I don’t know what I am.
And that’s fine with me.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
A still from the badger badger badger song.
One of the most persistent ear worms ever made :) - Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
I needed a new one, the old one was worn out :)
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
- Comment on Better luck next time 3 months ago:
Well they never consider me in THEIR embroidery pieces, so why should I? 😒
- Comment on Better luck next time 3 months ago:
I really like the embroidery, but does the bacteriophage belong in this lineup?
- Comment on what can I use to cushion my knee when exercising with it on the floor so it doesn't hurt? 3 months ago:
I use a large folded microfiber towel as knee support in pilates. It’s not as spongy as a normal towel but soft and supportive enough for those exercises that put a lot of stress on my knees or tailbone.
- Comment on Clippy's coming for you 3 months ago:
I did the thing yesterday. It wasn’t my intention, and it was kind of incidental , but I’m so glad I did it in the end.
I can definitely recommend, just do the thing, you’ll thank yourself later. - Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 3 months ago:
I’m not a native English speaker, but I always thought an expression like “oh boy” was more self-reflective. Like you say it more to yourself than to whoever you’re talking to.
In which case, the other’s gender shouldn’t really matter?
In any case, I personally don’t feel insulted or misgendered if someone uses it in a conversation with me. - Comment on Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole 5 months ago:
and straight
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
A slipknot works great! It’s done in a second and easily undone as well.
- Comment on Anon goes to PE class 6 months ago:
I didn’t mind doing PE if it was gymnastics like bars and rings. I loved that, and I still feel like I benefit from it to this day. Having a sense of balance and knowing what your body can do is pretty nice. I hated the outdoor running though.
There was this small lake in our home town that the gym teacher often made the class run around during warm days. But a lot of us liked to cheat by hiding our bikes out of view. We’d run for the first five minutes and the moment he couldn’t see us, we’d pull our bikes out of the bushes and cycle for most of the way, hiding them again just before popping back into view.
It worked 9 out of 10 times and we only got a mild scolding when got caught that one time.
After that we only had one more run, me and a friend took our time, bought an ice cream along the way and ended up half an hour late :) - Comment on Look what I got to spend my birthday money on! 8 months ago:
Happy Birthday!
Sorry to hear about your birthday money, I hope you’ll still get to have nice day in spite of it! - Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
When I was a kid our family went on vacation to the US. Everyone kept asking if I was Dutch, which I thought was German (Deutsch).
So I kept correcting them, saying I was Netherlandisch :) - Comment on When does the future begin? 1 year ago:
Thank you for your answer! Nice to see something besides a literal interpretation of the question (Though to be fair, it was also the first thing that popped in my head :)
Anyway, I have to agree with you. A lot of things that seemed almost impossible or ridiculously far-fetched when I was little are now common place or close to becoming reality. And I’m not even that old! (forever in my early thirties *cough* *cough*) - Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It ends when it ends, try to enjoy it while it hasn’t ended yet. You might wish it hadn’t ended by the time it did end :)
(Assuming that the end is not a desired end but an inevitable end) - Comment on If you were to turn into food, what food will you turn into? 1 year ago:
Something extremely gross and disgusting. Please don’t turn me into food.
- Comment on looking forward to the comments 1 year ago:
I’m going to avoid all controversy and just make the g silent. It’s ‘if from now on.
If I say it fast enough, people will just assume I use their version.