- Comment on Advice Needed: How to get immunotherapy treatment in a rural area where the clinics do not administer the shots? 9 months ago:
Have you checked out United Allergy Services? They claim to have self-administered allergy shots.
- Comment on American Airlines flight attendants say their pay is so low, they fight for airplane meals to save money and sleep in their cars—and they're ready to strike 9 months ago:
Thank you. I was just wondering why the hell anyone would work for AA to begin with. This helps explain some of the draw.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Sold by Nrnrnrg, a family company trusted for generations, established last week!
- Comment on Math and Physics Majors 11 months ago:
Seriously. As a biologist, my education was general enough that I learned how little I know about everything, instead giving me an inferiority complex.
- Comment on do you use cotton leggings? would you recommend them? 1 year ago:
I know they make terrible shirts.
- Comment on do you use cotton leggings? would you recommend them? 1 year ago:
Whoa, that post history. Now I have to wonder if this is a fetish or if OP has an obsessive/compulsive disorder.
- Comment on The Karen of Lemmy 1 year ago:
Indeed, this isn’t my only account, nor if it even my primary.
- Comment on The Karen of Lemmy 1 year ago:
At least on, it’s now visible when comments are removed. It’s not uncommon that I see multiple comments complaining about what the tankies are going to do and few to no removed comments. Given is also the instance whose members I see gripe about tankies the most, I currently believe it’s just people using an out group to achieve some sort of personal goal, even if it’s just as simple as wanting to comment but not really having a lot to say.
- Comment on The Karen of Lemmy 1 year ago:
Tankies are pretty annoying, but what’s much more annoying to me now is people whinging on about tankies that aren’t even there. The amount of comments to the effect of “just wait for the tankies to read this and do (X)” vastly out numbers the number of comments I see from actual tankies. More often than not, those tankies fail to ever materialize.
- Comment on CFCs 1 year ago:
It’s not. I’m guessing they did a Google search, looked at a few misleading article titles, and then decided they were a scientist.
On average, the hole has been shrinking, but 2023’s hole was the 12th biggest on record. The eruption of Hunga-Tonga was thought to be the main factor.
- Comment on Why are mental hospitals run like prisons? 1 year ago:
Welcome to Murica, where you have the FREEDOM to receive subpar care when you need help the most.
I’m a fellow citizen of the bald eagle who also has dealt with psychological issues and the United States’s terrible health and mental care system. I read through your posts and saw you’re thinking of ending it. I don’t know your situation, but I’ve been somewhere similar. I have an incurable, chronic, progressive health condition that causes some disability and just hurts like a motherfucker. Not looking for sympathy, just explaining.
I was dead set on ending it because I couldn’t imagine going through life always in pain, being a burden to my spouse, family, and friends, and just being a big overall sad sack like I was. Obviously I didn’t. I got help and worked through my giant pile of issues and I’m glad I did. I think about how I was then and my life now with my wife and friends and my stupid, silly cats and I always start crying because I love all of them and everything so much and I was so close to giving all of this away.
I agree with you 100% - everyone should have bodily autonomy, including the right to end your life as you see fit. Just give it a lot of thought. It’s fucking morbid, but what kept me going for the first few weeks is that I could always kill myself later. I didn’t need to make a decision then, I could always make a decision later if trying to make things better was as impossible as it seemed. It was a ton of work and it really sucked sometimes but it got better. Even when things regressed hard, I kept looking for ways to keep improving because at the heart of it, I really didn’t want to die, I just couldn’t imagine living, so I worked on making a life that I could believe in.
No matter what, don’t look at this as a failing. People like us can have a certain strength and appreciation for life that others who haven’t had to deal with this don’t understand. If you need to talk with someone who at least might get it, I’m here.
- Comment on Why are mental hospitals run like prisons? 1 year ago:
You and many others probably know this already but for those that don’t: in countries like the United States, private prisons actually lobby to make it more likely that previous offenders will return to jail. They seek stricter sentencing so offenders are incarcerated longer and to remove funding for nonprofits and programs that provide rehabilitation.
Relevant article:…/private-prison-giant-corecivics-wants-…
Just let that sink in. There are human beings that are doing their best to make sure people fail and are punished without rehabilitation, hoping they become trapped in the prison system, all so shareholders can make a buck. How fucked up is that?
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 1 year ago:
There’s a great book called Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving. It’s mostly a primer on how CPTSD works but does have content on what to do about it. Just putting a name to things is huge.
