some level. But if you’re like me, you probably also believe it at some level.
It turns out this is, in some ways, a good mindset. Always keep in mind that your partner deserves better, and you’re driven to be better for them. Not because you aren’t enough, but because you can be your best when you learn to navigate the give-and-take that long-term relationships require. You’ll fuck up, but if you’re willing to be kind, empathetic, and most importantly apologetic, and willing to get up and try again when you fall, you’re already far ahead of plenty of people.
But if you start thinking you deserve better than your partner, you’re gonna have a bad time.
We’re all insecure at our core, but that means so is everyone else. The right person for you also thinks you deserve better. Build them up, and they’ll build you up in return.
(Sorry, I know it’s a shitpost.)
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 2 weeks ago:
I compare it to the smell of stinkbugs rather than soap.
- Comment on How do you express romantic interest in someone? 2 weeks ago:
Nah, Lost_My_Mind gives a much more typical representation.
- Comment on Those damn woke corners. 3 weeks ago:
He wouldn’t have died had he worn the “damn collar” as he called it. The HANS device likely would’ve saved his life, as I understand it, but he was too “old school” for driver safety. 🙄
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 3 weeks ago:
That means the perfect resolution for TVs is actually QHD.
And yet QHD would be comparatively awful for modern content. 720p scales nicely to QHD, but 1080p does not. I suspect that’s why 4K has been the winner on the TV front, it scales beautifully with both 1080p (4:1) and 720p (9:1) content.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 3 weeks ago:
That graph is fascinating, thank you!
- Comment on They were taught how to use red by the Atlanteans. 3 weeks ago:
Yes, their father is Al Reddy Tutcher
- Comment on The Man Who Met Kit Duncan 3 weeks ago:
I am all Ken M on this blessed day.
- Comment on Why the long gill? 4 weeks ago:
You bastard.
- Comment on Wow, ok. 4 weeks ago:
“I don’t care who they are, if I’m asked I’ll give grammar tips to whomever.”
Whomever is tough, because often this would be constructed as “I’ll give grammar tips to whoever asks.” And you would use “who” there, because “whoever” is the subject of the clause “whoever asks.”
Generally speaking, it’s usually safe to pick “whoever” over “whomever.”
But if you drop the “-ever” it’s a lot easier. Anywhere you’d use “him” (that is, the objective pronoun), you use “whom.” To whom, for whom, by whom, etc.
- Comment on Wow, ok. 4 weeks ago:
Just to be pedantic, you should use “whoever” there, not “whomever.”
To tell whether to use “who” or “whom,” replace it with “he” or “him” and follow the ‘m.’
“he made this” vs “him made this”
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 4 weeks ago:
You roll it around your hand for shape, then remove it. It’s essentially the same as folding, unless you leave it on your hand, in which case you’re wasting half of it.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 4 weeks ago:
*Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling “banana,” but didn’t know how you stopped.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
No Cincinnati chili Skyline coney?
- Comment on vroom vroom 5 months ago:
Recognized it instantly. I played too much of that game.