- Comment on I'm a Barbie Girl in a Post-Nuclear World 5 months ago:
Considering Oppenheimer was scoring left and right in that movie I don’t think he needed Barbie to help make physics sexy
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #8 - Satisfactory 5 months ago:
I was thinking the same thing. Kinda wish the conveyer belts would just fling them off into oblivion or something for me.
- Comment on Eureka 5 months ago:
But at least the formulas and constants appear to be correct
- Comment on We lost Keanu 6 months ago:
Who was ever turning to Keanu for scientific knowledge? Lost him? We never had him! Chill dude, entertaining actor, but absolutely wrong person for science.
- Comment on "what happened??" 6 months ago:
Back them up on a hard drive and their ToS doesn’t mean squat anymore. I guess that takes a little more effort and investment but if you want to own the game without DRM that will do it.
- Comment on "what happened??" 6 months ago:
Buy games on GoG when you can
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 7 months ago:
Pretty much this - depending how much surface area and how good the glue is you might get it or you might snap that right off too. If it fails the next step is to carefully drill the screw out. A somewhat riskier operation but itll get it open
- Comment on Boosting that CV 7 months ago:
Pretty sure a meltdown is the last thing a nuclear physicist would want on their CV
- Comment on WITH ads? Fuckin awesome coupon, thanks! 7 months ago:
- Comment on Olympian Obscenity 7 months ago:
What bunch of wannabe victims, holy shit. Fucking snowflakes getting offended over nothing
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 7 months ago:
I guess that’s the thing really, is all you gotta do is recognize you can go somewhere else. Come back and practice occasional. Go find more scadu fragments, new weapons, spells, tools, experiment a little. Hell if you really need go respec and make a focused build. Or summon people to help you. There’s so many options, I hit some hard stuff but it never felt like a brick wall.
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 7 months ago:
It’s not even that hard. I seriously was bracing for some ridiculous bullshit based on the response but I haven’t struggled at all through it. Sometimes I do hit a hard boss and explore to come back later, but nothing insurmountable. I still have yet to finish but Sekiro still makes this games seem like a walk in the park. Hell, all the Dark souls games are far harder too.
- Comment on Anon likes Bloodborne 7 months ago:
Sekiro NG+ was great because by that point you’ve mastered the techniques and you’re flying through shit that felt like a brick wall before.
Also Lies of P is definitely on my list to play, looks cool
- Comment on Anon likes Bloodborne 7 months ago:
That is pretty much the case, but Bloodborne has a few diverging paths. People seem to really hate when I say this, but Elden Ring is the Dark Souls easy mode so many had asked for. Tons of easier dungeons, alternate paths to take, most of the toughest bosses are optional, spirit summoning, its super easy to over level, plentiful items for summoning player help, and even when you get invaded the 4 player limit usually means its a 3 on 1 fight. Until Elden Ring I used to claim Bloodborne was the easiest souls game but really Elden Ring makes Bloodborne look like hell mode by comparison. Meanwhile Sekiro is in my opinion the hardest. You have limited tools, no summons for help, cannot level up - you must get skillful and meet the challenge. There’s definitely rewards that will help along the way, but ultimately they are never enough to save you on their own. Parry parry parry jump and sprint instead of dodging.
- Comment on Official Poster for 'Gladiator 2' 8 months ago:
Hollywood is so bankrupt for ideas, gotta remake and sequelize everything
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
Yeah that’s a potentially endless discussion right there. I actually think Sekiro was the hardest, even if it’s technically not a souls game. Part of what makes Elden Ring so easy is the number of tools and abilities to use, the summoning ashes, OP spells, and nearly always being able to summon two helper players for tough fights. Melania is so much like fighting Isshin, I think he’s way harder than her, and especially because you have to nail the timing with him. There’s no respeccing, using cheesy spells, or summoning help with that guy. Don’t get me wrong, Elden Ring is a great game, but most of the difficulty is easily overcome by just trying out the other stuff you can use.
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
I don’t, they are right, I can create mynown challenge. It’s not really what I’m annoyed about either, its the whole design by a committee of vocal internet people which results in the same bland shit over and over. Part of what made these games cool is the things that are unique, and often times the most memorable moments are also the most difficult. Seeing From pivot because a bunch of people whined about it is just disappointing really. There was a time where the tag line for Dark Souls was “Prepare to Die”, but come down the line to Elden Ring and you can really feel how they’ve softened that edge up. The DLC feels like they sharpened the blade for its final outing, and people want it dulled immediately. To me that’s boring. Embrace the challenge and what you will remember and be satisfied by is overcoming it.
