- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 3 weeks ago:
That would be torturous, indeed
- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 4 weeks ago:
I dunno, but it is certainly in the universe of movies I don’t care about.
- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 4 weeks ago:
Biopics suck in general, but calling this a cinematic universe is cranking it up to levels of lame I wasn’t prepared for.
This could have been something I blissfully ignored; four movies about each of the band members. Instead, some movie studio asshole right now is dreaming about Jimi Hendrix getting his own feature for the BCU.
- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 4 weeks ago:
That sounds miserable. I don’t know if any music would hold up under that, but I’m damn sure “Love Me Do” gets old fast.
I don’t really have a problem with their music, but biopics are generally bad and they’re making one for each of them.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on What a musical genius 5 months ago:
Genius fusion of ice to babies
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Yay, Biden isn’t at risk of losing your vote. Unfortunately, this isn’t at all remarkable. He is, however, at risk of losing independents who are/were leaning towards him.
This isn’t a big deal in places like Indiana or Maryland, but it’s a huge fucking deal in the handful of battleground states where the undecided voters will decide it for all of us.
The Vote Blue No Matter Who strategy is literally the dumbest shit and a losing one. It only targets people who are considering a protest vote, and not people who are genuinely trying to figure out who to vote for. It assumes that everyone sees the situation as clearly as you do, and that the only thing preventing a victory is if enough people don’t “fall in line”.
I will always maintain that blaming the electorate in an election for getting a bad result is like saying that the fans lost the ball game.
- Comment on What even is the point of delivery anymore 1 year ago:
Same. Pizza and Chinese food travel really well with simple packaging. Burgers and french fries, not so much.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments