- Comment on Winner's Luck 9 months ago:
Not if you plan to rape the corpse, which this person apparently did.
Well, sure, the other half of the joke is that the speaker is a literal psychopath, thus the Patrick Bateman. You don’t start reading a meme expecting it to be psychopathic.
Also, I’m not sure you could call that the “plan” considering there was a 50% chance the speaker would have been dead at the end of the game.
Sorry, that’s not an explanation, that’s a new joke.
I’m pretty sure it is. Feel free to explain why it isn’t, and I’ll respond to that,
And the way you “play” russian roulette is as a torture method with a prisoner. That’s where it comes from, and there is no established way to “play”
Where are you getting this from? I have found absolutely no evidence to support this, and lots of evidence to the contrary. By all accounts, you take turns holding the revolver up to your own head of your own free will.
If you think the players take turns shooting at each other, that seems to be a particular variant called Russian poker, and it’s depiction in media is relatively uncommon in my experience.
it treats the woman as a prop on so many levels
Yes, I don’t think anyone disagrees with you here. IMO, the rule of thumb is, “Would it be equally funny if the genders were swapped?”, and IMO, the answer is “yes” in this case, because the joke doesn’t rely on sexism.
The woman in this story has no agency whatsoever
Except for agreeing to play Russian roulette. Surely both parties were aware of the odds of their demise.
even when she’s offering sex in the setup it’s just a weird incel fantasy that would never happen.
And now we’ve arrived at the cringiest part of the meme. It’s a pretty lame setup that indeed relies on dialogue that would never happen IRL. I guess that’s why it’s a !lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world.
- Comment on Winner's Luck 9 months ago:
The core of the joke is that Russian roulette is a terrible game to play if you intend to do anything after it.
he killed her
That’s not how you play Russian roulette, btw
- Comment on Old comic, more relevant than ever 9 months ago:
I think people are hesitant to call ML “statistical modeling” because traditional statistical models approximate the underlying phenomena; e.g., a logarithmic regression would only be used to study logarithmic phenomena. ML models, by contrast, seldom resemble what they’re actually modeling.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like any web browsers 9 months ago:
I forgor. This is the post I was referring to. It’s well-researched and quite fascinating, actually.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like any web browsers 9 months ago:
The big one is task (thread) isolation. Let me dig up some sources and get back to you,
- Comment on Anon doesn't like any web browsers 9 months ago:
It’s also objectively less secure than Chromium, which is hard to admit.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
I do this shit all the time haha
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
I doubt that. Paper losses are not an indicator of profitability.
- Comment on How Much Would You Pay to Make Sure You Never Sawed Off a Finger? 11 months ago:
No, you’re not, but you are wrong if you think anyone is capable of using a tool correctly 100% of the time.
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 11 months ago:
They also underestimate how many times I’ve watched my favorite movie lol
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 11 months ago:
If you count it is as a 20$ a month movie ticket, you could pledge/buy a Hammerhead in around 2 years.
Jesus Christ lmao
Yeah man, I could enjoy a Blu-ray of my favorite movie for a comparable amount of time but that wouldn’t make me any less of a moron to buy a $400 Blu-ray.
- Comment on Me trying to insert a flash drive at night 11 months ago:
I stumbled upon a fully reversible USB A to Micro-B cable a couple weeks ago. Blew my mind.
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
Sure, as soon as you stop hating on e-bikes
- Comment on It's kinda wild that zombo.com still exists 11 months ago:
I clicked on this using Voyager for Lemmy, and won’t stop playing now that I’ve closed the browser window, lol
Really amped up writing this comment, though
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
E-bikes can replace cars in far more situations than regular bicycles can.
- Comment on Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes. 11 months ago:
I have a Class 3 (28mph), it’s actually not too bad. That assumes the brakes are well-maintained, though, and as we know there are no inspections for e-bikes. I’ve seen some terrifyingly bad brakes on normal bicycles, so I can’t imagine what some people’s e-bikes look like.
It should be mandatory for Class 2 and Class 3 e-bikes to have hydraulic disc brakes imo. I have mechanical disc brakes, and I have to tighten them at least once a month. It seems unwise to trust that the average person would do that. Rim brakes are right out; they have nowhere near enough braking power for the speed and weight of most e-bikes.
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
-Guy who has no interest in seeing cars largely replaced with bikes in cities
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
It’s relatively common for a car to merge into you where I live. If you’re adjacent to the front wheel it’s safer to accelerate the rest of the way than it is to brake.
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
Since you’re still free to accelerate by pedaling like a normal bike user, that significantly reduces the amount of situations where the pedal assist would actually save you.
Bro e-bikes are like 3-6x heavier than normal bikes, manual pedaling sucks and you can’t accelerate for shit
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Agreed, audits are beneficial in virtually every situation. I just think that, of all the well-formed arguments to be made against cryptocurrencies (especially PoW coins), the fact that it is software isn’t one of them. In my opinion, fueling distrust of software in general is ill-advised.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Just enter incorrect info and the ledger is wrong.
The concept behind cryptocurrency is that the ledger is the info, because you’re right, a half-assed blockchain ledger used for external (e.g. cash) transactions doesn’t really solve the root problem. Proof of work is fucking stupid though, and it has (rightfully) ruined the perception of blockchain technology among those who can see past their own crypto wallet.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
As a fellow programmer: what kind of doomer take is this? I don’t have any opinion on the efficacy of blockchain technology, but all of us put an immeasurable amount of trust in software every single day. And it’s not like current banking practices are different in this regard, either: blockchain tech requires faith in the software implementation, while contemporary banking requires faith in banks and the software they use (including a borderline unmaintainable COBOL stack, from what I’ve heard).
- Comment on TIL 1 year ago:
You can’t use one unfused half-bone in place of one full bone >:(
- Comment on Anon plays GTA V 1 year ago:
There are heists in the main story…
- Comment on This toilet paper at my work 1 year ago:
Just absolutely demolish the toilet every time you use it.
Make them suck out that half-a-ply-ass-TP with oil rig equipment.
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Nintendo Rumored To Show Next System At Gamescom 1 year ago:
I kinda doubt they wouldn’t, to be honest. Both the Wii and Wii U had one generation of backwards-compatibility. The Switch didn’t probably due to a combination of the form factor and the fact that nobody had Wii U games anyways. Also, the PS5 and Series X/S both have backwards-compatibility. There are issues with the classic console lifecycle, but this one has been solved for awhile now.