- Comment on Yay 2 months ago:
Six tabs, take or leave it.
- Comment on It's NOG SEASON boys and girls!!!! 2 months ago:
- Comment on Ive bought two 7 months ago:
Oh, I know this one, Estonia is that country next to Italy, right?
- Comment on Saturday SOTD Thread - July 13th, 2024 7 months ago:
The “tweak”: I read it on the forums, I don’t remember which one. People realized they could use shims to make the razor more aggressive, and not long after someone found out you can loosen the handle without negatively affecting how the razor handles. And no, it doesn’t really clog, it usually gets the area I’m targeting with one stroke (YMMV as they say tho). And it flushes out really well, too. Nothing in there when I disassemble to let it try.
- Comment on Saturday SOTD Thread - July 13th, 2024 7 months ago:
Brush: The Goodfellas’ Smile “The Hog” (three years old) Razor: Henson V1 Mild Jet Black (two years old) Blade:: Lord Platinum Lather: Cheap local tallow soap Post Shave: Nivea Sensitive Balm
Average shave, had a few bumps as per usual. Around five days’ worth of growth which for me results in a thick beard. But my Henson made easy work of it as I tweak it by loosening the handle 1/4 turns to make it from a Mild into a Medium. Cuts down the stubble no problem. For the second pass, I tighten the handle to “factory settings” so I get a milder shave for touch-ups.
The brush I’ve had for three years, I got it when I started wet shaving. It’s been holding up real good (no shedding etc). I’ve ordered a Yaqi Timberwolf synthetic as an upgrade and a Simpson Bay Rum soap to go with it (I do have other soaps beside the tallow as well, Prorasos being among my favourites).
- Comment on Knowledge is power 8 months ago:
As they say, knowledge is power, France is bacon.
- Comment on Anon needs help proving something 9 months ago:
“Syndrome of delusional companions is the belief that objects (such as soft toys) are sentient beings.” Wait so does Calvin have this?
- Comment on You have been infected 9 months ago:
But maybe the virus is in the image file? /j
- Comment on Wow, this is so much faster 10 months ago:
Yes, there have been bows that are long, but not like the longbow. The longbow had a very heavy draw weight, around 90-120 lbs. That’s the weight you have to pull to get it at full draw. The yumi possibly had a a lower draw weight (although Korean and Mongolian composite bows had draw weights of around 100 lbs as well). It had a shorter lower limb which meant it could be used on horseback, while there is no way a longbow could be used on horseback (look it up on Youtube). So the longbow and the yumi are two technically different bows.
- Comment on Wow, this is so much faster 10 months ago:
FTFY: Longbow was the main battle weapon of the English. was the main battle weapon of the samurai.
- Comment on Do we intentionally translate ancient stuff and languages to sound old timey as an artistic choice, or is there some other reason? 10 months ago:
If we’re talking about English, there were different kinds of English which were spoken (Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, and Modern English). All of them had their own phonology, morphology and syntax. In short, they followed their own linguistic rules and conventions. The way they sounded wasn’t just randomly made up. To find out more, look up the varieties of English I mentioned or take a look at this Wikipedia article about Historical Linguistics.
- Comment on Why did they move the comments to the right 10 months ago:
- Comment on Like a novelty 11 months ago:
Technically, you’re looking at art.
- Comment on important awareness post! 11 months ago:
Beauty really is skin deep because underneath you’ve got THIS. Shudder
- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
Space will become flat.
- Comment on Every man remembers his first shave, right? 1 year ago:
The bumps may also be milia, which are little white bumps around the eyes and are caused by dry skin. I have them around my eyes. Closer to my nose, I sometimes get a few red spots after shaving, which look like acne, but it isn’t. I suspect it’s where I haven’t managed to wash my skin properly or else am going over the spot too vigorously. I deliberately leave lather there so I can make sure the razor doesn’t pass there.
There’s a chance it might be ingrown hair, because it gets inflamed, but it calms down and disappears after a few days. Overall, I think I have a pretty good routine. I wash my face with soap before shaving, using hot water to soften the whiskers. After the shave, I wash my face with cold water, because when I rub my face, dead skin appears (shaving is exfoliating, after all). I rise it off. I then liberally apply the alum. Let that work, wash my gear. Rise alum off, apply a balm (Nivea Sensitive). Done. I find aftershaves dry my skin and I’m not a fan of the smell. I’ve considered witch hazel, but we’ll see. Shouldn’t alum be enough?
- Comment on Every man remembers his first shave, right? 1 year ago:
I used a rotary electric shaver as a teen, but when my beard started to grow more (around 2015-16), it couldn’t get the job done. I was stuck with a beard for a year or two, while looking unkempt as hell. I then bought a beard trimmer and that worked for a while, until it broke just after 2.5 years of use (battery died). I then saw an ad about the Henson razor on Facebook, then started looking at double-edge razors. Bought a cheap shaving set, with which I shaved for a year until I bit the bullet and got the Henson. It’s still my main razor, although I have that cheap Chinese one (surprisingly effective) and a Mühle R89 (a tad too mild).
I probably got a few nicks and cuts during my first DE shave as well, but I haven’t regretted it. It sometimes leaves me with weird bumps on my skin, but I don’t think they are ingrown hairs, just some sort of nicks that get inflamed. Some of these bumps have stayed on my skin, so part of me thinks I should get a trimmer, but I can’t be bothered with trimmers again. But most of the bumps go away so no biggie. I shave once or max twice a week, so my skin gets a chance to heal.
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
- Hello = Shwmae / S’mae
- Good morning - Bore da
- Day - Dydd
- Yes - ydw, ydy (and other words, it’s a bit complicated)
- Correct - iawn
- Goodbye - hwyl
- Boy = Bachgen / Hogyn (South Wales / North Wales)
- Girl = Merch / Hogan (South Wales / North Wales)
- Motorway - Traffordd
- Shop - Siop
- Phone - Ffôn, mobile phone - ffôn symudol
- Banana - Banana
- The - y, yr
- A - (no article)
- You - chi / ti
- We - ni
- Us - ni
- Him - o
- Her - hi
- Them - nhw
- Up - i’r lan
- Down - i lawr
- This - hon / hwn / hyn
- that - hyna
- those - hwnnw
I can’t be arsed to write the pronunciation in IPA. Just go on Google Translate or learn Welsh on Duolingo.
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
“Rwy’n hoffi chi. Dych chi eisiau mynd i’r caffi gyda mi am baned o goffi?”
“I like you. Do you want to go to a café with me to have a cup of coffee?”
I’m still learning Welsh, so this might contain mistakes, but it’s better than saying you don’t understand her… For future reference, you know.
- Comment on Where did the abbreviation "w/" for "with" come from? 1 year ago:
I’m just adding an additional source, because I just recently read about this way of using the forward slash to create abbreviations. English Language & Usage has a good post on Stackexchange.
- Comment on How do I come up with a good username? 1 year ago:
Just don’t add any random numbers to the name, which I see you haven’t done, so I think you’re good.