- Comment on I won't connect my dishwasher to your stupid cloud 4 days ago:
That’s a legitimate concern. Anything that’s on the Internet can also get an “update” (as if a dishwasher needs one ever) that accidentally bricks it, and you now need a new one.
I absolutely resist the Internet of Things.
- Comment on I heard the admins of were investigating claims about a prominent member in order to form a verdict and I would like to offer myself as witness and someone to call to the stand to question 1 week ago:
You might want to state what actually happened because this is really difficult to follow. I’m not aware of what you’re taking about, and if these people that are supposedly judging whatever situation happened don’t know either, this is going to be less effective.
- Comment on Are modern Final Fantasy games bad? 3 weeks ago:
I play FFXIV. I’ll break it down by expansions, but it’s the one that didn’t follow the general downwards trend so much.
1.0 - trash. They couldn’t figure out how to work together. One guy spends forever making the best looking water wheel ever, in the background, that you never interact with. It’s too graphically intensive, and flows the wrong way from the water. It doesn’t match the building it’s attached to. Meanwhile, they forget to add roads towards main cities. It’s an unplayable mess. It’s literally unplayable, as they killed it off to replace it with:
2.0, A Realm Reborn - they really fixed it under one guy’s leadership. It’s playable, and works. It’s outdated somewhat today, but has a lot of moral grey areas and twists. There’s a lot of running around and time wasting, which was common back then.
Heavenward - they made a great story. It’s one of the best expansions. Streamlined and faster. No needless “talk to 5 villagers” quests like previously.
Stormblood - not as great. There’s a lot of setup they use later. The world building is really great, though. Some of the best looking areas.
Shadowbringers - the best expansion they’ve ever made. Perfectly balanced world building and characters, and story. This is peak FF, with the best music as well. Probably because they can ditch much of the old A Realm Reborn story.
Endwalker - ties it all together. The story leads up to “death is inevitable for everything that has ever lived, so just die now” kind of depression hopelessness that you wonder how they’ll get out of it. Well, because it’s Japanese and FF, it’s the power of friendship that saves the day. But, this really feels like the culmination of everything they’ve learned in the previous expansions.
Dawntrail - this is the downward slide. They force you into a role to support someone for ruler that is almost slapstick bad. Characters don’t make logical choices. The theme is all over the place and can’t decide what it wants to be. Many people say to stop at endwalker, but we’ll see how the next expansion goes, which is years away.
There’s plenty to say about the game otherwise, but the general thought is that they’re gradually cutting corners, taking longer, and under delivering as they’re stretched too thin. They’re feeling the same pressure everyone else in the world is - not enough money. Which is crazy, because FFXIV is THE game keeping Square Enix alive.
- Comment on There was a time when everyone had common sense 2 months ago:
Old cars could actually have their stuff adjusted, though. You’d have to tinker with the carburator if the weather was significantly colder/hotter, etc. to get it to run properly.
Even cars in the 90s started getting too complex - electronic fuel injection, variable valve timing, and more. There’s no need to adjust the valves because the computer does it, and better than you could.
- Comment on They just don't write good fantasy like this anymore. 2 months ago:
Shad from the YouTube channel Shadiversity made a back scabbard that actually works, but it’s not historical. Historically, people didn’t really do it.
He also made a bow carrier on his back, to mimic a lot of movies and games.
- Comment on Half-Life 3 rumours are about again after a teaser from G-Man's voice actor 2 months ago:
I can just barely remember the general plot.
Is the new one going to be called “Half Life: Forever - Balls of Steel Edition”?
Sometimes we should just let it die. The original script writer posted the plot to 3 when his NDA ran out, and I think that was 5 years ago or more. Reading that is good enough for closure.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
He tries to run, but you slow-walk towards him, chanting “poop!” with every step. His pants are heavy, and blood starts to show through his jeans. “I’ll cut your guts out!” he helplessly bluffs. Soon, he crumples up and screams as his guts start emptying into the street; his denim is no longer able to hold the carnage. You see him lying dead at your feet.
You turn back towards the United Healthcare headquarters, and resume your march.
Now, it is finally time to see at what point explosive diarrhea is covered…
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 3 months ago:
Anecdotal, you still learn people and you can build a community reputation playing PvP in FFXIV. We don’t get to choose the map, and you’ll still see some people only once, but you get to know who’s who. The problem is, it’s not as fast as fortnite or other games. Which is a large turn off for many. But the slower (just barely slower) pace is more forgiving towards people that are middle aged and can’t compete with top tier fortnite/ League of Legends, etc types.
- Comment on Curves 4 months ago:
The clusters of white dots that form a white curved line next to the yellow ones?
- Comment on Anon gets hit by a car 4 months ago:
Not to trivialize your experience, but Deloused the the Comatorium by The Mars Volta is a true story about a guy that tried to kill himself by drinking rat poison, going into a coma, coming out of it, and realizing that the coma world was more preferable/he couldn’t cope with the waking world and jumps off of a building to get back. He died.
