- Comment on Can't solve the captcha because I don't know what `undefined` is 17 hours ago:
Are you sure you’re not just a robot?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
These are normal reactions that a lot of people experience. It’s not easy to put yourself out there.
I think it’s healthy to spend time finding your “tribe” and putting as much effort into that as you put into interpersonal relationships. Find something to be your third place away from home and work/school.
- Comment on Why do news articles and such call the governments of countries/groups of countries after the capital? 3 days ago:
Or specifically the parts of government that reside there. I see it especially used when there may be dissent in other parts of government.
- Comment on SHUT UP ABOUT NICOLE 1 week ago:
- Comment on Dentures 1 week ago:
Me after a night of partying
- Comment on Help! I can never find a game that has a good resolution. 1 week ago:
Chaotic evil
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on The world's first basement. 2 weeks ago:
Imagine if your whole life was only a laser light show, then one day you break free of the gogo cage and discover the DJ who has been laying down that phat beat the entire time… That would be pretty trippy, right?
- Comment on why is EVERYTHINGGGGG behind a paywall? 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been pretty impressed with OnlyOffice for PDFs
- Comment on Benchwarmer to mvp 2 weeks ago:
Look who everyone is solving for now.
- Comment on How smart 2 weeks ago:
That guy had a real pair of stones.
- Comment on 4 more months and I can quit one of my part time jobs. 3 weeks ago:
That is a common belief, although it doesn’t stand up to academic rigor. There are many studies that show UBI does not negatively impact productivity or innovation, and may even stimulate more.
It seems counterintuitive, but when people have basic needs met, they tend to spend more time improving their skills, experimenting, starying new businesses, and finding better employment matches.
Governments already spend o lot of money on providing services to individuals, such as social security, pensions, healthcare, childcare, education, policing and corrections, food security, housing subsidies, etc. As it turns out, often the most efficient way to provide services to people is to give them money to provide for themselves.
On the other hand, I’m not aware of any studies that show wealth aggregation increases productivity after businesses leaders are paid more than ~50 times their average employee. The typical CEO today earns 351x more than the average employee, which is more than a 1000% increase from the late 1970s.
- Comment on 4 more months and I can quit one of my part time jobs. 3 weeks ago:
The point is not the taxes, it’s the UBI. The wealth taxes are just how you pay for it.
You also need to ensure certain consumer protections, especially in real estate markets, in order to make UBI work well, but let’s start there.
- Comment on If you enshitify it they will go 3 weeks ago:
You can run either one from a server or locally. LibreOffice allows realtime collaboration in spreadsheets only. OnlyOffice I think allows it in all programs. Both have web editors. Both work with Nextcloud /OwnCloud. It depends on what you want to do with your server.
- Comment on 4 more months and I can quit one of my part time jobs. 3 weeks ago:
Retirement is for privileged boomers.
We will work until we die unless we figure out how to get taxes from billionaires and generational wealth holders to establish a universal basic income.
- Comment on If you enshitify it they will go 3 weeks ago:
My calendar is now on Thunderbird, which has an excellent mobile app as well.
I’m having good luck replacing document editors with onlyoffice, Although many people recommend Colabora (with LibreOffice on desktop)
- Comment on Is it possible to design a (pen and paper) cipher that is secure against government cryptanalysis for at least 10 years? 3 weeks ago:
Also maybe microdots would be more effective. Not exactly pen and paper, but still analog. Hard to crack a code you can’t find.
- Comment on Is it possible to design a (pen and paper) cipher that is secure against government cryptanalysis for at least 10 years? 3 weeks ago:
Maybe something akin to a book code, although machine learning may be able to crack those by that time.
I am not a cryptographer so I have no idea really.
- Comment on Is it possible to design a (pen and paper) cipher that is secure against government cryptanalysis for at least 10 years? 3 weeks ago:
The Navajo did pretty well in WWII
- Comment on Pardon???? 3 weeks ago:
Half a decade.
- Comment on so, this is how it ends 3 weeks ago:
We’ll be fine as long as we don’t arm the zombies.
- Comment on Bawitdaba 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 3 weeks ago:
America is a nation of immigrants and mixed cultures. In the early 1900s, there was great pressure to acculturate to the “American” way of doing things. Immigrants changed their names, clothes, foods, and language to match the “mainstream.” There was a push to build a “colorblind” society.
By the 1960s-70s, younger people began to realize that “acculturation” really meant erasing cultural heritage and acquiescing to white, Anglo, male-dominated culture. So there was a movement to preserve, celebrate, and empower differences between people.
This gave rise to the Black Power movement, creation of the term “Hispanic” and the Latin American ethnicity, Women’s Lib, Gay Pride, and even the rise of pizza delivery chains (which was regarded as a somewhat exotic ethnic food at the time).
That tension continues in the USA between recognizing and celebrating cultural differences, and becoming a melting pot of many cultures becoming one.
- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 4 weeks ago:
That’s not actually how DEI works.
DEI initiatives provide training to help people in organizations make less biased decisions and be more respectful and inclusive of people from various backgrounds.
For example, instead of hiring someone from the boss’s alma mater, they might hire someone from a HBC who is equally qualified and helps bring a different perspective. Or hire a native Spanish speaker for a bilingual position instead of someone who spent a year abroad in Barcelona.
I’m happy to show studies about why it is necessary to correct hiring biases, and how organizations benefit from the efforts.
- Comment on It works for anything 4 weeks ago:
I get the pitcher!
- Comment on Speculative Evolution 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on How would he have 6 limbs otherwise? 4 weeks ago:
Wings in invertebrates developed differently from those in vertebrates. Yes, vertebrates’ wings developed from their forelimbs (birds, bats, etc.), but invertebrates’ wings are a separate system entirely. Hence ants have 6 legs, whether they have wings or not.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 weeks ago:
Sounds like depression. If you have some savings, it might be worth it to see a therapist to find out.
- Comment on What's the difference between a hostage and a prisoner? 5 weeks ago:
Hostages are taken from their homes or jobs with the express intent to threaten their lives, and exchange them for a political outcome.
Prisoners are apprehended in association with criminal activity, with intent to persue charges and criminal trial. They are held at designated prisons, which are subject to local and international monitoring.
We don’t even know how many of the hostages are alive or dead.
This attempt at moral equivalence is repugnant.