Cartoons and books and magic the gathering and Nintendo shit
Fuck me up with a good discussion.
- Comment on Many TV stations put a banner ad in the picture these days 4 months ago:
Heart wrenching and entirely understandable. Those things are both magnificent and inconvenient these days
- Comment on what is the fedipact? 1 year ago:
I don’t get it, is this exclusively anti-meta?
- Comment on Having fun with probability models 1 year ago:
In 99% of cases it’s not literally believed, but argued for the sport of debate
There’s something interesting about trying to come up with fake science to support the bullshit, and that’s all it’s ever been except for fringe cases
- Comment on When Reddit was first becoming popular, were it's communities and content basically just clones of other websites like Digg? 1 year ago:
You know, I don’t really remember this being the case. Albeit I was mostly a Stumble Upon user before reddit.
I’m thinking it’s because reddit has had so long being the number one de facto place to go to form your community.
- Comment on When a place is called " Heights", what does "heights" mean/refer to? 1 year ago:
Just enough to give people a false sense of security.
- Comment on When a place is called " Heights", what does "heights" mean/refer to? 1 year ago:
Everyone saying it’s taller, but I know for a fact Seaside Heights is not. People who name things name things would ever those people want.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
What are the potential downsides of the government having your DNA? I don’t think I can think of any for real
- Comment on Why is Steam (Windows PC version) the only program (to my knowledge) that natively snaps to windows displays? 1 year ago:
I’m not sure what behavior I’m missing, I’m playing around with this steam window and can’t find it. It snaps to the edge but not in the windows way?
- Comment on Why is Steam (Windows PC version) the only program (to my knowledge) that natively snaps to windows displays? 1 year ago:
You’re talking about moving a window to the side to make it take up half of your display?
- Comment on HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price. 1 year ago:
Goated thank you so much
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
This is my thought too.
Being the bigger person is all well and good but sometimes petty revenge hits different.
- Comment on Thinking of visiting a pawn shop. What should I know? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Is it possible to make my data worthless? 1 year ago:
Like what?
- Comment on Why isn't there a "Spotify premium" for news? 1 year ago:
No they can fuck off with the charging me money to read their article thing. I would prefer that they load that shit up to the gills with ads that I then block
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
I’m not sure what you mean by that, but it’s a banger cartoon with amazing characters that comes full circle in such an immensely satisfying way. Top tier animation and writing.
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
Indeed, very unfortunate. Amphibia knocked the ending out of the park. So did She-Ra. Gravity Falls and Kipo while I’m at it.
Hot take but so did Star vs the Forces of Evil imo.
Everyone on the fence about any of these mentioned you gotta go in. Banger endings only
- Comment on Are American tv shows stuck in Act 2 for their entire runtime between season 1 and final season? 1 year ago:
And like every good story oriented cartoon. We’re in the actual golden age for cartoons right now and more people need to take advantage.
- Comment on Well...that was anticlimactic 1 year ago:
Audit the military : find the aliens
- Comment on What is the current "favorite" show? 1 year ago:
A tricky question, some days I’ll say three some days I’ll say four probably. Honorable mention to season 5.
Tbh I liked angel more, but I my head I clump them together
- Comment on What is the current "favorite" show? 1 year ago:
Nope, Buffy came out the year I was born. I watched it when I was young on my mom’s recommendation.
- Comment on What is the current "favorite" show? 1 year ago:
I’m horrified about good omens 2 and have not started it yet. If I remember correctly the first good omens was an adaptation of the entire book?
So they continue the story after the book? Without Pratchett? I’m just a little afraid.
- Comment on What is the current "favorite" show? 1 year ago:
Steven Universe and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fight for that honor