Why, a hexvex of course!
- Comment on Bon appetit. 2 days ago:
So this is what declaring war on Italy looks like.
Huh, neat.
- Comment on deez nuts 3 weeks ago:
Sounds like the dream to me - no more funding applications!
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 4 weeks ago:
Protect the children: “Hey kids, have you heard about raid shadow legends? Why not go borrow mum’s credit card because it’s free.”
Fun insider fact - the gambling industry learned things from that game.
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 4 weeks ago:
Hang on, isn’t the idea of theft a legal one (especially “theft” of this type), and don’t all governments recommend an ad blocker for safe browsing? So now, do you break governmental decree or corporate decree?
Wait a moment, UK digital misuse act: “Unauthorised Acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to impairing the operation of a computer”, notice that “recklessness” clause? Would serving ads that encourage PuP or straight up malware downloads be reckless? Damn right it would. Does blocking adblock fall under this - oh my yes (“don’t follow established safety regulations” is grounds for recklessness).
Sorry to say this, but the “it’s theft to skip ads” argument makes about as much sense as Epstein killing himself (he didn’t).
- Comment on fuckery 5 weeks ago:
We also need irrational fucks for the complex field don’t we?
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 1 month ago:
Lengths are usually reals, and in this case the diagram we can use assume that A is the origin wlog (badly drawn vectors without a direction)
Next we convert the vectors into lengths using the abs function (root of conjugate multiplication). This gives us lengths of 1 for both.
Finally, we can just use a Euclidean metric to get out other length √2.
Squaring isn’t multiplication by complex conjugate, that’s just mapping a vector to a scalar (the complex | x | function).
- Comment on ... 1 month ago:
I dunno about science, but truth is proof. That just infers that science is various forms of proof, and I’m ok with that as it lets our notion of proof evolve as we do ^_^
- Comment on 50% survival rate 2 months ago:
I was thinking more a binomial proportion test with the available data ;)
- Comment on 50% survival rate 2 months ago:
Assuming X~B(20,0.5), that gives us a p-value of…
Time to reject H0!
- Comment on Please stop 2 months ago:
I dunno, twitter was more a stardew valley running the Joja route; but then it turned into X which was more of a Concord - so much money pumped in and so little quality.
- Comment on Risky Buisness 2 months ago:
"My dear, monogamy is an entirely relative concept with no fixed frame of reference!’
- Comment on Yes No 2 months ago:
I need a pasta of this for when I get asked to man the open day stall on a weekend…
- Comment on The struggle 2 months ago:
I feel personally attacked by this!
- Comment on Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs 3 months ago:
That’s how much the 1993 Mario Brothers movie grossed worldwide. Really pause and think about that.
Let that sink in.
The mario brothers movie made $7,000,000 more than this, in 90s money. One of the greatest disappointments in movie history, which has a cult following for its level of fail, outperformed Borderlands.
That is the orbital nuke of fails.
- Comment on PhD Funding 3 months ago:
“Oh so that’s where my remaining mental health and self esteem are!”
- Comment on Is this a triangle? 3 months ago:
Spherical geometry - good times…
Yep, it’s a triangle. You can also make one with three right angles on a sphere!
- Comment on Caption this. 3 months ago:
“Humans engaging in tongue combat to determine fitness of mate. Note the closed eyes, scientists believe this is because of how bloody this ritual could become; humans closed their eyes to keep the blood out.”
- Comment on Trapped in a Cabin with Lord Byron - A One Page RPG 3 months ago:
I dunno about a fun game to play, but it’s a really neat way to explore Markov chains!
- Comment on Publishing Revenue 3 months ago:
And they wonder why…
- Comment on oreo plates 3 months ago:
Damn, just saw this after posting the same link XD
- Comment on oreo plates 3 months ago:
“Ok class, remember that after geology we’re going to be doing astronomy”
- Comment on Toot toot 3 months ago:
Well, next time I need to fart while lecturing I know what I’m doing…
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 4 months ago:
Yes and no; I’ve met some people who were great to date but hell to live with.
A good relationship starts with both people knowing what they want - and continual contact helps determine if the other person is being honest about what they want. Post 35/30, this process is often a lot faster, and dating skill matters less than ability not to annoy the person you’re suddenly around 24/7.
If it matches from the start, or a compromise grows, you’re in for a winner. Otherwise, back to the sea of the undead you go, no matter how good your dating skill!
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 4 months ago:
Intention and reality are two different things - although I can’t say I ever managed casual dating for 2 years! Usually most folks are in a relationship after 1.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 4 months ago:
I think it goes further than that - post 35 (post 30 really) there is a lot more pressure to shift from casual dating to a relationship at a faster pace.
Life experience talking here too, it isn’t just “being upfront”, it’s also being willing to move at a faster pace.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 4 months ago:
The real secret to dating after 35 - don’t.
Folks are not looking to “date”: they’re after long term commitment OR quick hook ups. The middle ground really vanishes when you get older!
- Comment on Lectures 4 months ago:
Heh, I did this once - mostly because 10+ PowerPoint animations really chug the university issue laptops, and I was presenting somewhere new (software is not your friend).
It was really 15 slides with about 20 animation steps on each - the students didn’t seem to hate seeing a set of fully worked maths problems with colour coding linking parts of the question to the resultant equation.
- Comment on SOS 4 months ago:
He’s looking up, and seeing the giant rain of sheep labelled “teaching load” and “marking AI generated essays” incoming.
- Comment on LaTeX Master Race 4 months ago:
Question sheets in Word - “Hello, and welcome to indent roulette”
Question sheets in LaTeX - “\item{} goes brr”
- Comment on Conjuring the Sun 4 months ago:
That’s the hottest orb pondering I’ve ever seen!