- Comment on We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app 2 months ago:
but anything built on top of web engines is going to be a little dogshit on native platforms.
Hard disagree on “little”.
Software designed for “native first” experiences like Flutter aren’t as popular in web dev because they work on that same, but reversed, assumption of a local disk being your source.
Popularity should not be dictated by what web devs prefer. As long as they build for desktop, I won’t pardon excessive resource usage. And I’m not talking about Flutter. Better performance oriented frameworks exist, see sciter.
- Comment on Motivational, inspiring 2 months ago:
Could be an amateur hypnosis attempt. Check out words in the same color.
See come want see want come. My where good my good where. In me get in me the.
- Comment on We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app 2 months ago:
It’s not CEF that does most of the impact. It’s the contents web devs make it load and process. And web devs generally not being very competent in optimizing is just a sad reality.
- Comment on We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app 2 months ago:
Let me guess… It uses CFE or Electron?
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
Think of it as a “this game is not yet available for purchase” seal". It may also mean “we know our game is not up to standards (it wouldn’t sell well on Steam), so we chose to let idiots at epic decide if they want to pay for it, and hey it worked so that’s something”.
- Comment on Not likely to be AI-generated or Deepfake 3 months ago:
Or maybe your expectations from ai detection are too high.
- Comment on Apex Legends is taking away its support for the Steam Deck and Linux 3 months ago:
Developers have full control over servers in most cases. A viable server side anti cheat should be a thing. For every case of “client sending false data to server” we can come up with a solution to verify that to some degree. Finally, it should help a lot to rely on player generated reports and utilize replay recording on server.
But no, developers will continue to rely on 3rd party solutions (made by people who never developed a game), even infect their co-op-only games with it, and complain “uh oh we can’t handle Linux cheaters”.
- Comment on Ubisoft comes crawlin' back to Steam 5 months ago:
Steam getting better isn’t linked to anyone becoming a billionaire. That sentiment sounds like people can’t stop looking for things to blame Valve for.
Is it too difficult to accept that every single company failed in competing with Steam? I’d say they didn’t even try their best (especially Epic). Must’ve assumed that just serving a website with a web app is all they needed to get as rich as Gabe.
- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 5 months ago:
Well did it help Epic when they added achievements? Guess not much. Either they never marketed this feature enough or most spending users never cared about achievements on Epic.
- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 5 months ago:
If you mean just the percentage of users I might agree. But those people don’t really correlate with the users who provide most of the profit of the platform.
- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 5 months ago:
My profile is also not public but it’s visible to friends. Also I can make it public when I want.
- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 5 months ago:
I see. Still, I can see that for many people achievements with no value are no better than their absence. Platform provides value, and for now only steam provides a lot of it with almost each purchase.
- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 5 months ago:
Are you serious? Obviously people don’t care about achievements on a platform that has almost no community-related functionality.
- Comment on they keep ruining it but I persist 6 months ago:
Happened to me recently when I was just sitting at my desk with the laptop. It amazed me how it appeared right before my eyes, and not somewhere to the left or right of my eyesight.
- Comment on they keep ruining it but I persist 6 months ago:
Wait till you learn about spiders flying high above…
- Comment on Riot's fighting game 2XKO will use Vanguard anti-cheat 7 months ago:
Correct, it’s impossible. And anticheat will not help with identifying such complex cheats.
- Comment on Riot's fighting game 2XKO will use Vanguard anti-cheat 7 months ago:
You can also mash them without doing much work with your fingers, and no kernel level anticheat will detect that. If you really want, that is.
- Comment on Riot's fighting game 2XKO will use Vanguard anti-cheat 7 months ago:
Just decide that more than X inputs per second equals cheater, and measure that on the server side. No need to riddle users systems with code waste.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
I mean if they would produce a better UI by using their expertise, how would not becoming an expert in the new thing be better?
I failed to understand the meaning of this sentence. It doesn’t make sense to me. Producing a better ui is not even on the table when we are talking ui frameworks and native programming - you use what’s available, and if you are a graphics designer then maybe you should’ve sticked to that instead. Becoming expert in native ui is super cool but I wouldn’t expect such miracles from everyone. Jist producing a valid low level code is enough to meet my standards of performance. That’s because those standards were heavily affected by web frameworks existence.
The reality is that the people paying the engineer are going to want the better UX
And I hoped it would be customers who would pay for a software or a service who would send valid feedback.
AI can assist you if you more-or-less know what you’re doing
Assuming web devs creating apps don’t know what they’re doing?
but a novice replacing proper learning with ChatGPT pairing is going to write some shitty code.
Chances are that code would be much more optimized than anything electron/CEF wrapped.
to actually be up to our code quality standards
Quality standards are great. But seeing companies shipping fixes to simple CSS issues that were breaking some of main app functions made me realize most of them don’t care about quality standards. If that’s how it is and if there will still be a lot of broken stuff across app updates - might as well just go all the way to proper low level languages.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
but no one is going to become an expert in something overnight
It’s not like they need to become experts. But also that’s actually possible (at least the effects of that), especially with all the AI around.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
Because optimized software is better for industry, people, and environment. Also seeing that some menu or window is not an html page but a native element makes my headache go away because I value my CPU cycles (seeing a cursor doesn’t lag when some complex page is displayed should not be considered a weird fetish) and like it when things don’t do stupid unnecessary stuff both visually and under the hood.
And it could be even less than that depending on specifics.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
We have it only because some devs are lazy.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
That’s a very bad way to look at things. Just because I have gigabytes of memory doesn’t mean I want to use unoptimized software.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
I’d rather not have frameworks based on web browsers. Programming is not that difficult.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
Signal is not an alternative to telegram and vice versa. Telegram has too many public communication features that people often use. The nature of signal will prevent it from having similar features.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
You don’t understand. Thia way if some app crashes it will not cause others to crash too.
This is how google introduced the “multiprocess architecture” of Chrome.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 8 months ago:
Can’t wait to see something using Rust and Tauri.
What about sciter?
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
now I knew what they smelled like.
You might be missing out on a secret quest that ends with “get addicted to ants”.
- Comment on Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive 9 months ago:
The title seems off. What does it mean to be kept alive for N64 games if you still need assets to play those games in this form, and assets are basically illegal to share the same way roms are?