- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
It took me a moment when I saw the pic to come to terms with the fact that, for as many times as I’ve seen kcal previously, I somehow never realized it was was short hand for kilocalories. 🤯
- Comment on sterile rot 2 weeks ago:
I know you’re being intentionally vague, but if not chewing tobacco (which no one would call “doing drugs”), what in the FUCK was the COMMUNAL spit bottle about? 🤢
- Comment on Treyarch co-founder pleads guilty to grounding firefighting plane with drone during LA wildfires 3 weeks ago:
Oh wow - our legal system CAN react this quickly. That’s good to know, as we watch Washington burn to a crisp while federal judges and congresspeople do… uh…
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 month ago:
The problem is unfettered capitalism. Our leaders are far more concerned about enriching themselves than acting on behalf of their constituents, so we’ve got this really jaded electorate.
And then as a dominant super power in the world, we’ve been targeted with enormous misinformation campaigns, both from our own “news sources” (Fox News is NOT real news, it’s lies and half truths and proliferation of hatred!) and fake internet trolls. All of that on top of decades of political corruption, decades of businesses lobbying in their own best interest and spreading lies to support their position (“tobacco is safe and very cool!” “guns don’t kill people”, “weed is the root of all evil!”, “pEoPlE ARe tERMinatInG 9 mOnTh oLd feTUseS anD bORn bABiEs!”).
Conservatives have always been the temporarily embarrassed millionaires, and once they get theirs, fuck everyone else. Generations bought homes at affordable prices, then pulled the ladder up behind them and fuck all future generations. “Pull yourself up by your boot straps!” is sort of bullshit you get from them, but they didn’t do that at all and they’ve broken the whole system in their favor.
Now conservatives are trying to break our educational system by banning books, banning subject discussion like evolution or slavery, foregoing sex education in favor of the provably bad “abstinence education”. A country founded on “separation of church and state” is pushing harder and harder to make a “Christian nation” that doesn’t and shouldn’t exist. They want a stupid electorate making tons of babies who also grow up stupid and vote for them. The majority of Americans are liberal and have genuine sympathy and compassion for others, so before they wake up and actually get involved, the conservatives have to breed up a bunch of idiots they can convince real easily to vote their way.
All that to say… I don’t think it’s going to get any better anytime soon. Get me the fuck out of this place.
- Comment on Who stole all the pies? Michelin-starred chef 'gutted' at theft of 2,500 pies. 2 months ago:
I hope their appeal to the thieves to at least DONATE the pies doesn’t fall on deaf ears.
I used to work in a grocery store and despised it when I found product in the wrong temperature zone - such as a milk jug in the freezer, a hot roasted chicken on the shelf next to the cereal, or a nice steak just sitting on an an endcap display. I was less concerned about the financial impact to the mega Corp, but I sure hated the fact that perfectly good food is now trash because some dipshit couldn’t be bothered to put it back where it belongs.
- Comment on How Trump's Tariffs Could Cost Gamers Billions 2 months ago:
Mostly I suppose - but in the example/hypothetical given in the article of Sony moving it’s manufacturing from China to India, it would take 6-24 months minimum to find/develop the space they need and move the equipment. This cost to move all of the equipment half way across the world and the opportunity cost of out of stocks at stores worldwide when your distribution chain finally drys up - the cost was sited at 10%. If they MOVE a facility, I think that cost gets passed on to everybody worldwide.
There may be situations where JUST American production is moved to another country with more favorable tarrifs and worldwide production continues out of the existing facility, and probably in a situation like that, only the American costs would increase to cover the facility/equipmemt costs. But for that to make fiscal sense, this would have to be somehow CHEAPER than the price already elevated by the tarrifs. Companies could even in this case, theoretically hike prices worldwide to subsidize the impact to everybody. More people paying a higher prices mean everybody pays less.
Now, I couldn’t say if there’s any precident for the last line there. Purely hypothetical. But regardless - it’s entirely possible it WON’T be JUST Americans paying higher prices.
- Comment on Warner Bros. Admits MultiVersus Underperformed, Contributing to Another $100 Million Hit to Revenue in Its Games Business 3 months ago:
People vote with their wallet repeatedly against live servic and games, and they keep releasing them. Eventually they’ll stop, right? Right?
