- Comment on Murica 1 week ago:
Because showing up to a client meeting dripping in sweat on a 103 degree day is considered to be poor form. Because I got a new job and don’t have an extra two hours in my day to ride a bike back and forth, and moving isn’t in the cards. Because I have to carry a couple kids and all the crap the goes along with them.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
My parents are nowhere near as deep in the rabbit hole, but I’m essentially dark on communications with them at this point. Once they have convinced me that they are fighting against the current state of things, I’ll re-engage. Currently they are unaware of this fact, but it won’t be too much longer until they realize that I have no time or desire to interact with them anymore. They will have to choose and I’m at peace with either outcome at this point.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
It makes a pretty good calculator. 🧮
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Clearly the solution is to just use a big Excel spreadsheet.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
Yeah. Salt, ketchup, napkin, drinks… the 1/10th penny pinching at McD has me stopping other places a lot more lately.
- Comment on Why does .World have so many benign and EMPTY communities with no posts? 2 months ago:
I made one for my hobby just so anyone coming from Reddit would already have a place to land. If anyone asked for the keys I’d probably give it for the fun of it. I posted a half dozen times and got one or two responses.
- Comment on I have to fly back home. My brother was forcebullay taken to the hospital for thirty days do to a mental attack. My quest is I have not carry on's or anything beside the ticket. Will the TSA target me 2 months ago:
I did an air commute with, weekends at home and weekdays on-site at an apartment. I flew with my phone, headphones and wallet only as my key got hidden in my beater car-bumper. Never had a second glance at TSA.
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
If you want more coastline, all you have to do is measure with more accuracy.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It’s so pervasive that they have found it in the bodies of every single child worldwide.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Twitter was a vapid load of crap before Elmo took it over. I see this as a win if it knocks him down a peg or 44 billion.
- Comment on The doctor then had to go and treat that lawyer for being a burn victim 3 months ago:
Seriously, older than the internet.
- Comment on Washer estimated "1 minute left", took 13 minutes to finish 3 months ago:
This happens once in a while with my washer as well. My determination is that it starts to spin and is so far out of balance that it has to refill and swirl the clothes around a bit, then drain it to hopefully get a more even balance of mass so that it can properly spin. It’s much worse when there are large items, like a blanket that tend to lump on one side.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
This makes me sad. I installed a loud as fuck exhaust on my car, but it broke sound limits at the track so I had to get a quieter setup. Mostly I’m sad because of my tiny penis tho.
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 3 months ago:
I took my kids out, one is almost 3 and the other is just over a year. So few houses in our neighborhood had ANY appearance of anyone home, let alone participating that it took nearly two hours to get about 15 houses. In a pretty standard suburb. At least two houses that were heavily decorated had nobody home and no bowl out. Two also had colorful lights but when we knocks on the door they looked confused when there were two toddlers yelling at them. One just shut the door in our face and the other sort of stood there for a minute with his mouth agape and finally said “I don’t have anything”. I mentioned to that guy that he MIGHT want to turn his lights off or there would be kids all night, but walking past at the end of our evening, all his lights were on still.
I left a bowl on my porch and had two small groups of respectful kids each take a couple pieces each (video doorbells have changed the game a little).
- Comment on It's never too early to train 4 months ago:
Mine tried a bunch of different pumps but none would fix her medical issue. She tried SO hard and long for naught.
- Comment on It's never too early to train 4 months ago:
My wife tried desperately with both of our kids. There’s no way she could due to malformed glands. Multiple specialists confirmed that we had no choice but to feed formula almost exclusively. To this day she has guilt over something that she had no control over.
The formula shortage was one of the scariest parts of my entire life. Some babies don’t take well to certain formulas, and we had to switch them up a couple times, which meant lots of infants with upset stomachs. Nobody got any sleep for months until the FDA started allowing foreign formula into the country. Thankfully we are past formula and onto real food. I remember going to multiple stores where they were all out of the formula that my premature son could eat and the feeling of utter desperation.
- Comment on Why are there so many streaming services? 5 months ago:
I worked at a cable company in my youth. This was the obvious response. Everyone seemed to think that if they could just have a-la-carte cable that they’d be happy (and thought that they’d pay less). What most wouldn’t believe is that a LOT of those channels you didn’t care about were either free to the provider, or in the case of things like QVC were actually subsidizing more expensive channels (ESPN being the biggest one).
- Comment on What happened with active users on Lemmy? 5 months ago:
I have NO idea about the actual answer. Is it possible that these are from different time-of-day readings?
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
I think OP is probably referring to toddlers/babies.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
I’ve long said that the best place to loose weight is at the grocery store. You pretty much only ever go to the outside edge. Buy potatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms, squash and zucchini, radishes, carrots and any other vegetables you like. Bulk is what works here. Then go buy what protein you can afford. Skip anything that has been processed beyond meat and milk.
- Comment on Anon thinks about CPUs 8 months ago:
The classic response is that you have to capture lightning first to apply to the rick that you want to do the thinking.
- Comment on It's been that kind of week 8 months ago:
Rip your inbox…
- Comment on It's been that kind of week 8 months ago:
This is like those horrible choice “would you rather” questions. Eat the hot dog, or drink the alcohol.
- Comment on Have you ever seen coal in real life? 11 months ago:
There better be. Charcoal is semi-burnt wood. Coal is effectively ‘solid’ oil. Cooking with regular coal would be horrible.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I had a roommate in college whose mom would smoke 2-3 packs a day. She’d light a new one off of the dying ember of the last one. Chain smoker.
- Comment on Social acceptability 11 months ago:
Yeah, I’m going to say that calves can be sexy (high heels are generally meant to accentuate them) and I find them more socially acceptable fetish wise than knees.
- Comment on The only thing keeping us Millennials going at this point 1 year ago:
Time capsules with less than 100 years are the dumbest thing.
When the same people who sealed it up are around to see it opened, it’s not a “time capsule” anymore than a couple of boxes at the bottom of the pile in my parent’s garage.
- Comment on UAW preparing the US for a general strike in 2028 1 year ago:
Which side of government would care? The coproratocracy or the facists?
- Comment on But my WiFi is just fine! 1 year ago:
I’ve had a line across my hall since early 2020 like some college apartment…😣
- Comment on Ford Unveils New Car For Cash-Strapped Buyers: The 1993 Taurus 1 year ago:
I wish I could get a NEW 90s era Honda cheaply.