- Comment on Am I a bad person if (as left as they come) I invest in American Private Prison contractors on the assumption that Trump will go through with his deportation scheme at least to some extent? 3 months ago:
… The consequence of being put in a for-profit slavery prison?
- Comment on Anons discuss PC vs console gaming 4 months ago:
Battlebit remastered does 254 player matches (127 vs 127, not sure why they didn’t do 128 vs 128 but it’s close enough). It’s not a very popular game anymore, it was super popular at launch (80k+ players) but is down to peaks of 2k per day. I stopped playing because I’m not a huge fan of fps games, but I got a couple hundred hours in it before the fps fatigue hit me. It died fast (pretty easy to get banned by bogus reports, lack of dev communication, lot of unneeded and unfun nerfs, etc) but was a lot of fun while it lasted.
- Comment on Washer estimated "1 minute left", took 13 minutes to finish 4 months ago:
If it helps, the dryer in our apartment makes a super loud buzzing for 10 seconds twice whenever it finishes unless you twist the dial to stop it early. And by loud, I mean you hear it from your neighboring apartments too. And it’s not a bug, we checked. It’s a feature.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 4 months ago:
Oh my bad - stein was actually on the ballot in 38 states so she could’ve won if she won almost all of them, but the chances of that are low enough to not even hope it could’ve worked.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 4 months ago:
A vote for Stein this year was a vote for Trump. Vote green in your local and state elections to get support growing, don’t vote for them for president when they aren’t even on enough ballots to win and the alternative is a literal hitler-worshipper.
- Comment on Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42 5 months ago:
I got the game and some small ship bundle a year or two ago for like $20. It was a pretty fun game for the cost, but I honestly wouldn’t pay more than $30 for it. It’s buggy, runs like hot garbage even on my 3080 ti, and it’s very much a mile wide inch deep content wise from what I remember
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 5 months ago:
Lutris is awesome.
Open source games, games with their own launcher, games on steam, gog, etc are all in it. Can pick to run things natively on Linux, use proton (pick your version or just use latest), wine, or choose from others, and it does it seamlessly. For games you already have installed on steam, you don’t need to reinstall them, it finds them and makes them runnable from within lutris once you connect your steam account, you can also install games that you own on any of your connected launchers, and browse/download your undownloaded games from themExamples for some of the stuff I have all in it now:
Catacyslm: DDA catapult launcher (free and open source game - highly recommend you try it out. Takes some getting used to, but there isn’t much you can’t do. Also, make sure you get cataclysm-tiles or use a launcher. ASCII is pure, but hard to get used to. Also, DO NOT buy it on steam.)
All of my installed steam games
Cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher 3 via gog
FFXIV (the official launcher, not steam)
Vintage story (open source but not free - highly recommend if you like open world survival crafting games with a big emphasis on survival) - Comment on Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale 5 months ago:
When you said poe2 I thought you meant path of exile 2 and thought that I had missed the release somehow
- Comment on Day 67 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
If you want a more realistic (mechanics mainly, better graphics too but still blocky) and survival focused game, vintage story is great. It’s meant to be very realistic (mechanics, not graphics) so it’s a very different play style than Minecraft.
Need storage? Make a reed basket with 8 slots and doesn’t help food preservation, or make a ceramic storage vessel with 12 slots that decreases rate of food spoilage. Manually build clay storage vessels voxel by voxel, put it in a pit kiln, cover in dry grass, sticks, and firewood and let it cook for an in-game day then you’re good to go.
Food? Better hunt, fish, and grow crops. Make soups, stews, jerky, etc - better make sure you have a cellar with sealed jars of food for the winter though. Also need to balance soil nutrients for crops to grow well.
Leather stuff? Have you to kill animals, skin them, get pelts, soak in limewater/borax and water solution in a barrel, scrape them with a knife, soak in weak tannin then strong tannin (made by soaking oak or acacia logs in barrels of water), then you finally have useable hides.
Charcoal? Have to get a bunch of logs, cut them into firewood (crafting recipe so this part is quick), make a 2x2x2 to 11x11x11 hole and fill fully with firewood, light a fire on top, cover, and wait a day. If it’s not fully covered you’re just left with a bunch of ash instead of charcoal.
Metal tools? Have to get the ore/nuggets, melt over a charcoal or hotter fire, pour into ingot mold, hammer and clip it into the desired shape, cool in water. Want to carry something hot by hand? Better have some tongs or you’ll take damage.
Trying to cook inside? Smoke can build up if you don’t have a chimney - and your fire can go out if it’s raining and the chimney is straight down.
