- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI/R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
- Comment on Hate crimes 3 weeks ago:
The existence one one doesn’t preclude the existence of the other.
- Comment on Or Polio. Guess we should invest in iron lungs. 3 months ago:
Feel free to ford any rivers you come across. That never ends poorly.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- The new framework put forth by the NLRB only went into effect in late 2023 (November/December).
- It requires a majority of employees to want to form a union.
- The NLRB intends to force Starbucks to reopen the 23 stores they closed. This news is from last month, so it’s still pretty recent.
I agree that when the penalty is a fine, it’s just the cost of doing business, but it appears that the NLRB are attempting to go another route.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Just a heads up, the NLRB has taken an aggressive stance against companies that refuse to allow their employees to unionize.
So when a company has a positive response to unionization, just keep in mind that they don’t really have any other option but to “grin and bear it” so to speak.
- Comment on How We Solved The Home Wind Turbine Problem | Undecided with Matt Ferrell [CC] (16:07) 1 year ago:
Does it have to be roof-mounted?
- Comment on Why did Pootin threaten the whole world with nuclear weapons, but then stopped doing so? 1 year ago:
Yep. Mutually Assured Destruction.
Some countries will use the threat of nuclear war to get what they want. But what they want often involves still being alive afterwards. Putin, like the rest of the leaders of countries with nuclear arms, knows that a nuclear strike demands a nuclear response. There is no other option and unfortunately the whole world suffers as a result.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Lol got em!
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
I don’t have to imagine being white
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
Yep, I was equally disappointed with the execution.
- Comment on Kevin Hart Says He Won’t Host the Oscars Again: Awards Shows ‘Aren’t Comedy-Friendly Environments Anymore’ 1 year ago:
Having seen Kevin Hart live, I’m not surprised.
It was incredibly depressing that his openers (his “Solo cup boys”) made homophobic jokes. One in particular was about how the comedian would be disappointed if his son was gay because he couldn’t take him to the strip club with him.
Sorry that people aren’t receptive to shitty, bigoted jokes any more Kevin. Maybe you and Dave Chappelle can get together and make jokes about trans/gay people to empty audiences.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Thank you for the correction!
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
You have a fair point there.
Since in OPs hypothetical they specified the Jan 9 date and that Biden had been elected, I misspoke.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Neither have been elected yet. The Democrat and Republican parties would both nominate new candidates for president and then people would vote on them.
- Comment on Adan Canto, ‘The Cleaning Lady’, ‘X-Men’ and ‘Designated Survivor’ Actor, Dies at 42 1 year ago:
Cancer is such a bastard
- Comment on It's important for us to keep perspective... 1 year ago:
Lol this is fantastic.
- Comment on Not Safe For Work 1 year ago:
Yep, plastic can be razor sharp.
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
I knew I recognized Nicolas Cage from Saturday night fever!
- Comment on Because sometimes you forget and need a reminder 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
T-minus 4 years until my second puberty.
- Comment on Anon gets @'d in the group chat 1 year ago:
You hit the nail on the head. Incel confused when treating people like human beings means they enjoy being around you.
- Comment on Anon knows a guy down by the docks 1 year ago:
There’s also
Not sure if this specific show is on there but it has a lot of older stuff.
- Comment on Why are we putting defibrillators in buildings when we should be installing these? 1 year ago:
Need this
- Comment on Dangerously 1 year ago:
I don’t know of any car where you fill the gas tank from the engine bay.
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
Which I was explaining to the person I replied to. It’s not like I didn’t get it.
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
Agreed but I think the implication is more “if you can do something about it, then there’s nothing to worry about.”
- Comment on So You are not my mom???? 1 year ago:
What’s dopted?
- Comment on Cats 1 year ago:
It’s also another example of the way in which cats are liquid.
- Comment on I just hate it when a relationship becomes too demanding. Sorry. 1 year ago:
Well mostly because it perpetuates shitty ideas about what it means to be a man and ideas that incels latch onto about what’s important in a relationship. It also isn’t really funny or ironic or an attempt at anything besides women-hate. 0/10 👎