It’s an interesting album that might help? There’s a lot of disconnected, out there nonsense in his dreams that they express in the songs.
I’m sure it’s not nearly as intense as being in a dreaming coma, but I found music that touches upon a traumatic situation helps me sort it out.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 5 months ago:
Those old tv shows where they casually eat breakfast before work make more sense. They weren’t up at 6, rushing to get to work by 8. They had a whole hour more.
- Comment on dream job 5 months ago:
I would, too. Which is the more exciting job? Unfortunately there probably isn’t much call for a trebuchet bombardment these days.
- Comment on Anon gets a pizza 5 months ago:
They didn’t think you were homeless. They correctly saw you struggle to buy a 10 dollar pizza with change from your pockets.
Most people will use a 20 or a card.
Yeah, you didn’t “need” the help, but that helped you nonetheless.
Also I know this isn’t OP so my breath is wasted, but people need to realize you don’t need to be homeless to be in a rough spot. You can be working poor.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 6 months ago:
Computer usage doesn’t determine that you spell it with a k.
A disk is indeed short for diskette, and disc is short for discus.
However, you can absolutely use a compact disc on a computer.
And while there are typically spinning platters or spinning magnetic strips inside hard drive disks or floppy disks, they are referred to by the whole unit as a logical disk drive that you’d see in computer.
If it’s possible to find them all now, you’d see that DVDs, CDs, Blu-ray, laserdisc, are all spelled like discus. 3.5, 4.5 floppy disks, hard drives, solid state drives, tape drives, etc all spell it disk.
So for the most part, being purely observational, you can see that anything shaped like a frisbee with a hole in it will be a disc, and everything else is a disk.
I think that’s slightly different than your explanation, as the terms are mutually exclusive.
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 8 months ago:
In the off chance I only exist to argue with you on the Internet, I feel like it’s my duty to say you’re wrong and have nothing to back up my viewpoint because the resources weren’t allotted to have any supported data.
I hope I exist tomorrow.
- Comment on Ridley Scott's 4-hour Napoleon cut shelved indefinitely 11 months ago:
It’s two totally different movies mashed together. The first one is Napoleon being an amazing general and taking over. The second is Josephine and Napoleon’s love story.
The problem is, they had to cut out half of each movie to shoehorn in the plots from both, so neither is really well done. Why is Napoleon out in a position of leadership, and why is he so good at being a general? How did he get enough support to essentially take over and become emperor? No idea. Why did Josephine cheat on him, and did he cheat on her? Why did they stay together for so long? Where did she come from, how did she feel about suddenly becoming Empress? Did they start treating each other differently? Was an heir important to either of them personally, or was it a political requirement? Again, no idea.
This movie couldn’t figure out if it wanted to be military history, or a love story. Pick a lane!
- Comment on Why do some websites have a "Continue Reading" button? 1 year ago:
It’s two fold:
it’s good proof of “user interaction with site” to sell to advertisers
they can use that to load more ads or refresh current ones after it loads more text, and you’re already bought in on the story so you’re likely going to keep going.
I suspect a third reason is to try adding other news stories at the end in case the current one didn’t grab your attention, but that doesn’t seem to be as consistent amongst sites that I’ve seen do this. I run ad blockers though, so I don’t really see the sites the way they expect me to.
- Comment on Can't play an EA game via geforce now 1 year ago:
Interesting, because the inability of people to understand basic concepts continues to disappoint me.
- Comment on Can't play an EA game via geforce now 1 year ago:
Sliding is actually stealing. You’re taking something away from the vendor. Piracy doesn’t actually take anything physically from the vendor.
Besides, if I can’t actually buy it (only a license to use it), then it’s not possible to steal it.
- Comment on Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal gets preliminary approval from UK regulator 1 year ago:
Counter-counterpoint: When Activision bought and consolidated Blizzard an Blizzard North, they made it worse and people still slave away for them, and enough people buy their objectively inferior products to keep them going on life support to be sold again.
They became a poster child of what’s wrong with the industry (Diablo Immortal) and nobody learned anything. Baulder’s Gate 3 did more to further a healthy ecosystem than any merger has.
- Comment on Divinity Original Sins 2: An unbelievably awesome game 1 year ago:
I found that lowering the difficulty was just required. The early game, you have a LOT stacked against you. When you level up, get more abilities, better gear - then you don’t have to pull them behind a doorway or something.
It made sense that you were completely outgunned in the start, but as you progress, it’s a little easier.
However, the emphasis on surfaces was bad. It was way too easy to make necrotic fire that was 2 turns to dispel a small portion of. And in the beginning, it’s very hard to get rid of it. Late game, you can turn it into a healing fire.
But other than those gripes, it was a fantastic game. Well with the time invested to learn it. Just, lower the difficulty.
- Comment on I'm trying to prove a point. Without looking it up, what are these? 1 year ago:
THAT is… The Question.