- Comment on 'You're a very long arm. You steal things. It's a comedy game,' explains developer of comedy game where you steal things with a very long arm 1 day ago:
is there a long arm of the law to slap the thieving arm in multiplayer?
- Comment on Why is a two-party system considered democratic? 1 week ago:
Not so sure about that. It’s adversarial in nature but that’s not a bad thing. It means we keep changing hopefully for the better for everyone
- Comment on Why is a two-party system considered democratic? 1 week ago:
that’s why in many european states we’ve evolved to variants of multi party, transferable votes systems
it still has inherent flaws and it still seems to have 2 sides (one side kinda sorta has to be the majority “in power”, and the others in opposition) but it feels and maybe is more representative of the vote we cast
- Comment on My name is Lemmy. I made the Lemmy. It was difficult to put the codebase together 2 weeks ago:
the only band to unite the metalheads and the punks and even the future death metallers
how did he do it? he told them all to fuck off
- Comment on Seven Years Old Linux Kernel Vulnerability Let Attackers Execute Remote Code 1 month ago:
if only the kernel was 100% rust
- Comment on you are the democratically elected leader of a liberal democratic country which so far has had a good relationship with the US, how do you and your country survive 4 years of trump? 1 month ago:
exactly, and remain in diplomatic contact with the civil servants and politicians he has not infected
- Comment on So why did we stop worshiping the sun? 2 months ago:
i have been to stone henge for the winter solstice
i did my part
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
clubbing became pretty smelly after the smoking bans i think it forced most decent clubs to upgrade their AC
- Comment on Why did people in the 90s/early 00s say that the internet "couldn't be taken down"? 3 months ago:
over the years i think the internet has proved to be a bit flaky BGP
has proved to be non trivial and mistakes have been made both accidentally and maliciously that have broken large chunks of the internet
having said that i think that things like P2P protocols - Kademlia, Gnutella, UDP bittorent, TOR etc have proved to be very resilient and hard or impossible to break despite concerted efforts to do so. these protocols have adapted to hide using VPN, HTTP and other tunneling techniques and services have distributed themselves effectively such that they have never been eradicated
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 4 months ago:
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
and an aversion to Zees - I mean Zeds!
- Comment on Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change? 5 months ago:
it’s a really good game, and is heavily supported by Valve to keep it good
cheating seems like an issue but i imagine that’s always been the case
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 6 months ago:
disappointingly i agree with Pete. with vast new open worlds like no mans sky i think the standard of generative AI could weave good plots, locations, characters and mcguffins
whole game mechanics and voice acting and animation however, i doubt
- Comment on If Russia takes out all the Internet cables like the news is saying. How much of that traffic can be re-routed to satellite? 6 months ago:
oddly enough i think the internet would have to behave in a federated way
content would need to be cached in connected areas and we would need to optimize use of the satellite connections to propagate content between federated islands
- Comment on How can i make myself poisonous to mosquitos? 8 months ago:
Stop fighting them. Use anti histamine cream on the bitea
- Comment on Awnings: a simple cooling tech we apparently forgot about 8 months ago:
my neighbour installed awnings a couple years ago, they look great
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
no i think they are beautiful
- Comment on Liz Truss loses seat as ex-prime minister becomes biggest scalp in Tory bloodbath 8 months ago:
yeah moggie is much worse than this trumpette
- Comment on Basic thoughts after I recently re-watched the Craig-era Bond Films 8 months ago:
i love you because i completely agree with you
i thought spectre was fucking cool as well though
- Comment on Why can't people make ai's by making a neuron sim and then scaling it up with a supercomputer to the point where it has a humans number of neurons and then raise it like a human? 10 months ago:
i read somewhere a little while ago that some of the LLMs have about that number
- Comment on Why can't people make ai's by making a neuron sim and then scaling it up with a supercomputer to the point where it has a humans number of neurons and then raise it like a human? 10 months ago:
i think that’s roughly exactly what happened - i think the new neural nets have 80 billion neurons which is a rough estimate of what a human brain has
the way they work is wildly different of course
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 11 months ago:
Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts
they just replace their addiction?
No, but most therapy is based around cognitive behavioral therapy along with many different complementary treatments. CBT strengthens non-addictive behavior and weakens or disrupts addictive behavior. You trained your brain to be an addict so you learn and train it not to be an addict.
- Comment on Not providing all features without JS is understandable, but this is just not fine. 1 year ago:
DYK: the new Lemmy client we are writing has progressive enhancement baked in from day 1.
- Comment on Plucky crew of Star Trek: Discovery seeks a strange artifact in S5 trailer 1 year ago:
writers play Starfield on their break?
- Comment on Ok Lemmy Rorschach test time. Tell me what you see. 1 year ago:
rainy fir tree