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
I’m a former player, but played continuously from release for 11 years. This is undoubtedly ridiculously expensive, but the convenience of having your mail and auction house anywhere in the world - the value to certain players is immense. I think if I played still today, it would probably be a struggle deciding whether this limited time offering was worth jumping on - I certainly don’t need it even a little bit, but when I want it, this thing would be incredibly convenient to have. Maybe that would just be the addiction talking. But when you spend all your free time with one game, you do feel a sense of good value relative to things like drinks at the bar or a movie or buying 1 or 2 full priced games a month.
But truly, the utility this provides for you and your guild is immense and impossible to replicate. They definitely shouldn’t be selling mounts on the shop for $90. That’s fucked. But compared to some of the video game devs selling weapon or character skins for as much or more, there IS at least a unique value proposition to the player. I guarantee there will be people with it the second it releases, for better or worse.
- Comment on Element in water heater died; less than two months old. 4 months ago:
Thanks for sharing - this is wicked. It’s strange that it has taken so long, but it’s very cool that we’re possibly seeing a return to wind power, and this looks WILD to boot.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 4 months ago:
Did people get bitchy on the internet when they released the PS One, the PS2 slim, 5 generations of PS3, or the PS4 Pro? Or the Xbox One X, Xbox 360 E, the Switch OLED, 2DS, DS lite, Gameboy Advance SP, Sega Genesis 2, Sega Genesis 3, Sega Saturn 2? I certainly don’t remember this much discourse back then. It’s like every gamer on the internet has collective amnesia about mid generation refreshes and how they have existed since the dawn of console gaming.
Just as always - it’s probably not meant for you if you’re perfectly happy with your base model.
And just like all those multitude of prior examples - no, they certainly will not release games that ONLY work on the mid cycle refresh device. Because that would be a really poor financial decision. And can you imagine the discourse if you had to buy a $700 console to replace your $500 console so you could play all the newest first party titles? On a device that has likely 4 years max before it is subplanted by the PS6? That would be a far more justified upset in my opinion.
- Comment on Deep Discounts 5 months ago:
I understand what they’re trying to do - bring attention to total cost of ownership and the price disparity between petrol and electricity. It’s clearly marked and impossible to miss when you’re on the website speccing out a car, so it’s maybe a little initially deceptive, but not scummy imo. But it also leads to screenshots like this…
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 months ago:
(laughs in European)
- Comment on Re-Evolved 6 months ago:
It went extinct because the sea levels rose and the island it inhabits was entirely under water. Honestly, we’re headed that direction - they might be in trouble again in relatively quick order.
- Comment on My new company let me join the union on my first day, within their onboarding app 6 months ago:
Yeah, that could be the difference - I definitely lived in a right to work state. But they certainly sold it even there as if you must join.
- Comment on My new company let me join the union on my first day, within their onboarding app 6 months ago:
I’m sure the union rep made it sound like you must, but I wonder if you were actually required. The major US grocery chain I worked for, the union was shoved themselves down your throat but it was NOT required. It felt to me that their negotiations amounted more to collusion than actually fighting for the workers. I hope they’re the weakest union in the history of the world and that they don’t all suck as badly.
- Comment on Devs should not be "forced to run on a treadmill until their mental or physical health breaks", says publisher of Manor Lords, citing how gamers seem to be trained to expect endless content work now 7 months ago:
I don’t want the devs to kill themselves for a game, obviously. I don’t think anyone does. People just want content updates for a property they love. In an industry that lays off people after they ship a game or starts work immediately on the franchise yearly $70 sequel, I just want a game developer that does better than that. That’s why the whole world waited patiently for the follow up to the GOTY of 2022 with Shadow of the Erdtree. Elden Ring didn’t get a ton of free content updates in that time, they didn’t make it a live service or offer mtx, and they didn’t pump out their massive expansion in an unreasonable time frame. They built an incredible game and incredible world, and then they continued development on the game they had poured their hearts into for years and spent the time they needed to create the expansion the game deserved, and at a reasonable price.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Of all the names on the list, Leazel is absolutely killing me. Everytime I think it I’m laughing again. A little disappointed but you’re probably right - it’s meant to be Lae’zel.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 4 Isn't Next For Larian; Something Bigger Is Coming | Spot On | Gamespot 11 months ago:
Bioware didn’t make Starfield - that was Bethesda. Maybe you were thinking of Anthem? And fair point there.
- Comment on I'm deaf 11 months ago: