Interested in #science, #environment, #gaming, #auspol, #australia, and more. Currently moving away from corporate social media to exclusively ActivityPub networks - find me on Mastodon, Lemmy and Kbin.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 1 week ago:
I’m pretty sure my recent rewatch was the director’s cut. The theatrical release must have been indecipherable. I hear what you’re saying about the cyberpunk aesthetic - the visuals were the best thing about this movie. I would thoroughly recommend scifi buffs reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. Dick - it’s an excellent (and not overly long) dystopian novella that has so many layers and themes (that Blade Runner largely omitted).
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
BladeRunner - is like they wrote the screenplay based on the excellent source novel, then cut most of the ideas out, leaving only things that make no sense. Rick Deckard is a terrible detective, and only wins the final confrontation because Roy Batty… just gives up? I recently decided that my teenage self might have been wrong and rewatched it… nah, still terrible.
- Comment on What would you consider the 3 greatest movies ever made? 5 weeks ago:
I have no single favourite movie - three very different movies occupy my #1 spot:
- The Fifth Element
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Princess Bride
Notable runners-up include Terminator 2, Arrival, Aliens, Dune(s), and The Life of Brian.
- Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago:
As a non-American, I can confirm. My personal opinion of Americans has been declining sharply for the last decade, and last year’s election was the final nail. The average American is a brain-dead magat who puts a greater importance on hurting brown people than helping anyone. It’s a shithole country.
- Comment on This Op Shop seems to have ordered their secondhand books by colour for some reason 3 months ago:
“I’d like to buy a book, please” “What are you interested in?” “A blue one!”
- Comment on 'Intimidatory': Antisemitism envoy says city streets no place for pro-Palestinian protests 3 months ago:
What a despicable person.
- Comment on No one showed up to his party 3 months ago:
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 3 months ago:
Holy shit, that ISO is real. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3103
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 3 months ago:
Facts gets downvotes here!
- Comment on Labor minister hits back at Israeli PM drawing link between UN vote and synagogue burning 3 months ago:
“A war criminal under investigation for genocide has no standing to lecture Australia on morality or justice.”
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 3 months ago:
JFC, have you been under a rock the last decade? The majority of American population? Maybe. The oligarchs and ruling class? Pft, Trump looks up to Putin as a ‘strong man’. edition.cnn.com/2022/03/28/politics/…/index.html
- Comment on Anon double-checks something important 3 months ago:
America is a shithole country.
- Comment on Why doesn't Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather own a home yet? 3 months ago:
No, you are. Checkmate.
- Comment on Why doesn't Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather own a home yet? 3 months ago:
If Labor wanted the support of left-wing voters, maybe they should stop pushing centrist, even right-wing, policies. Consequences, etc.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
Regrettably, ‘perineum sunning’ is actually a thing. sciencealert.com/perineum-sunning-isn-t-the-answe…
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
‘Lotion’ implies that it’s moisturiser-based, not that it has any tanning properties.
- Comment on Australia denies visa for Israel's former justice minister Ayelet Shaked 3 months ago:
Waaah! I’m suffering consequences! Anti-semitism!
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 5 months ago:
It’s not about ethics, it never was. It’s about CONTROL.
- Comment on WINDOWS93 7 months ago:
I found that one hard to advance.
- Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 10 months ago:
Damn I forgot about the dropbears. Keep your wits about you and you’ll usually be OK, plus we teach kids to stay in pairs if they’re passing through a eucalyptus area.
- Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 10 months ago:
As an Aussie, I can say the trope of “everything wants you dead” is highly overhyped. I’ve seen three venomous snakes in the wild in my life (and I’ve mostly lived in rural areas) and there’s a couple of venomous spiders, but none that will kill you (unless you’re very young, very old, or very sick). Blue-ringed octopuses, crocodiles and sharks exist, but rarely cause human deaths. You know what we don’t have? Bears. Alligators. Cougars. Wolves. Very few carnivores trying to eat humans here, it’s mostly creatures with excellent self-defense mechanisms.
- Comment on Who to vote for? 11 months ago:
Well said.
- Comment on How do you describe color to a person who has always been blind? 1 year ago:
I came here looking to see if my point had already been made. Thanks!
- Comment on The amount of spam texts I get from Republican campaigns 1 year ago:
Regrettably, politican parties are exempt from the DNC Register, even in Australia.
“Registered charities, educational institutions calling students, government bodies and registered political parties are exempt and are allowed to make telemarketing calls to numbers on the register”
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
Well actshually… Australia used to be run by right-wing nutjobs. The current mob in power are centrist nut jobs.