- Comment on return2ozma was right 8 months ago:
I’d enjoy Katie Porter. Dunno if she’s ready for something like the presidency, but I’m ready for a president like her.
- Comment on AI is the future 9 months ago:
Have an angry (and admiring) upvote.
- Comment on Report: In Western Countries, 41% of the Jobs Done By Young People are at Risk Disappearing Due to Automation 9 months ago:
Asking a potentially silly question: why free education at this point?
As a social good or for economic reasons?
- Comment on Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy? 10 months ago:
I’ve seen a LOT of strawman attacks. It usually seems to be honest miscommunication, but underneath that… It looks like predisposition to combative and somewhat-dismissive hot takes.
And it works. Certain members have swung entire conversations and down votes by implying a person said something they didn’t.
It’s not unique to online fora, but the concentration seems off here.
Some of this just looks like people feeling like big fish in this small pond and finding a degree of confidence or even righteousness from the voting patterns.
- Comment on Trust exercise 10 months ago:
What is it? I don’t see anything other than an upside down elephant.
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
Why would they need us except as consumers? At a certain point automation and AI actually do get far enough.
That may take longer than people think.
- Comment on Pastors are Scamming Believers out of Millions | Josh Johnson (16:51) 11 months ago:
OT Christians (I know, but run with it), see that God blesses his chosen. The more they’re blessed, the obvious God’s favor is.
Abraham, David, Solomon. All favored and ended up rich.
- Comment on What would happen if all of humanity don't need to work any more ? 11 months ago:
I mean, we could always just go original Time Machine. Human sheep just existing until we don’t.
- Comment on What would happen if all of humanity don't need to work any more ? 11 months ago:
We need teachers. Many would do it, but they want respect and support.
So I’m guessing they’d need money.
- Comment on What would happen if all of humanity don't need to work any more ? 11 months ago:
This is my theory, also. But I think the average would be around replacement.
Have three grown kids. Three was probably about all I could handle. Love them, proud of them, took the best care I knew to do with what I had… But it was a lot as they got into demand extracurriculars.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I said it’s by the interstate. Locals know where to go, others just get gas and get about their drive.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I’m not telling you where I live, but it’s near an interstate.
I’m not lying and I don’t enjoy the accusation.
You also, after the veiled ad hom, did nothing to address the topic.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
If there’s competition, yes.
If there’s scarcity, where the supplier side has more leverage, the math changes. They may well just volunteer to make more profit.
Where I live, the difference of one block is 50 cents over two intervals. One number on this street, 50 cents cheaper a block further and another 50 cents cheaper another block down. $1 in difference.
They’re all in business and have been this way for years.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
You’d go up at least 10 cents. Still worth it to cross the street, but more profit while it’s available.
- Comment on Cities: Skylines 2 developers have noticed 'a growing tendency of toxicity in our community' 1 year ago:
I’ve played CS2 for weeks. Days of hours. Have completely enjoyed it.
It’s not finished and they’re honest about that. Also, comparisons to CS in it’s finished state (easy to do unconsciously) overlook just how many DLCs it took to get to full maturity.
I enjoy the game and have no regrets for buying. I don’t feel deceived since I could have asked for as refund.
I think some of this is a specific kind of FOMO. Fear of missing out (on what could have been). I’m hoping they do enough to fix the parenthetical.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Dyson Sphere Program Cities Skylines 2
Both because I like systems and I like to build.
- Comment on haha :( 1 year ago:
If you find this meme relatable due to anxiety (I do), meditation helped me so much.
My employer pays for a meditation subscription and it didn’t just teach me breathing or how to think about “nothing.” It taught me to note the thought/feeling, label it as one of the two and let it go.
I’m not where I want to be, but I’m much closer.
- Comment on Milking machine 1 year ago:
We’d have to account for their height, wouldn’t we?
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
The full sentence is, “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
Intent is to use every letter of the English alphabet. Thing is, I’ve heard “jumped” for decades now which ironically leads to s being skipped. I say ironically because it’s one of the most commonly used letters.
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
Mobile phone at 4 Am. Missed the typo. Fixed now.
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
jumps over the lazy dog.
Otherwise there’s no “s.”
It tells a short story that’s visual and full of 2ords people know how to spell.
- Comment on I've been wondering for some time 1 year ago:
“You first. (then I’ll see if it snowballs).”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This is what I’m seeing too. If I want food out, I might as well go to a place where the napkin may belong on my lap.
Decent Italian restaurant entree is close to the same as a fast food combo. About as filling and more healthy (depending on choices).
- Comment on Study Finds Hybrid Work Improves Mental Health Compared to Remote or In-Office 1 year ago:
It’s what I’d prefer as someone who is remote. That’s just me, not saying that’s ideal for everyone.
- Comment on Isn't OneDrive/Sharepiont the exact OPPOSITE of a shared drive? 1 year ago:
In SharePoint: Add shortcut to OneDrive In OneDrive: tell it if, or how, to save the folders locally.
Use File Explorer, like I think you’d prefer.
It does not work perfectly.
- Comment on McDonald's franchisee group says new $20 minimum wage California fast-food bill will cause 'devastating financial blow' 1 year ago:
We need an FDR. I’d take a modern Roosevelt. Either of them, assuming they keep up with the times (equality, similar).
He’ll, he’s part of why Boomers had it good.
- Comment on McDonald's franchisee group says new $20 minimum wage California fast-food bill will cause 'devastating financial blow' 1 year ago:
How much of the overall cost do you think is labor? Because your dollar figure implies you’ve overestimated by plenty.
Assuming USD.
- Comment on Watch: Billionaire CEO says unemployment 'has to jump' to put 'arrogant' workers in their place 1 year ago:
The “left” is anti-violence other than bringing out old phrases.
We’re not even hearing of acts of vandalism or sabotage, but we want them to be scared.
Right now, if they don’t get their way, unquestioning and at cheap rates, they are oppressed.
This is where we are. I agree, they need checked. Unions are getting stronger again (at last). But that’s all I’m seeing. I hope I’m missing something.
- Comment on ‘Frasier’ Revival Sets Premiere Date at Paramount+, First Two Episodes to Air on CBS 1 year ago:
I thought the same when he spun it up the first time without Cheers cast.
I’ll give it an episode or two before I pass judgment.
Like others here, it was the rest of the cast I enjoyed most. Frasier was mostly cringe.
- Comment on Would it make sense for a person in a "privileged class" to move from a red state? 1 year ago:
I moved from Texas to California.
While I wish I’d done it with better financial timing, it worked out and I’m glad I’m here. Hell, it sounds like your skills are a food fit for certain places, too.
If it suits you, find a place where outdoors is a place you can enjoy almost every day of the year. They aren’t as rare as Texas makes it seem.