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
I likely will run my RL1 guy through it at some point. Man I really hit a nerve with the participation trophies for everyone crowd here, didn’t I?
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
Fuckin laaaaaaaaaaaame. I want a roll back option on this. If your gonna rebalance it for everyone crying just give them the “Im afraid to die mode”
- Comment on Empire of the Ants - releases November 7th, 2024 9 months ago:
Try out Empire of the Undergrowth, it just left early access this week.
- Comment on I'm driving I get to control the radio! 9 months ago:
I used to do those all the time as a teenager. Weird how that shit scares me now. Good luck, have fun!
- Comment on I'm driving I get to control the radio! 9 months ago:
Even in their heyday I cringed a little. I can’t really describe why, but I never liked them much. Meanwhile my friends LOOOOOOVED these guys. This was at a time where Korn, Mudvayne, AFI, Tupac, Biggie, Wutang, etc., were all in my regular rotation. By all accounts this heavy rock and rap fusion should have resonated with me, but it kind of had the opposite effect. 311 did it earlier and better IMO.
- Comment on viruses 9 months ago:
The replicators are real. I still think the version from Stargate SG-1 are the scariest though.
- Comment on Is there a way to read all of Trump's Truth Social posts without actually visiting the site? 9 months ago:
This is how you find out your ass is more well spoken than Trump
- Comment on Is there a website that collects Donald Trump's most incoherent speeches and tweets? 10 months ago:
Ah of course. I can’t say I’m surprised at that
- Comment on Is there a website that collects Donald Trump's most incoherent speeches and tweets? 10 months ago:
I was going to suggest r/thedonald back on that shit show called reddit, but hey just go straight to the source!
- Comment on ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Story Trailer 10 months ago:
For games as a whole, I will go way back to Medal of Honor: Frontline. All the Medal of Honor games are about war (mostly WW2) but this one really stuck with me for its depiction of storming the beach on D-Day. You really did have to sprint from cover to cover where there was barely any while soldiers around you get mowed down by MGs from the bunkers ahead. It was intense and one wrong move would have you annihilated. There’s definitely a long list of military shooters depicting battlefields where you work your way through from cover to cover, but this one was one of the earliest I can think of that did it well, depicted a real battle, and really drove home the absolute insanity of the situation those soldiers went through.
On the complete opposite end there’s always the dynasty warriors games where you melee fight through battlefields full of soldiers, but those are ridiculous for being completely unrealistic in the process. However, they do all retell the classic stories of real battles that took place between the ancient Chinese battles, and for the ones I played pretty much every level involved navigating a huge battlefield to turn the tide between two armies clashing as you went.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 10 months ago:
Holy shit you laid the bait brilliantly cause look at all the dipshits in this comment section. Fuckin dumpster fire.
- Comment on Redfall will receive one final update after all, including an offline mode 10 months ago:
Arkane used to be one of my favorites. They were amazing at creating games full of scenarios you could tackle in a variety of ways, where creative use of the tools and powers available was rewarding and fun. When they announced a multiplayer title I was excited to see how they would adapt this formula to encourage teamwork in a similarly simulated environment, but what we got seemed like it was built by an entirely different group of people. Maybe it was, I’m sure the staff changed over time, and maybe that’s the problem with development studios having a reputation instead of the people behind it. Either way, what they made was universally panned, to the point that it’s now killed this legendary name in gaming. What I ask now is why we would want a single player version of this thing, that seems to be a perversely messed up version of what they used to make. It was developed to be cooperative, and in doing so cut the elements that made their single player adventures so engaging. At best, its a shadow of what could have been. I get the merits of making this still playable for those who own it, but are they really coming back to play it more, or is this just for the principle of the thing? I guess it doesn’t matter, but it’s sad to see this as the end of Arkane. I wish we could have got a decent sequel to Prey or Dishonored instead. Maybe its good they didn’t shit on one of those franchises instead. I hope someone shits on the executive that ruined Arkane.
- Comment on Microsoft extolling the benefits of cloud storage in their Office save dialog 10 months ago:
Yeah fair enough, same shit where I work too. It’s a little crazy how protective they are of their proprietary secrets, but they just straight up rely on microsoft to handle all the data, be it via email, cloud services, or that Sharepoint shit. I wonder how many companies would have their secrets exposed if that data was ever stolen from the MS servers?