Everything takes a lot more work than Minecraft because it’s meant to be more realistic - but there are so many mechanics that it’s a ton of fun to learn and complete stuff. My current playthrough I’m still sifting sand to get enough copper nuggets/items to make a pickaxe to mine some copper ore to make more tools, but I have a nice little stash of vegetable and meat meals stored in crocks in my hole-in-the-ground cellar/bedroom. Still need to get around to making an actual shelter and cellar, but I want a pickaxe first so I can make a nice sized cellar to preserve food through the winter.
- Comment on Anon plays The Sims 5 months ago:
That’s already a thing, it’s called League of Legends
- Comment on One car accident, endless spam calls 6 months ago:
Highly recommend getting on the national do not call list . Doesn’t stop all spam calls, but it shrunk the amount I got at least
- Comment on One car accident, endless spam calls 6 months ago:
Normal phone number + carrion is decent
- Comment on USA to be renamed to XXX 6 months ago:
Well, look where we are
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 6 months ago:
You’re so right, she obviously doesn’t deserve to be derided, we should show her love and support because she died, it wasn’t her fault she was indoctrinated like this.
For good measure, let’s posthumously pardon the Nazis that murdered hundreds or thousands of people and were later killed when their camps were taken. They were just victims of the Nazi extremism indoctrination and media, it’s a bit distasteful that people still slander them still /s
- Comment on rizztastic 6 months ago:
Because I love ruining days, everything starting at “this task will be graded” was written by someone else. It looks official because the person’s handwriting is neat, but if you compare the letters to the ones written giving the assignment they’re different styles
- Comment on Please allow VPNs 6 months ago:
Same here, always on VPN through proton, no problems. I’ve run into issues a few times, but it’s infrequent
- Comment on Do I need to store this in the fridge when opened? 6 months ago:
Pickling and canning is better than refrigeration - until opened
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
My CTO thoroughly believes that within 4-6 years we will no longer need to know how to read or write code, just how to ask an AI to do it. Coincidentally, he also doesn’t code anymore and hasn’t for over 15 years.
- Comment on Deadlock from Valve has very quickly risen up the most played list on Steam 6 months ago:
If anyone has an invite link I would appreciate it, the war in foxhole is almost over so I will finally have a few days to play other games
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
There are an infinite number of solutions, 42 is in at least one of them
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 8 months ago:
Same for computer science
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
Then I moved the microscope until it finds at least one, pick the first one from the new lever group, and my power takes care of throwing that first found/seen lever in the same instant as me throwing it in a normal set of levers
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
The first one that that guy sees, or the first one listed when they tell me what levers they have in the warehouse
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
They get smaller to show that they’re further away in the background not that they get infinitely small. If they were actually getting smaller, then sure, I grab an electron microscope, look at a field of levers, zoom until I see one, and pick that one, then somehow throw an electron sized lever, move to the next, smaller, physics defying lever group and just wait for quantum mechanics to do it’s thing I guess
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
This would apply if I had to pick based on the set of levers in each group. By picking the first one I see I get out of the muck of pure math, I don’t care about the set as a whole, I pick the first lever I see, lever x. Doesn’t matter if it’s levers -10 to 10 real numbers only, my lever x could be lever -7, the set could be some crazy specific set of numbers, doesn’t matter I still pick the first one I see regardless of all the others in the set.
Pure math is super fun, but reality is a very big loophole
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
The first lever I see in each group.
- Comment on Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is crumbling 9 months ago:
I think the “only” is because someone claimed that he cost them $50 million by doing that
- Comment on Not noice 1 year ago:
Same, I seed for 1 month or 4x ratio. I only have one private tracker (myanonamouse for books) that requires 1x ratio or 2 weeks seeding (maybe 2x ratio?) But I have unlimited internet. I’ve been the sole seeder for music files quite a few times, and for tv shows once or twice before they get picked up by others again. No downside to over seeding since I leave my PC on for hosting my Plex instance anyway, I just rate limit my seeding if I’m trying to watch something on Plex outside of my network and it’s buffering a lot. I get a lot of files from a usenet server anyway so I’m not bogged down by a ton of torrents (have it set to 50 active torrents, don’t think I’ve ever gotten there), just the stuff not available on my usenet server
- Comment on This 1 year ago:
Can confirm, I told my wife that I’m a pussy and she just said that I’m also an ass
- Comment on Factorio pretty much rewrote its world generation to account for new planets—like this volcanic one 1 year ago:
Honestly I haven’t run into any major bugs yet, but I could just be lucky. Definitely agree that the crafting orders menu sucks though