I started with the audiobook, primarily listening to it on my drive home. I knew it had nailed it for me when I realized I had spent an entire week’s worth of commutes home rage crying.
- Comment on Expertise 1 year ago:
I’m a microbiologist, at least eight years for us.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 1 year ago:
Or complex PTSD. That’s what I have and the two have a TON of behavioral overlap. My therapist and I spent a good amount of time determining if I was autistic or not.
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
He’s just upset because I called him out for being a douchebag in another post. So he proved my point by downvoting a bunch of my post history and leaving shitty comments on a few of them. It’s pretty sad.
- Comment on 99% to passing the shopping cart test yet they failed right next to the goal. 1 year ago:
It was the former. I had a bizarre, slightly yet constantly irritating shopping trip. I thought the cart was funny. Then handicap ramp man. What I didn’t post about is how people kept walking in front of me, forcing me to jerk my shopping cart to a halt, and how a major supermarket lost all of their macaroni and cheese. They recently had a remodel and three employees and I couldn’t find it anywhere. It was a weird trip.
- Comment on 99% to passing the shopping cart test yet they failed right next to the goal. 1 year ago:
Yeah, I figured you’d be too much of a coward to actually respond to anything. It’s always worth a shot though. Easiest block I’ve made this week.
- Comment on 99% to passing the shopping cart test yet they failed right next to the goal. 1 year ago:
Yep, I’ve done carts. I worked retail over two decades ago. You have made up…
“oh man, I have to do what I’m paid for”.
~ you, probablyA comment based on no evidence so you can dunk on someone. You’re just being a dick.
Goddamn people white knighting HARD.
I guarantee most of the people upset here don’t even walk the extra ten feet to the corral.It couldn’t be that you say useless, inflammatory things. Nope, it’s everyone else that’s the problem.
You’re just upset for no reason.
I’ve done this job. There are far worse things to get frustrated about than this. This isn’t remotely mildly infuriating. You’re mildly lazy at your job.Here we have you assuming, with no evidence or indication for it, that I’m the cart guy so you can call me lazy. Again, the majority of the comment is just you being a judgemental dick.
You just seem to be one of those people who is so outraged and feels such a strong need to tell everyone how they’re wrong that you generate a slew of assumptions so you can slap together meaningless judgement. I mean, seriously, what do you think you’re contributing to this comment section other than making it worse?
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
Germany is indeed a great place to live - I’m assuming you’re German because of your domain suffix, plus it makes sense. My sister-in-law lives there and I just love visiting. My favorite part is how the people I’ve met are just so straightforward. I wish everyone was so honest and direct!
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
About 25 years ago, I was a retail manager and took great pleasure in having these assholes towed. We had the towing company on speed dial, they loved us. I wasn’t disabled then but it’s just a shitty thing to do.
Today I just alerted store management, who was pretty pissed off about them. I approved. As much as I’d have loved to do what you suggested, I only had a few minutes before I had to leave.
- Comment on 99% to passing the shopping cart test yet they failed right next to the goal. 1 year ago:
I’m not the cart guy, I just shop there.
It’s interesting, reading this comment and your other, how you have to make things up so you can pass useless judgment on other people.
You might want to think about why you do that.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 145 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 47 comments
- Comment on I need a lot to pictures like this 1 year ago:
No judgment, we can’t all be perfect all the time. I see your comments a lot and you seem like a pretty upstanding person.
If it helps, I occasionally eat shitty American chocolate despite knowing its origin and it being so poor quality that it’s a total waste of cocoa. See, we all do shit!
- Comment on Some free fruit 1 year ago:
Aww, sweet little babies. I love possums and their goofy little Tim Burtonesque faces. We have a resident possum who trundles around our property at night. I give them pancakes when I can.
- Comment on Xbox Player Gets Banned for 1 Year After Recording Baldur's Gate 3 Scenes 1 year ago:
I really wish they weren’t, but I also agree with them.
- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year ago:
For example, I literally have COVID right now so I’m stuck at home. I’m running out of food (I got sick on the day I do my weekly shopping) plus I don’t want to cook or drive because I feel like twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound sack. I usually get my own food but I’m happy to pay someone to deliver right now.
- Comment on As if the tip actually goes to the dashers. 1 year ago:
Goddamn I miss that. Restaurants and bodegas within walking distance of your apartment.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
I was feeling the same. I saw 90% and was immediately impressed at their optimism.