- Comment on Remember the good old days? 1 week ago:
This is fairly inaccurate, as well. Paid work was certainly lower, but prior to the Industrial Revolution merely putting clothes on your back was a fairly labor-intensive task. One estimate puts it at 10 spinners to supply one person on a loom, and this work was often done by women at home, and was generally paid work in the Middle Ages. A British census in the mid 1800s, which over-represents unpaid work in domestic services as laborers (I’ll let you decide if that counts as women being part of the economy or not), still had about 50% of women in the census as employed.
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
There are good indications that the stock is overvalued by as much as 10 times, even after the recent drops in stock prices. A lot of that appears to be propped up by his hype. If the stock just normalizes to values typical of other car companies, it will be a major blow to anyone that owns the stock.
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
Pretty sure he can’t, since he isn’t a normal person, just like he and the rest of the board have to announce any shares they buy or sell.
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
Some youtuber was saying as much. A lot of his wealth is tied up in Tesla and a lot of Tesla’s valuation is tied up in Musk. But Starlink is making far more than Tesla, he owns a larger portion of it than Tesla, and he’s selling Tesla shares. If he makes the right moves he can entirely walk away from Tesla and leave the shareholders holding the bag.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
I mean, you didn’t say the balls couldn’t have flat sides, right? Innovative solution to a dangerous request.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
When life needs parentheses.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
Well obviously your worldview is about 15° off true. You should fix that.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 2 weeks ago:
Well, I prefer to learn from other people’s mistakes. I’ve avoided some of the common pitfalls, but hadn’t realized the prevalence of this trick. I’ll keep it in mind when I research my future purchases.
- Comment on Bad news for Starlink: Earth’s atmosphere is shrinking 2 weeks ago:
Except that isn’t how it works. The lower your orbit, the quicker your orbit decays due to atmospheric drag. If the atmosphere was 10% less dense, this wouldn’t significantly reduce that at those altitudes. In the current scenario, if every one of those satellites stopped working right now, the vast majority of them (and their parts) would deorbit within 10 years. This would be a bit of a problem for manned space flight, but wouldn’t affect things too much otherwise.
If this was happening in geosynchronous orbit, with comparable amou to of mass, it would be a bigger deal.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know how it’s done, but I know images can be inserted. On the plus side, posts, including titles, can be edited, so any failed image attempts can be removed. This post was already enjoyable, but I’m interested in seeing how much more enjoyable it could be.
- Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 4 weeks ago:
It’s surprising how well the Steam Deck plays new games and how much support has been added to older games for something with a form factor similar to the Switch and a price point that is lower than most computers or consoles with similar capabilities. It’s a big change to the cost/benefit calculation.
- Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 1 month ago:
Welcome to the internet, you must be new. Keep scrolling through new here and you should see some pretty common jokes about the falliability of AI of various flavors. Criticism of the weighting on training models can be found with just slightly more effort.
- Comment on The Insane Biology of: The Greenland Shark | Real Science [26:21] 1 month ago:
The thumbnail for that video looks exactly like what I expect a 500 year old anything to look like.
- Comment on Day 189 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
I was going to post that you didn’t seem like you were trying very hard, on day 189, then I open the post and you prove me wrong.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Well, about half the states have one, so that is no guarantee, either.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I used to never understand my dad. Some tiny thing would happen and he would blow up. “How could you do something so stupid?” “All you had to do was this one little thing, and you blew it!” But something big would happen and he would shrug and say, " Well, these things happen. At least everyone’s okay."
Now that I’m older, I get it. Some things are so simple, there just isn’t an excuse to fuck them up. And when people do fuck it up, it’s mind blowing, because all you had to do was not fuck it up. Like a fucking Nazi salute. And if these guys are going to do something so stupid and easy to avoid as a Nazi salute, do you really think they have the capacity to understand the implications of the big things they’re trying to do, or see the ramifications of the tough choices ahead of them?
Do you think Adolf Hitler figured he’d be dead by his own hand within a decade of Kristallnacht?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You think they won’t dismiss more obvious things? Feel free to review Trump’s quote from after Khashoggi was murdered, which boils down to, “Sure, they may have killed him, but do you realize how much money they’re spending here?” That got barely a mutter. Just how much do you think it will take to get Americans upset with what he does?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I think Trump is the kind of person who thinks the world is better off ending with him than going on without him. Nothing matters if he isn’t there to enjoy it; the true heart of narcissism.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Note the title. “Oh, they’re not proper Nazis, they’re just trying to be proper Nazis.”
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
There are fixed costs and proportional costs. Property taxes aren’t put on hold just because you aren’t running. A certain amount of maintenance will be needed whether or not you produce a watt of power. Some maintenance costs will increase the more power you produce, including fuel costs. All of these factors need to be taken into cosideration when determining how much any given watt costs to produce.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago:
Well, I suppose they could just take out the stretch of power line between me and my neighbors who use their service and cut down those maintenance costs altogether!
This isn’t like a driveway, it’s more like a road. It’s used by more people than the people whose property it’s in front of. And where I live, the property owner is considered to be the owner of the lines that extend from the grid to the home, so guess who already pays the maintenance costs on that?
- Comment on Feeble defence from ABC confirms abject failure to report Labor accurately 2 months ago:
“Why do none of these capitalist businesses want to talk about how less rampant capitalism is better for the common man?”
- Comment on There's a new toll I'll have to pay to drive anywhere. 2 months ago:
Tax it as part of registering your vehicle to an address within the congestion zone.
- Comment on Anon trying understanding women 2 months ago:
Here’s a handy guide to tell, is she into you.
- Comment on Amazon: The same 31 products you don't want, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again 2 months ago:
I love trying to search for specific products. “Oh, I see you’re searching for a specific item from a specific name brand. Let me show you everything but that name brand. But first, let me show you stuff that also isn’t that item first. Enjoy.”
- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 2 months ago:
Yeah, I always had trouble with known adulterers in my church tut tutting about homosexuality. It’s the same rule!
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Here’s a list of industrial disasters. Take your pick of the ones that count as engineering or negligence (and Chernobyl was at least as much negligence as engineering) and tell me how many you get to.
Of course, we haven’t discussed what kind of risk we’re talking about. And is it better to have thousands of low-impact high-risk activities or one or two high-impact low-risk activities? Because, make no mistake, nuclear has cost less in human lives per unit of energy than any other power generation method we have. And hydroelectric has as profound an impact on the environment as nuclear fallout, it just tends to make some nice beaches and fishing so it isn’t negative, right?
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Chernobyl was a ridiculous level of negligence on the part of the technicians working at a plant with a very unsafe design.
Fukushima was a reasonably safe reactor design with terrible (and noted as such decades before the meltdown) site designs which could be described as “designed to fail”.
You could argue that lessons have been learned from both of those, and Three Mile Island, and safer designs are the result. Or you could argue that Fukushima clearly shows that people shouldn’t be involved in such high-risk projects because they will cut corners that will inevitably lead to disasters. If the second is your stance, take a look around. There are plenty of projects with similar risks in other fields all the time.
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Fair enough. As you said, none of these are net producers of electricity if your thermodynamic system is big enough to count as closed.
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Look up fly ash storage ponds. That’s just normal coal usage. Then look up fly ash spills. Then look up how much radioactive material is released into the atmosphere each year from burning coal. Compare that to the estimated amounts of radioactive material released into the environment from all the nuclear plant accidents, and tell me we still wouldn’t be better off switching all coal off and using nuclear.
Now, we don’t really have to do that, because we have other options now. But we definitely should have used more nuclear 50 years ago, just for the reduced cost of human lives.