- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 6 hours ago:
By leaving you are voting with your feet, one could argue it’s one of the most effective ways to fight. Staying means that in many ways you will be continuing to support the broken system
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
USA hasn’t been a democracy for decades. It’s hard to pin it down to a certain tipping point but I’d hazard it was when you decided that corporations are people and buying politicians is free speech.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
Yes but that’s not relevant to my comment nor the one I was replying to?
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
Is that really how it works? I feel like the whole ad based economy is a sham anyway, I wouldn’t mind if it collapsed and we funded websites through micropayments or gift economy
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
Firstly it hasn’t actually happened yet, I guess you fell for the misleading windowscentral headline. Secondly it’s not really kneecapped, but required them to rewrite, which the uBO author decided not to do (as a statement I guess). Other ad blockers however have made new MV3 compatible versions that are comparable to the MV2 ones, so it’s clearly possible. Also don’t forget there are other chromium browsers besides chrome, if you use Brave you don’t even need to install an ad blocker because it’s built in.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
Are you… raw dogging the internet without an ad blocker? You poor soul
- Comment on Why doesn't the American market provide efficient and effective health insurance like it does for car insurance? 7 months ago:
Regulatory capture
- Comment on Am I the only one who's "shorts" feed is all basically softcore porn? 11 months ago:
While that is true, it’s also true that if the algo has no data on you it just shows you what most other people want to see, which is usually boobs
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
I do. It happened somewhere in my mid-late 30s. The two main contributing factors have been:
- Years of therapy so that I’m able to have my shit together
- Having a kid so I’ve got a reason to have my shit together
Order of those two is very important!
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
We’ve had guns for 200 years but not ones capable of mass shootings. Semiautomatics only became widely available more recently, and most countries have since banned them from casual use but not the USA
- Comment on Circle of life 1 year ago:
Everyone who has kids or plans to have kids should go to therapy, it’s the only way to stop the cycle of trauma
- Comment on is there a useful way for tech workers to express interest in a union? 1 year ago:
A union is a good idea but this is also something you can and should take into your own hands too. If your wage hasn’t gone up at all in a couple years you should be complaining about that very loudly to your bosses individually. It helps even more if you can get some other job offers to be able to compare your current wage to